Keychain of Creation

My nine year old daugher was reading over my shoulder as I was checking out the latest issue and asked if she could read it, too.  I backed up to page one and let her go at it.  All the way thru it, I could hear her giggling.

One of her favorite parts was where Secret yelled at Marina about her underware and got pushed off the wall.

You have one more devoted fan.  I have successfully infected my spawn with the gaming virus.
As I was putting her to bed, she looked up at me and said in a sleepy voice, "Daddy, I wish I had a fox tail like the Lunar girl.  She's pretty."
Well, I'm 15. As far as I know, I'm the youngest user of the forum, aren't I? Everyone else seems to work for a long time, many have children... Wordman, Flagg and Jakk probably are old enough to be my parents. Wordman plays RPG for much longer than I exist.
I could be your father, just barely, and I have been playing RPGs for most of your life, but please don't lump me with old farts like Jakk. That's just unfair.
:: Snorts and blinks blearily ::

Wha'? Huh? Someone say "old parts?" A'COURSE I got old parts. Look at my sig.





:: Drifts back asleep, mumbling incoherently ::
Arthur said:
Wordman, Flagg and Jakk probably are old enough to be my parents.
Word of advice when dealing with ppl significantly older than you. Don't say thing like that. :wink: You made me feel old and I'm not but 25.
Arthur said:
Wordman plays RPG for much longer than I exist.
Wordman's really a collective consciousness of the internet, so don't worry about him. :wink:
ha, when I was your age and turning 16 I made one of my friends feel rilly old, turns out he was 32 and knowing someone half his age made him feel fairly old.
I'm taking a Freshman language course right now, so most of the other students are roughly 18-19. Professor made a comment, I commented back, making a reference to a show, we both laughed. Then the girl sitting beside me said "What are you talking about" We told her, response was "Oh, that was on when I was in the 1st grade." I felt old..... :cry:
Wordman plays RPG for much longer than I exist.
I had that feeling twice... I know exactly what you mean.

The first time was when I was 12 and I asked my grandmother how old was her parrot ... and the damn bird was three times my age ! (poor thing died last year)

The second time was when I was 22, and my father let me borrow his bike... told me when he bought it... the bike had twice my age !

Now I'm turning 26, almost 14 years of rpg and as long as I can feel some things/beings are much more older than I am... I'll never feel old  :lol:

Well maybe when I turn 50 and my 2 kids are bugging me for money to get drunk... then I'll feel it :lol:
Lessee, I picked up my first D&D set in 1979...Gamma World and Traveller in 1981...Star Frontiers in 1982 and Palladium in 1983.

I'm not old. I'm timeless...
5 years after jakk started playing palladium I was born, and approximately 13-15 years after that I found a copy while of a school trip to germany, and an obsession was born.

heh heh, great woolly dragon
Perhaps Jakk is a godblooded... with that essence awareness from the nerd god of RPGs...
Smeggedoff said:
5 years after jakk started playing palladium I was born, and approximately 13-15 years after that I found a copy while of a school trip to germany, and an obsession was born.
heh heh, great woolly dragon
Sad to think I've got RPG books older than a couple of you put together...
Jakk is older than me by how many years?!? :shock:

I guess I'm not an old fogey after all... huzzah!   :D
I'm 19.  So, I probably am in the middle.

But hey!  I get a lot of old jokes, but that's because I am weird.
Why do kids always think they're weird if they have even the remotest insight or appreciation of something more than 5 years old?

BTW this isn't really directed at AstraKiseki, her comment just made me think of this.
5 years old?  I was thinking more of ten years, involving gaming, and other trivia.

And don't get me started on history and the things I learned outside of the normal history books.

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