Keychain 96-100

You know, it's threads like this that are the reason a lot of people don't visit this site anymore. Having fun has it's place, but if you have nothing to actually say, why post?
If you have nothing to say, why NOT post? They aren't hurting anyone, and I doubt it's a severe strain on your bandwidth for a dozen worthless posts. Mostly, the thread would be less full of random posts if Jukashi updated more, thus giving us more to talk about. YOU HEAR THAT, JUKASHI?


I reckon we should boycott him until he updates, again.
Flagg said:
You know, it's threads like this that are the reason a lot of people don't visit this site anymore. Having fun has it's place, but if you have nothing to actually say, why post?
It gives us something to do, and prevents the forum from being entirely dead between mondays and fridays.
It's not nessessarily out-of-character for a crazed Prince of the Fae to consider himself the good villian... They are, after all, batshit-insane by our standards.

In other news, Thrice-Radiant Misho is doing an admirable impression of an Angry Marine. Now he just needs a Power Nailbat and he'll be ready to go to town on that sythe-weilding schmuck.

More likely he's going to fight with his Glorious Solar Sabers, though. Sadly they (probably) won't qualify as "Creatures of Darkness" for the holy whupass he could deliver with them...

I wonder why he dosen't fight with his keybl-*whump!*
well it's been said that he has a diffferent view on creation and thus prolly knows he's in a comic, while everyone else thinks he's just insane, this unfortunately makes him pretty genre savvy too which'll make him hard to kill I'll wager as he'll be smart enough to win and smart enough to beat feet if he knows he's gonna lose

I know right, Jukashi promised us keyb*shot*

I just noticed that too!

It's been a long time, Jukashi, where did the keybl*gack*



(insert that long vampire death cut scene from the very end of the old Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie)
Won't Secret get Resonance for cooking that poultry to feed other people?
maybe that's what ten winds is pointing out to her?

besides, good eye flagg (or just blind eye me) I didn't even see secret and the cooking fire til you pointed it out
mind you, knowing misho, and the "Hates fair folk" character depth we were given, I wouldn't be surprised if he had something in his bag of tricks just for taking out fair folk
Brickwall said:
Fair Folk count as Creatures of Darkness these days. GSS will probably be quite effective.
Unshaped Fair Folk. As far as I'm aware, once they take a shape they aren't CoD anymore...
include, but are not limited to: Yozis, demons, Neverborn,

walking dead, ghosts, Deathlords, unshaped

Fair Folk, Abyssal Exalted and Infernal Exalted.

The Storyteller can make exceptions or add other

groups to this list as appropriate. A sympathetic

ghost might not be a creature of darkness, while a

horror that eats at the world’s heart would be.
Y'know what would make this pretty brief? If Misho had Order-Affirming Blow. That Lore charm. He's a twilight. He oughta have it. Pop. Story over. :P
yeah but jukashi seems to be stting up for a big angry fight, to go "hwah! *pop*" would be less entertaining, unless he did it right
I don't think Misho alone would be a match for two Cataphracts anyway. He may be a Solar, but comparatively, he doesn't have much combat ability. But that's what Ten Winds and Secret are for.

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