Keychain of Creation

if someone really wants to know how Secret's weapon works or something' date=' they can always try to reverse engineer it.[/quote']
Actually, if the 2e submission system was working, I'd write it up properly myself. >.>
Jukashi said:
I'm not talking about something on the scale of, say, making a new primordial who escaped, shipping the action over to them and having the entire rest of the story play out in a different world with different rules. Dat's be silly.
I'm talking about stuff like the fallen Manse, or Secret's weapon. That Manse doesn't appear in any of the books, and soulsteel doesn't normally have shapeshifting qualities like that. Stuff that I can justify within the setting, and which is typical of the setting, but which isn't in any of the books. Y'know?
... that's not really outside the setting. Creating new locations, new ways to use pre-existing magical materials, is fine (shape-shifting soulsteel weapon? Fine, just mix in some moonsilver. Multi-magical materials artifacts are not without precedent. Just state that soulsteel is dominant). I was thinking you'd go along the lines of say, I dunno, some sort of Dragon King offshoot I seem to remember from Lore5 :) . That'd be a bit out there.
I like how the frames are laid out in #18. It gives it a nice sense of dynamism.

I also can't wait to see Secret kick some ass. :D
Secret's powerbow looks awefully sweet.

I honestly thought she was creating a weapon out of essence. ^_^ ;

Also shapeshifting soul-steel weapon isn't that out of hand
Something about the automaton guardian bothered me (or rather, triggered some sort of visceral recognition). I just couldn't figure out what... but now it hit me! It's the style in which it is drawn. It reminds me of Southpark, rather than Order of the Stick.
Wheee, forum!! :D

As to the guardian, Solfi, it's hard to make a stick-figure robot. Or, at least, to make a stick-figure robot that looks imposing. So it's more of a shape-figure. The non-black outline probably has something to do with it as well. to be honest, no resemblance to South Park entered my mind at any point. 0.o
Jukashi said:
Wheee, forum!! :D
As to the guardian, Solfi, it's hard to make a stick-figure robot. Or, at least, to make a stick-figure robot that looks imposing. So it's more of a shape-figure. The non-black outline probably has something to do with it as well. to be honest, no resemblance to South Park entered my mind at any point. 0.o
... That wasn't really meant as criticism :) . I just had the nagging feeling that the style reminded me of something.
Maybe the Fae should be drawn South Park-style. Just to note that they are something from beyond reality.
Maybe the Fae should be drawn South Park-style. Just to note that they are something from beyond reality.
Or photorealistically. Either would be just cool.

(Sweet, notice this got its own board.)
That's quite hard to draw with vector' date=' though.[/quote']
Trace bitmap? Actually, it would be hard, but it was just another example. I could easily see the fey being cutouts from newspapers and magazines or something else just as silly. Or, keep it with theme (I'm doing that with Glorious Saber) and just give them a different "style"
... btw, Jukashi, you might want to put a little news blurb on the KoC-page that mentions that the site will be down for the move...
I think your news update overstates the case. Unless something goes horribly awry, it should be back up and running early tomorrow AM.
Cliv-nar-ee-huh. No mythological significance; I actually just got the name from the Irish language, to mix things up a bit. The original words are "Claíomh nathair oíche". If you want to know what that sounds like, it'd be something similar to "cleave nahar eehuh". Scrunched up, of course, to make it more workable in the comic and obscure the origin.

It's difficult to translate exactly. The most literal english equivalent is "Sword of the snake of the night". Whether this means it's the sword of the night's snake, or the snake's sword of the night, I leave up to you. In any case, it sounds cooler in Irish.

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