Keychain #301-305

OK, that? That was awesome. I believe there was some doubt earlier about whether Ten would be able to handle it?

What we have learned today: NEVER doubt Ten's ability to handle it.
I found myself slightly disappointed that they are both still apparently more or less clothed in the final panel. My impression of Marena is that she would have been working towards that goal. Although the angle does leave it slightly ambiguous.
Brickwall said:
Why is it, that in the most recent comic, Marena appears to be attempting to perform "the buttsecks" with Misho? She is not currently equipped correctly for that.
I'd guess that she pinned him any way she could, and didn't want to break a successful clinch just because she was on the wrong side.

Brickwall said:
Also, human fire extinguisher = hilarious.
Brickwall said:
Why is it, that in the most recent comic, Marena appears to be attempting to perform "the buttsecks" with Misho? She is not currently equipped correctly for that.
Three words: Hybrid Body Rearrangement.
Notsteve said:
Brickwall said:
Why is it, that in the most recent comic, Marena appears to be attempting to perform "the buttsecks" with Misho? She is not currently equipped correctly for that.
Three words: Hybrid Body Rearrangement.
Another Three Words: Twin Faced Hero
Vol'jin said it better than I ever could.

"Ya, mon, ya stay away from da voodoo, but if a troll lady say she wantcha ta come get da voodoo, you go get da voodoo. Ya big idiot."
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Awh, I don't want Marena to be Misho's mate!
Out of all the Solars/Abyssals/Infernals, he's the one who least needs a shining silver lighthouse.

Secret needs a shining silver lighthouse!
Do we know who Racer's Solar mate is?

After all Solars had a lunar. So even if Marena isn't Secret's lunar mate someone is.
Brickwall said:
Why is it, that in the most recent comic, Marena appears to be attempting to perform "the buttsecks" with Misho? She is not currently equipped correctly for that.
Probably animal instincts, particularly if she's limit breaking. It's fairly common for a female mammal to mount a male in a pseudo-sexual way, if she's trying to establish her dominance over him. This doesn't usually happen in humans the way she's trying it but, y'know, animal side and all.
josiah42 said:
Nooooo, this is coming perilously close to officially confirming that Misho is Marena's Solar Mate. But wait, I can still rationalize that, in the First Age, he had a romantic relationship with a different Lunar than his Mate and that Marena is her reincarnation but the current day Lunar Mate is someone else that hasn't shown up in the comic yet! *roll Justification* Ya, I can believe that. Marena certainly isn't acting like she's MDV 0 around Misho.
Doesn't have to. Not everyone has Solar Bond 5, or the like. She might not even have ANY dots in the background. In which case, all there is mechanically is an unbreakable Intimacy. Solar Bond doesn't necessarily screw you from behind that badly around your Solar...unless you buy it up enough that it does. Or you Solar goes and takes the right charms...
Or you Solar goes and takes the right charms...
I've had one of those Charms before, but then the Lunar in the group whined when I made his character do the chicken dance. It was't the Lunar Taming Leash-I mean, Sun and Moon Method, it was the Rose-Lipped Seduction Style.

Gods those Charms is fun.

It really isn't a, "Lunar, fetch me my slippers with your mouth" sort'f story (by that I mean I used the Charm against everyone, but it was the Lunar who finally figured it out), but still... Fun times.
The Solar Bond background is supposed to be "You have an unbreakable bond with your One True."

But it turns out to be "Screw yourself up the ass with a free side of irresistable mental influence."

Ahhh, good times.
And yet...most games with a Lunar in them I see...they still take it to the 3 point level or higher.

Heh. Even my Lunar with an Abyssal boytoy she's trying to make redeem himself. Then again, that very bond is WHY she's trying so hard to shine him up.
I could easily see Marena as Misho's mate, but Misho having enough dots of Intimacy with his first wife that there's a legitimate conflict of interest.

We've seen that Misho is incredibly moral and reincarnation ≠ carbon copy. It's a plausible explanation.
I think we can easily make the argument that Marena is a reincarnation of Mishio's first wife (at the very least someone he knew. And the implication is that its his wife/significant other.) The Line "It's a new Age. I'm not her. So deal." To which Mishio responds "Well metaphysically a part of you is--"

I don't sensible see a way to end that sentence except "her"
And Ten Winds is my hero. And at this point always will be.

Don't mess with old guys. They'll cool you down.
Weimann said:
We only know that the Thrice-Radiant was married to Marena's earlier incarnation. That doesn't imply that Misho and Marena are mates.
It's pretty likely they are, yes, but it's not a certain conclusion.

I will hold to the interpretation that they aren't bonded until otherwise proven.
So, if Marena's former incarnation was Misho's First Age wife and Secret's Bond?
Bear in mind we have two different ways to have metaphysical goings-on. There's what I think people mostly mean by Reincarnation in this thread, which is Picking Up That Person's Exalted Shard. There's also actual reincarnation, when you have the soul that used to be that person. Admittedly it's difficult to find out when that's happened without the whole Autochthonian soulgem infratructure, but it's probably still possible if you know sorcery and MAGIC SCIENCE.
Since I don't see any chainmail body parts amongst the protagonists, I think I'm going to stick to the Musical Shards theory.
MorkaisChosen said:
Bear in mind we have two different ways to have metaphysical goings-on. There's what I think people mostly mean by Reincarnation in this thread, which is Picking Up That Person's Exalted Shard. There's also actual reincarnation, when you have the soul that used to be that person. Admittedly it's difficult to find out when that's happened without the whole Autochthonian soulgem infratructure, but it's probably still possible if you know sorcery and MAGIC SCIENCE.
Even with MAGIC SCIENCE!, I'm guessing it's not possible to find the higher soul reincarnation of someone who has been dead for a thousand years. Perhaps more importantly, that person would not have the memories (see here and here) of the previous owner of the soul, unlike with the shard.

Incidentally, those comics were when I first started thinking Marena was the reincarnation of Misho's wife. Admittedly all they prove is that Marena's past incarnation knew Misho and Faen Luif, I just went with wife because it seemed the most dramatically appropriate (this is, after all, a story. Narrative causality is thus a far more powerful force than mere likelihood)

The other reason I came up with that theory was that when I was reading through the archives a second time, I suddenly realized that Marena dropped the search for her daughter to go with Misho, a person who, at the time, she barely knew. Admittedly she got the Silver Pact and her sister to look in her stead, and the fate of Creation was at stake (you know..again), but still that just screamed Solar Bond to me. But maybe that's just me.

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