Keychain of Creation 156-160

Nothing can be responded to that that won't sound offensive to somebody, so might as well go for broke.

If we stopped for every good man that died tragically and altered the course of history we wouldn't get any more good men to die tragically and alter the course of the future because they'd be too good to ignore the obligation to stop and remember every good man that died tragically and altered the course of history so I say forget the whole stopping and remembering bit and get on with the sexy violence.


I think my train of thought went off the rails somewhere around the word "if." Can I have my comic now? :P
That's a very deep philosophical conundrum. Allow me to counter it with something equally profound.

I get out of classes on MLK day.

Consider that a rhetorical raspberry, and chill until Friday.
I haven't taken the day off; the comic is done. I just missed the update deadline because the clock changed an hour back on the server. Or at least, that's my current theory. I need to wait for Flagg to make the script run again for me.

So you all pay him some extra respect for cleaning up my messes, ok?
To: Flagg

To be delivered upon: Update of KoC strip for Monday, Jan 19, 2009


Mad Respect (x1)

Accolades (x1)

More Respect (x401)
:mrgreen: Make Cluivnarihe do all that crazy shit you wrote she can do, come on! It would be even more awesome! :D
I swear to you the comic didn't seem this fetishy when I was writing it. I SWEAR.
Goth loli gets tied up with electric wires and swallowed by giant robot catgirl who uses creepy innuendo and is probably about to do things of a rather intrusive nature to said gothloli while two near-identical women of varying degrees of clothing huggle offscreen.

What's the rating on this comic again? :?
Eating an Abyssal doesn't seem like the smartest thing to do. I mean, all that dead Essence can't do anything good for the digestive system.
Jukashi said:
Haku said:
That it was an unanticipated attack! ^_^
Also... I gues Nova is into vore... ^_-
You brought this upon us, Jukashi.

Of course, it occurs to me that a combat-specced Abyssal/Solar Exalt (well, any form of Exalt, but especially those), with a sword they can get from nowhere (be it Cluivnarhe's shapeshifting or yanking it from Elsewhere) is the last thing you want inside you.

Plus, the attack from inside you is going to be just as Unexpected as the one that just got Secret.

So, I'm imagining Cluivnarhe's blade SHINK!ing out of Nova's neck, followed by a 360 circle cut. Her head falls off, Secret jumps out, Nova explodes.
Jukashi said:
Haku said:
That it was an unanticipated attack! ^_^
Also... I guess Nova is into vore... ^_-
Always fun to watch internet faction infighting. Someday a great man will create the Nondenominational House of United Internet Perverts.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Jukashi said:
Haku said:
That it was an unanticipated attack! ^_^
Also... I gues Nova is into vore... ^_-
You brought this upon us, Jukashi.

Of course, it occurs to me that a combat-specced Abyssal/Solar Exalt (well, any form of Exalt, but especially those), with a sword they can get from nowhere (be it Cluivnarhe's shapeshifting or yanking it from Elsewhere) is the last thing you want inside you.

Plus, the attack from inside you is going to be just as Unexpected as the one that just got Secret.

So, I'm imagining Cluivnarhe's blade SHINK!ing out of Nova's neck, followed by a 360 circle cut. Her head falls off, Secret jumps out, Nova explodes.
Aww, I'm hoping that doesn't happen...Nova's too crazy-awesome to die!
I predict that inside lots more electric tentacles will molest .. I mean, investigate secret.. and then she's going to emerge from a hatch on the side, an abyssabot!

Like in superman!
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Of course, it occurs to me that a combat-specced Abyssal/Solar Exalt (well, any form of Exalt, but especially those), with a sword they can get from nowhere (be it Cluivnarhe's shapeshifting or yanking it from Elsewhere) is the last thing you want inside you.
Problem there tho is that Cluivnarhe is in the wagon, not elsewhere, nor shapeshifted on Secret's person. Can't really do much with the weapon if it's not present.

Unless Abyssals have a Charm that allows Jedi Move Object'ness on summoning weapons to hand. And this presumes it doesn't have a limiter on distance.
Dracogryff said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Of course, it occurs to me that a combat-specced Abyssal/Solar Exalt (well, any form of Exalt, but especially those), with a sword they can get from nowhere (be it Cluivnarhe's shapeshifting or yanking it from Elsewhere) is the last thing you want inside you.
Problem there tho is that Cluivnarhe is in the wagon, not elsewhere, nor shapeshifted on Secret's person. Can't really do much with the weapon if it's not present.
Secret's belt is Cluivnarihe. Clearly, in the ample amount of time Secret took to get there and investigate, she went back to get her. Pay attention.
Brickwall said:
Dracogryff said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Of course, it occurs to me that a combat-specced Abyssal/Solar Exalt (well, any form of Exalt, but especially those), with a sword they can get from nowhere (be it Cluivnarhe's shapeshifting or yanking it from Elsewhere) is the last thing you want inside you.
Problem there tho is that Cluivnarhe is in the wagon, not elsewhere, nor shapeshifted on Secret's person. Can't really do much with the weapon if it's not present.
Secret's belt is Cluivnarihe. Clearly, in the ample amount of time Secret took to get there and investigate, she went back to get her. Pay attention.
Which raises an interesting question:

Why don't her clothes fall down when she draws her sword?
Because quite a few people wear clothes that fit just fine without belts. Skirts rarely ever require belts at all (I'm not sure ANY do). They're fashion accessories and, in this case, matters of some other kind of practicality. For instance, you can attach a belt pouch to one, and if you wear a skirt, you might not have pockets. Also, sometimes your belt can be turned into an all-consuming weapon of bloody death.

Your wish to see the panties of someone who looks like a 15-year-old disgusts me. Go play with the others in the corner. Where we will gas you.
Brickwall said:
Your wish to see the panties of someone who looks like a 15-year-old disgusts me. Go play with the others in the corner. Where we will gas you.
I agree with the statements about the clothes, but outside of that... me thinks Brickwall doth protest a little TOO much from innocent statements and overreacts....
Haku said:
Brickwall said:
Your wish to see the panties of someone who looks like a 15-year-old disgusts me. Go play with the others in the corner. Where we will gas you.
I agree with the statements about the clothes, but outside of that... me thinks Brickwall doth protest a little TOO much from innocent statements and overreacts....
Yeah, he totally wants to hit that.

Besides, 'looks like' and 'are' do not correlate at all times.

Frankly, I'd be more worried about seeing her panties (or shagging her) due to the possibility of giving her Resonance which might strike someone down for seemingly no reason with little to no warning.
Brickwall said:
Because quite a few people wear clothes that fit just fine without belts. Skirts rarely ever require belts at all (I'm not sure ANY do). They're fashion accessories and, in this case, matters of some other kind of practicality. For instance, you can attach a belt pouch to one, and if you wear a skirt, you might not have pockets. Also, sometimes your belt can be turned into an all-consuming weapon of bloody death.
Your wish to see the panties of someone who looks like a 15-year-old disgusts me. Go play with the others in the corner. Where we will gas you.
My boyfriend belies that wish, I would think.

Anyway, I would much rather see Marena's panties, anyway - I'm freaking curious after that q&a comic!

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