Keychain #301-305

MorkaisChosen said:
That may have just been the Standard Mystic Twin Bond, it's not quite clear.
I think this is a strategic decision. Speaking on Jukashi's behalf, it's hard for even a talented storyteller to foresee every possible turn of a story. So you throw in a lot of "clues" or suggest things but don't actually state them explicitly. That way, if something would fit the story really well, you can take it without contradicting yourself. "I didn't actually say that, you just thought that". This saves a lot on retcon-ing later. Also the mystery drives fan boys and girls crazy and generally makes the whole experience more enjoyable because every can imagine what they want.

Jukashi said:
Payoff! On something that probably no-one ever noticed. Oh well.
Jukashi said:
I am busting out all sorts of revelations lately.
Mystery is a currency that the storyteller can spend on revelations. You can't give away too much at once. This has the weird side effect that Jukashi is a bit of a lurker on his own forums because answering questions like "who is Marena's Solar Bond?" would be counter productive. Clever players/fans can also pick up implied information when the GM/Author slips up. Compare "Have patience, I think you'll like the character when he's finally revealed" with "Have patience, I think you'll like it, when it's finally revealed". The first sentence would tell us that the character in question is male and probably hasn't been introduced in the comic yet. The second sentence doesn't tell us much at all.

Yeah, it's to a storyteller's(whether in the game master sense, or in the author sense) benefit to keep as many potential mystery hooks out there as possible so that he can anything with the plot, regardless of what the players do or changes in plot/style choices later on.

Skycroft said:
There's lots of other hints too, like her glee in dressing up Secret.
One does not need a reason to enjoy dressing up Secret!

Though Secret as Marena's bond would be so adorable.
No, no. Marena's just extra special, and somehow managed to get 3 different Solar Bonds, all at the same time. For the greatest in Solar Bondage pleasure.
No' date=' no. Marena's just extra special, and somehow managed to get 3 different Solar Bonds, all at the same time. For the greatest in Solar Bondage pleasure.[/quote']
Now this is an idea I can get behind :D
No' date=' no. Marena's just extra special, and somehow managed to get 3 different Solar Bonds, all at the same time. For the greatest in Solar Bondage pleasure.[/quote']
Glorious Solar [bondage]!

I just realized that Ten is really a Green Sun Prince using Black Mirror Shintai to pose as Ten Winds while the real Ten is imprisoned in Malfeas. That's why an Immaculate Master is helping Anathema and indulging in drugs! he also really is a Dragon Blooded too!

Mwahahahahahaha! (I apologize if someone said this already >_>)
jeriausx said:
I just realized that Ten is really a Green Sun Prince using Black Mirror Shintai to pose as Ten Winds while the real Ten is imprisoned in Malfeas. That's why an Immaculate Master is helping Anathema and indulging in drugs! he also really is a Dragon Blooded too!

Mwahahahahahaha! (I apologize if someone said this already >_>)
You are forgiven for saying Mwahahahahahaha!.
MorkaisChosen said:
Kalatash said:
No' date=' no. Marena's just extra special, and somehow managed to get 3 different Solar Bonds, all at the same time. For the greatest in Solar Bondage pleasure.[/quote']
Glorious Solar [bondage]!

... You'll be in your bunk?


Also, needs moar Secret Dressup.

Someone needs to invent a flash-based KoC Dress-Up game.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Someone needs to invent a flash-based KoC Dress-Up game.
People wouldn't use it. They'd just stare at the undressed models of Marena and Secret.
Kyeudo said:
People wouldn't use it. They'd just stare at the undressed models of Marena and Secret.

if you really want to punish those of us who...uh, I mean, those filthy degenerates. >.>
Kyeudo said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Someone needs to invent a flash-based KoC Dress-Up game.
People wouldn't use it. They'd just stare at the undressed models of Marena and Secret.
Simple then, make the undressed model an unlockable obtained by playing the game.
Ha! I got it right (well, mostly) in my very first fan theory ever!

...... Is there a prize? And is there some way I can wrangle having that prize be a dress-up Secret flash game?
Neither the blackout nor the site being down were within your control, Jukashi, you're blameless for those.

