Keychain of Creation 156-160


Elder Member
Actually, Jukashi, the clothes transform with the Lunar whenever they go into another shape, even DBT. She should have had her clothes upon transforming into human form unless she had intentionally removed them before shapeshifting.

It's a goddamn hilarious comic anyway. I wouldn't have noticed that she was naked unless you had pointed it out in the comments. The comic's fine, your comments are wrong :P
I looked it up and, yeah, you're right. Oh well. We'll just say it's Marena's special dispensation. ;P
The guilty conscience eating at her soul is trying to punish her by giving her non-mechanical discomfort. Makes sense.
Interesting question: if a Lunar wants to shred their clothes when they transform, can they do it?

I could see it being part of an intimidation stunt.
Considering how resourceful and wallet-conscious Lunars and their patron goddess are, I doubt such a feat would be possible for a Lunar. I mean, jeez, if all Lunars ripped their clothes off when they went DBT, so much textiles would have been wasted and they would have to make those clothes again and then the pollution would KILL CREATION!

Maybe Marena panicked due to being set on fire and forgot to recall her clothes back from Elsewhere. Or the fire ate it or something.
Flimsy rationalization time!

1. When you transform, your gear transforms with you and melds with your new form. Thus, clothes became fur, and fur burned.

2. Nonmagical clothes sometimes get destroyed during transformations, requiring the Lunar to fashion or purchase new clothes. This is due to a seventy-year plot by a First-Age Solar prankster looking to embarrass his mate (and, incidentally, reinforce the Order-Conferring Trade Pattern by making Lunars buy new clothes wherever it would most benefit the overall stability of Creation).

3. sudden transition from excessive heat to icy snow made the clothes...shatter...?

4. This is part of some scheme on Marena's part to bring those wiles of hers to bear.
Poor Marena...she needs to bump up her Stamina, I'd say!

I have to admit, I'm rather suspicious as to why Secret is so self-satisfied at tricking Marena into becoming naked... :lol:
1. When you transform, your gear transforms with you and melds with your new form. Thus, clothes became fur, and fur burned.

2. Nonmagical clothes sometimes get destroyed during transformations, requiring the Lunar to fashion or purchase new clothes. This is due to a seventy-year plot by a First-Age Solar prankster looking to embarrass his mate (and, incidentally, reinforce the Order-Conferring Trade Pattern by making Lunars buy new clothes wherever it would most benefit the overall stability of Creation).
I like both. :)

Or maybe it's because she was trying to seduce that bot before go DBT... :mrgreen:
Hm. It looks like everybody's favorite shapeshifting soulsteel weapon is back, if I read Secret's belt properly. Secret and her new friend must have stopped back at the wagon to pick her up.
In #142, I think her clothes are in a pile next to her feet (mostly obscured) after she transforms. So I guess she just took them off. I'm not sure why . . .
Marena wears no clothes. They are just essence and part of a Disguise charm she developed for use around people that can see her true form. She released the mote commitment earlier when she went DBT.

Also, she could have a Nudity flaw. It's a compulsion type mental flaw that gives 2 points and can only be bought off when your Temperance reaches 3. :roll:
Would everyone who predicted that the redhead was Marena's sister please come up to take their award?

*takes award*

Thank you. I am awesome.
Impossible. I thought she was a Deathlord agent dispatched by the Bishop to retrieve Cluivnarihe to finish his ritual to summon the Antediluvians into the Exalted continuity. This progression of events makes no sense.
"Toy with another person's feelings", huh?

I wonder when Secret is going to realize that she could ask Marena to put on that hunky guy-form anytime she wants...or alternately, how Marena will react if/when she finds out that it was specifically Secret who found her sister and brought her there.

Also, "curious-sphinx" is just a great expression.
Brickwall said:
Would everyone who predicted that the redhead was Marena's sister please come up to take their award?
*takes award*
*takes award* :mrgreen:

Also, "curious-sphinx" is just a great expression.
Absolutely. Jukashi is an artist, he communicates so much drawing just a bit of stylized stuff...

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