Keychain of Creation 156-160

And thus the Haku gains more quintessence from worship... indirect as it may be. ^_^
Brickwall said:
Secret's belt is Cluivnarihe. Clearly, in the ample amount of time Secret took to get there and investigate, she went back to get her. Pay attention.
Aha. Because I have other things to do with my life than minutely examine a cartoon character in every panel to try and see if her outfit has changed...shame on me for not wanting to examine in detail exactly what Secret is wearing in each comic. I need to make sure to take the time to look closely at everyone's clothes more often from here on out. My obtuseness apparently knows no bounds...

However, point is taken. Apparently she did get the sword at some point. My bad.
Cluivnarihe is a character, not a minute detail.

Paying attention to what people are wearing is considered a basic social skill. I'm sorry you find it so difficult, but don't attempt to degrade people who possess what are considered GOOD attributes. It's just silly.
Brickwall said:
Cluivnarihe is a character, not a minute detail.
Paying attention to what people are wearing is considered a basic social skill.
Yes. Because Secret is a person, and now she is offended. How silly of her not noticing it! She should be punished by people like you, who have unending attention spans and an obsessive will of noticing each minor aspect of every strip of the Keychain. The fact that Dracogryff is a grown woman (and also a mother, a wife and a worker) who probably doesn't have enough time to carefully examine each aspect of the comic means nothing. And it is impossible that she might not be totally interested in these matters: there is no such a thing as casual reading.

Why don't we burn her and scatter her ashes to appease Secret?
Well Clementine, didn't you get the memo? cartoon characters are now for all purposes considered to have human rights, so damn right Secret is offended!

Perhaps you can try and marry her now, Brickwall.
Ladies, gentlemen, please! There are enough panties for everyone!

I do like it when people pay attention to the visual details (I did go to the trouble of putting them in, after all), but I don't really expect much of it. The simple art style means that the comic can be read without scrutinizing each panel; the eye picks up the disposition of the characters at the same time that it's reading the text. It's only natural for people to not expect much detail in such a design, and to skim over it to get to the larger actions and dialogue, which are more interesting.
This is true, and I admire the details to a degree...I just don't tend to notice clothing changes as much unless they're drastic. I like Secret's new hairstyle, for example.

I just was a little annoyed to be told to pay attention to whether or not a character is wearing a belt. *sighs* I enjoy the comic, but not to a degreee where I'm going to be examining someone who's wearing black to find out if she's wearing a black belt over her black skirt. Heck...I'd miss a detail like that in real life.

Attention to detail is one thing...just don't forget that some people like to see that the trees make up a forest, too, without having to worry if the trees are douglas fir or black pine.
... and some people apparently have so little going for them that they obsess over fictional characters as if they were actually meaningful (no offense to Jukashi), and act like self-important jerks about it on online forums.
<.< >.>


This is about as close as we ever get to an actual Flame War!

*pulling out the Adamant, Orichalcum and Moonsilver throne...*ahem* lawn chair, spits and marshmallows*
Flagg said:
... and some people apparently have so little going for them that they obsess over fictional characters as if they were actually meaningful (no offense to Jukashi), and act like self-important jerks about it on online forums.
Eh, obsession is a hobby for me. I'd have joined in, but everyone else got to the snappy comebacks before I did.
I'm just laughing at the lot of you. The guy obsessing over Secret isn't nearly as funny as everyone else taking an equal amount of time to rant about something even less meaningful. It's like trying to defend your nerddom. "Yes I'm a geek, but look at that guy! He's worse! Ergo I am socially acceptable by lack of association!"
I'm just laughing at the lot of you. The guy obsessing over Secret isn't nearly as funny as everyone else taking an equal amount of time to rant about something even less meaningful. It's like trying to defend your nerddom. "Yes I'm a geek' date=' but look at that guy! He's worse! Ergo I am socially acceptable by lack of association!"[/quote']
Oh, you just don't get it.
Flagg said:
... and some people apparently have so little going for them that they obsess over fictional characters as if they were actually meaningful (no offense to Jukashi), and act like self-important jerks about it on online forums.
...well, there are certain fictional characters I would give that honor (the 1/0 cast comes to mind).

Also, Lord Kamina - your avatar is just plain adorable!
Not to derail the ongoing train of flaming sarcasm, but have I said how much I dig this comic?

It's neat! I like it. Makes me want to write a/or draw a webcomic of my own.
*pops into existence*

I'd have to say, I've been giving more thought to writing one myself of late. Maybe trying to draw. What horrors I may unleash with that notwithstanding.

*looks at the rest of the thread* Q o_O
Flamethrowers have not been in the U.S. arsenal since 1978, when the Department of Defense unilaterally stopped using them. They have been deemed of questionable effectiveness in today's combat and use of flame weapons is always a public relations issue due to the horrific death they inflict. They are not banned in any international treaty the U.S. has signed. Thus, the US decision to remove flamethrowers from its arsenal is entirely voluntary.

Just wanted to throw that tidbit out there.
*pops into existence*
I'd have to say, I've been giving more thought to writing one myself of late. Maybe trying to draw. What horrors I may unleash with that notwithstanding.

*looks at the rest of the thread* Q o_O
I'd read it. As long as you have a good artist.
Bad art, no donut.
*Is late to the discussion*
Lets see:





Am I missing anything?
Not that I can see. Seems Jukashi has managed to hit all the big name fetishes in one go.
Very Happy with Nova's True form.. though.. I think her next form is going to be .. well.. a bit divided on the issues at hand? ::maniacal laughter::
I'm afraid to ask: When did those become "Big name/mainstream"?
*stifles a dozen jokes involving people's mothers*

About the time that streaming video became practical on the web. I can think of a couple more major ones but we don't really need to go down that road any further. It leads to a bad part of town.

I will however point out one that has already been introduced in the comic by the fact that Lunar Exalted exist. Furries.

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