Keychain of Creation

I like it.  My request is a few more of the one scene extras you've posted.  Misho's and Marina's first meeting is one for the books.  And in Marina's defense, when a lady has a nice rear end, it draws attention even without a fox tail sticking out.
Jukashi said:
I wanted Misho to be doing something thaumaturgy-ish, as a visual indication that he was checking the effect of the Manse's corrupted geomancy.
Gotcha. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing a specific reference to something else :P
While the corrupted Essence flows screw with their respiration, shouldn't they still be able to get essence from Hearthstones, since they're providing essence from way outside the area?

(Since they are clearly not starting characters I'm guessing they're all going to have at least one hearthstone)
(Since they are clearly not starting characters I'm guessing they're all going to have at least one hearthstone)
I don't know why you'd assume that. That means they each have control of a manse. The only manse I've heard mentioned so far is kind of busted.
Manses are useful things and any Exalt is going to want to acquire one at some point.
In my view, there aren't a terrible lot of empty manses around, so in order for an Exalt to get one they'll either need to build it, buy it, or evict its occupant. Once acquired, they will need to ensure that someone else doesn't steal it out from under them. I don't see any of this as trivial.

I could easily see it being not worth the trouble for many Exalts.
... actually, in my Exalted-verse, I'm with Flagg. However, I've gotten the impression that official amount of Demesnes in Creation is ridiculously high.

On the Blessed Isle, pretty much everything is capped, claimed and accounted for. In the Threshold / the West, not so much.
Why was it secrets fault anyway?.. looks like it's the smartass lunar who's the one flaring her banner that's going to cause the problem.
because she's leaning towards the Silver Prince'ss' for a former boss and not the eternal Lover.  :twisted:
Obviously its Secret's fault because of Murphy's Law. "I want more of a challenge."...enter giant fucking robot.
Obviously its Secret's fault because of Murphy's Law. "I want more of a challenge."...enter giant fucking robot.
Yup. That's Secret's fault, alright.

One point of semi-bad news. When I go to Extras and then click the Fan Art and Gallery pages, the links at the tops of those two pages only don't work. Still using the same Browser (IE 6 - I know, I know - I need to update). It's not that big a deal because the old Back key works in this situation, but I thought I'd let the powers that be know.....
Those two pages are contained within their own sub-folder... they might have been missed by the fix. It shouldn't be too much trouble to pass it on, though.   Is that right, Flagg?
Question: Is it ok for me to make up stuff that's not in the regular Exalted setting and use it in the comic? Not just stuff like artifacts, but concepts, such as new ways of using Magical Materials, or alterations to existing locations or characters?
I wouldn't see why not. I mean, I apparently have a house rule on iconic banners that no one else seems to use but I'm not giving it up. (The image of the banner is visible for 10 miles/Essence on a normal day, up to 100 miles/Essence on a clear day, essence 6+ have iconics that spread out over the sky for about 1 mile in all directions).

That and my original imperial city was actually in the middle of a lake, in the center of the world... and was the air pole. :) So, in my opinion, just let people know the minor things ahead of time (i.e. not for the reveal of a plot twist).

Besides, from what I get, basically each of the WW freelancers gets creative control over their part of the rules, which is where a lot of these character, locations, and like come from.
Jukashi said:
Question: Is it ok for me to make up stuff that's not in the regular Exalted setting and use it in the comic? Not just stuff like artifacts, but concepts, such as new ways of using Magical Materials, or alterations to existing locations or characters?
No. I still haven't forgiven you for cutting out Tom Bombadil.
Jukashi said:
Question: Is it ok for me to make up stuff that's not in the regular Exalted setting and use it in the comic? Not just stuff like artifacts, but concepts, such as new ways of using Magical Materials, or alterations to existing locations or characters?
Not a good idea if you actually want to cater to the Exalted and/or rpg:er crowd. You'll be removing some of that sense of recognition and belonging that's oh, so very important to any online comic.

...It would make the comic more an act of masturbation than entertainment.
I agree with Solfi. You'd want to stick to concepts that every Exalted player recognizes and not really tread into areas where everyone will have different opinions of it and none will recognize it. You lose double up through a single stroke..
I'm not talking about something on the scale of, say, making a new primordial who escaped, shipping the action over to them and having the entire rest of the story play out in a different world with different rules. Dat's be silly.

I'm talking about stuff like the fallen Manse, or Secret's weapon. That Manse doesn't appear in any of the books, and soulsteel doesn't normally have shapeshifting qualities like that. Stuff that I can justify within the setting, and which is typical of the setting, but which isn't in any of the books. Y'know?
I don't know. If done in the right way, you may be able to get away with it. One thing I think you would have to do is explain what the new concept is, clearly, so everyone got it. But you may be able to do this within the context of the strip that would make it amusing. Something like Misho going into lecture mode or something like that, to explain something that's non-canon. That, in and of itself, could be very amusing. But you could only do this a couple of times before it got old, I think. If you can think of amusing ways to introduce and explain the new concepts - and incorporate that into the humor - I think you could do it.
I agree, just let people know its slightly not canon in some amusing way. And I can't wait to see it. :) Besides, it comes down to, the ST is always right and the setting is only a guideline anyways.
I say just do it. Part of the charm of Exalted is that not only are you expected to make up new stuff for your campaigns, you're encouraged to. There are rules in place for crafting artifacts and manses, if someone really wants to know how Secret's weapon works or something, they can always try to reverse engineer it.

You're telling a funny story in the context of Exalted. The setting is your guide, not your straight jacket.

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