Keychain of Creation

Loved the latest comic (21). Secret's line at the end reminds me of a small child playing in another room. You hear a big crash followed by a weak "I'm okay..."
I made Fanart!

It was a toss up between Ten Winds and Secret. Inevitably, Secret won.

This of course means that I'll be drawing Ten Winds next.

Also, hi, I'm Tome. I draw things and tell stories.
I have a Ten Winds fan comic half done, just haven't gotten off my ass to finish it. Also need to get some GS finished. :)
Jack said:
Should secret be gaining resonance for all this fanart people are drawing?

I just got the urge to draw another piece of fanart. :twisted:

EDIT Oh, and here's a clip of the Ten Winds piece I'm working on. Link.
I kind of like the Gaia advertisment for recycling... which was how souls of the dead worked... originally, until some big ass Primordials died and there was nothing around to recycle them. ^_^
I thought the Autocthonians were already pretty big on recycling?

Also, the line "with friends like these, who needs enemies" seems to apply to Secret's bow, though I can't figure out in which sense it should apply.
Well, that's... evil. Is it just me, or is that the sailor moon theme song you have playing? Or am I thinking of something else.
Tome said:
Well, that's... evil. Is it just me, or is that the sailor moon theme song you have playing? Or am I thinking of something else.
It's not Sailor Moon, no. Look it up. :D
Jukashi said:
Tome said:
Well, that's... evil. Is it just me, or is that the sailor moon theme song you have playing? Or am I thinking of something else.
It's not Sailor Moon, no. Look it up. :D
Ooooh, It's Evangelion.

Strangely suitable I suppose.
You love it, and we all know it.

New movies underway, I'm eager to see how they turn out.. :)
Speaking more on topic of Webcomics, anyone else enjoy "High Noon In Hell" while it survived?

More importantly, any odds that someone has archives of the 8 or so episodes of HNIH? The site is long down and google images fails me.
The mysterious shadowy figure of darkness!!! with white mouths!!!  :shock:

Oh ones!!! Alucard (You know who he is) and Pride (FMA manga) have BOTH ended up in Creation and fused into one!!!!

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