Keychain of Creation 156-160

"Lolicon" refers explicitly to prepubescant girls. Secret is young-looking, but not that young-looking.
Jukashi said:
"Lolicon" refers explicitly to prepubescant girls. Secret is young-looking, but not that young-looking.
Being in a webcomic makes her look years younger.
Kyeudo said:
Jukashi said:
"Lolicon" refers explicitly to prepubescant girls. Secret is young-looking, but not that young-looking.
Being in a webcomic makes her look years younger.
On the plus side of that, it does wonders for Ten Winds!
Ahem: Dodge charms.

Oh crap, have to get the new comic in before midnight.

He can just dodge the schedule and get back to it when he's good and ready.

And, with second edition rules, he can passively dodge the sound waves and photons, so they never hit him, thus rendering the clock ineffective.
Sorry, my internet stopped working soon after I put up the placeholder. The comic's up now.
Another winner of an expression in panel 2 this that supposed to be a 'hairball' sound effect, by the by?

Also: fold-out daiklave? Nice touch.
Three things:

1: Fanart update didn't go through.

2: Fold-out Daiklaive? Nice.

3: RAGARA Karen?!

They're Realm Nobility. Holy shit - they are Realm Freaking Nobility.

I do wonder why they look like they should be native to Chiaroscuro and not the Isle, but nobody else is going to use that name unless they're from someplace that's never heard of the Realm.

Jukashi: Get out of my head! >_< That's so freaking close to Ragara Corei, one of my first and still favorite characters.
As a keeper of cats, I remind you that we should all be glad the daiklaive came out THAT end :P

Nova may be powerful, but she has been using up a lot of power recently. Karen's fresh, probably at least Essence 4, and possesses a daiklaive of enough power to have its own locator crystal.

Let's rumble.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Three things:
1: Fanart update didn't go through.

2: Fold-out Daiklaive? Nice.

3: RAGARA Karen?!

They're Realm Nobility. Holy shit - they are Realm Freaking Nobility.
10 bucks for a parent (mother or father it's the same for Houses) belonging to House Cynis! :mrgreen:

Actually "Marena" is a good high realm name, "Karen"... not so much. But things like this happen quite frequently.

I like the twist. It's a huge plot hook. And explain this (we were distract by Ten's thought, that makes seem Marena's concern Nova or anyway dwarfs it) and also why a lunar bet ten freaking obols (or five), a very terrestrial thing.
I'd like to jump onto the "Holy Shit! RAGARA!?" bandwagon.

While I'm at it it I am also very happy that the daiklave gets BIGGER, she's a dawn caste, and Secret's weapon was spit out. Such a tidy little bundle today's comic is!

A name like Karen keeps me on edge because I'm expecting there to be some mention of it in character later. I'm not going to complain too much though, most settings will have alien names but include a couple of "normal" ones to make them shine more. Like Luke in Star Wars.


That pannel had me laughing aloud for minutes. The expressions on Nova in Pannels 2 and 3 are amazing.
Ragara...Ragara! RAGARA!

You mean that of all things, Merena's parents were...


(Oh, and dragon-blooded)
sledge2071 said:
Ragara...Ragara! RAGARA!
You mean that of all things, Merena's parents were...


(Oh, and dragon-blooded)
If she had said "Cynis", it would've been really stirring the crap.

It's actually one of my favorite things to use for a Solar - child, expected to be a Terrestrial, far overshoots the mark.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
It's actually one of my favorite things to use for a Solar - child, expected to be a Terrestrial, far overshoots the mark.
I thought that a couple years ago. Before everyone and their grandma was doing it. Then it just got tiring.
Our party has one solar from a Dynast family. Unfortunately when we were creeping about the Blessed Isle we swung by her home town so she could contact her mentor and try and explain her side of things the player choked. The event was such a tense and meaningful step in her character's coming to terms with the change from Wyld Hunt mook to "Anathema" she couldn't figure out what to say.

The ST hand waved it, saying that she could write up the interaction later if it was the big of a deal, and we moved on. Months later we still don't know what happened at that meeting. :(
Wow. You must be really hardcore, huh?
I'm sure you're proud of yourself.
Player hater. Why can't you accept just how cool and avant-garde Brickwall is?

To Brickwall: u = hardkor.
The hairball was slightly amusing, but the whole giant robot thing must be more an annoyance than I thought because I really don't see much worth commenting on. It's not's just not good.

Weird how likes and dislikes are as such.
Odd random thought: Wouldn't it be interesting here is if Secret suddenly revealed that she knows Laughing Wound Style? What do you get when you use Ravishing the Unworthy Heart on a giant orihalcum robot sphinx from the inside?

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