However, the blame does lie on you for failing to track down the person or persons responsible for the blackout and kung-fu beating them into a pulp. You can be forgiven for failure to take revenge on the parties responsible for the website outage as it would require a transoceanic transit which is a bit much for a non-blood vengeance.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Neither the blackout nor the site being down were within your control, Jukashi, you're blameless for those.
However, the blame does lie on you for failing to track down the person or persons responsible for the blackout and kung-fu beating them into a pulp. You can be forgiven for failure to take revenge on the parties responsible for the website outage as it would require a transoceanic transit which is a bit much for a non-blood vengeance.
Summary: We don't care what caused the delay, we just want our fix.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Neither the blackout nor the site being down were within your control, Jukashi, you're blameless for those.
However, the blame does lie on you for failing to track down the person or persons responsible for the blackout and kung-fu beating them into a pulp. You can be forgiven for failure to take revenge on the parties responsible for the website outage as it would require a transoceanic transit which is a bit much for a non-blood vengeance.
Summary: We don't care what caused the delay, we just want our fix.

I want to hear of how Jukashi tracked down the dumb son of a bitch whose cat crawled into the transformer, chewed through a wire and became a crispy critter, then went to his house and beat him to a pulp whilst screaming "Justice!" the whole time.

But I'll settle for my fix.
Jukashi said:
A possibility I considered in Exalted, vis-a-vis the psychological effects of the titular state of being, is that you'd gradually get more physical while you talk. Normal people when they get excited will start poking and pulling on each other's arms and such, but Exalted are much more resilient to pain and discomfort so neither they nor you would notice you're doing it. Without being called out on it you'd get into the habit of doing it more and more strongly, until eventually one day you realise that at some point during your political debate you started a kung fu duel.
I'm not sure if this is necessarily true for most Exalted. Most people Exalt after they've already grown out of the habit of being too physical while they talk, and habits formed during childhood and adolescense tend to endure for quite a long time, though I am unsure if that is true for the ridiculously long timescales we are talking about here. Still, Exalted at the very least like to affect a certain dignity, even (or perhaps especially) when talking with other Exalted (though this might be less true for Lunars).

On the other hand, I have no problem envisioning this happening in the case lets call them "domestic disputes".

As for the delay, well, I was jittery all morning, but now that I've got my fix I'm too happy to care about it any more.

On the subject of fixes, is it just me or is Ten doing his version of pass the popcorn in that last panel?
It happens. Year after year you talk, get emotional, it turns into a debate, which turns into an argument, and before you know you've founded a martial arts school based on the verbal back and forth between you. Oh, and you've begun a war between your two schools that will outlast you and your argument over who forgot to let the cat out.

Edit: I also think biting him is part of her plan to stop Misho thinking of her as somebody who died. Unless Misho is a lot more kinky in bed than his very vanilla attitude suggests.
I also think biting him is part of her plan to stop Misho thinking of her as somebody who died. Unless Misho is a lot more kinky in bed than his very vanilla attitude suggests.
The Marena school of seduction, lesson #203: If all else fails, bite him on the arm. It helps if your teeth are like needles.
...Wow. Well, that's to be expected with Exalts. Epic lives mean epically messed up relationships. I may be a bit too much of an empath, but after having this spelled out for me, I seriously feel for Misho and Marena. Secret's got it worse, way worse, but she's not the only woobie out there now. You can feel Marena hurting in panel six. That's the kind of angst that can only be resolved with some epic talking.

I think Jukashi's probably right, given the time scale. Habits are hard to break, so I don't imagine any 'new' exalts are running around using Glorious Solar [noogies] during a debate...but after a few hundred years I bet those first twenty to fourty start fading away, habit-wise.

Hopefully not with regards to mortals, though. Glorious Solar [noogies] inflicts Lethal damage.

ShadowDragon8685 said:
Summary: We don't care what caused the delay, we just want our fix.
You say that like we're addicted. We...w-we can quit anytime...anytime. If we wanted to. We...we just don't, alright? Y-yeah. That's it. We...we just don't want to.

Skycroft said:
On the subject of fixes, is it just me or is Ten doing his version of pass the popcorn in that last panel?
That, or he thinks he's gonna need it to get through listening to all the UST.
I just read the sound effects in the last panel...

Ow. I don't want to know what cracked, crunched, or got whammed.

She might be trying to remove his clothes by removing whatever she can get her hands, and teeth, on or in.

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