Keychain of Creation

Jukashi said:
Not on her arms and legs, no; she is, though, supposed to have an repeating swirl-and-diamond theme (if you look closely, you can see she has the diamond shape with a spiral on either side repeated on her chest, stomach and tail). You could probably add some more detailing on her torso as well, if you felt like it. But you can do whatever you like, really - one of the advantages of having stick figure characters is the vast variety of ways that people interpret them in their own minds. :D

As to high heels... well, logically no sane woman (or man) would incorporate into their "outdoors" gear a set of high heels, but again, do what you like. :wink: That fuzzy pic looks promising.
I figued any tattooes would be spirally, but I forgot about Diamonds, I'll have a tinker around, and as for the boots supposed to be outdoor gear, well lets just say the bikini thing threw me off, but cool.
Should I note that clothing choice will be a non-issue for Marena in the piece I'm working on at the moment? :D The only question is how to position the tail... To cover, or not to cover.

Interesting, and somewhat bizzare, fact: A few folks in a unrelated IRC channel were debating which female webcomic character they thought was most attractive. At the time the two contenders were Dora and Faye from Questionable Content, but no one could agree which. Then someone suggested Secret. For some bizzare reason, everyone agreed. Which is strange, since the people in question have to be the most argumentative set of megalomaniacs I've ever encountered.
As we are talking about fan art, I've never understood your avatar, Tome. It is a reference to Harry Potter? Are those Cannabis leafs in the background?
Any chance of us getting more of the one-offs Jukashi? I really enjoyed them, especially the two with Misho and Marena.
It's simple enough, Tome. It's mainly because of the lack of detail. They're stick figures, and so, the vast majority of the detail comes from the reader's own imagination. Thus, not only are they free to imagine someone as perfect (or imperfect) as they like, that appearance - beyond the very broad details presented in the comic - is up to the user's own preference. Depending on how you look at her, you could imagine Secret with long hair, with merely shoulder-length hair, with a round face, with a delicate face, with a slim body, with an athletic body, and of any age from early teens on up to adulthood.

And, of course, out of all my characters (as presented thus far), she's the most approachable; she's Exalted, of course, but she has some flaws - a little snark, a little temper, a few self-confidence issues, and of course she's the shortest - that make her more human.

Now I shall enrapturate at the thought of people discussing my comic in such a manner. Ahhh.

I shall perhaps create more one-offs if I ever get out of the buffer's current black-hole-like status.
Arthur said:
As we are talking about fan art, I've never understood your avatar, Tome. It is a reference to Harry Potter? Are those Cannabis leafs in the background?
No goddamnit, it is not to do with Harry &*%$ing Potter. It's my character in an Exalted game, a No Moon called Unyielding Laughter. The leaves are just a generic stock backgroun that came with Gimp, my image editing program.
Ok, sorry. But you have to agree, the human figure is a little harrypotterish. For a non-exalted player, one could probably mistake the caste mark for a stylized scar.
In the book about the West, the Silver Prince is said to be dressed.. not quite like a pirate. Long robes, something about a silvery halo, long spikes? Something like that ..

The pimp/pirate look does not look like the messiah reborn unto Skullstone to deliver them from their worries. After all, this guy was reborn in a giant bonfire, rising out of the flames as a majestic presence in black and silver! :)

But maybe that's just my opinion, hehe..
Tome said:
Flagg said:
Also, that "generic stock background" is cannabis.
F*&k. Guess I'll be changing that.
Ha, my ST did this, designed a set of Sai for his NPC that had five tines in a leaf design, then I pointed out that it looked like a cannabis leaf

much amusement ws had by all
Gentlemen and other ladies who watch this crazy comic!

(yeah, yeah, I'm working on it, and any ideas of where to find a top like hers)

That is why Eidetic Memory sucks if you have a Compassion of 5.  The only character of mine that did had a compassion 1, and Past Lives at a 5.

Waiiiiit.  Let me guess, Misho ended up ending in his hugbox for like a week after Exalting, didn't he?   :P   "OH GOD THE MEMORIES!  D:"

feel honoured Jukashi, this rushed and frankly crappy looking drawing in front of you is the first thing I've ever drawn on my new Tablet

but feel relived, as it's only a place holder until I get paid and can get mah scan on
I thought I'd try some more physical comedy, see how well I can do it. Not very well, apprantly. :/
It does take just a moment to work out what happened. The exchange between Marena and Secret is great though!
Maybe had the scene showed them actually doing the trampling? I thought the black stuff was residue from something off screen shooting at them, or perhaps from inside the room. It never crossed my mind that they may have stampeded.
I'm guessing Secret doesn't have many dots in Lore... or maybe it's Craft: Magitech?

Also, happy belated birthday Jukashi.

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