Keychain 131-135

merle said:
nick012000 said:
I'll point out that the city-Alchemicals are still humanoid. They've just gotten themselves imbedded in the city scape. Their torsoes are still fully functional, and large enough that when you start climbing up one, it's not obvious that's what you're doing.
They'd also be capable of mounting gigantic Essence Cannons and similar weapons. They wouldn't be so useful in Autocthon, but in Creation, such a charm would be very useful. Especially since you're probably linked up to a demense for extra power.
Darn realize that now I have to read the Alchemicals material? They just sound bizarrely awesome.
That particular peice of information is found in one of the adventures; the one about the Well of Souls, in a part where the PCs have to climb up to the back of the city-Alchemical's head to retreive a few hearthstone-keys they need for their quest to save Autocthon.
So tell me, fellows: Are the comics getting better over time? Or did you prefer them at an earlier point?
Jukashi said:
So tell me, fellows: Are the comics getting better over time? Or did you prefer them at an earlier point?
I'm still in shock over Mew Cai...but on the whole, I think you started strong and have been getting better as you go. I'm certainly enjoying the comic at least as much now as I did when I started reading.

Of course, adding a cute Alchemical and that lion-Lunar from the start of the story wouldn't hurt... :P
Jukashi said:
So tell me, fellows: Are the comics getting better over time? Or did you prefer them at an earlier point?
You are awesome. You could have been stupid and tried to be the Order of the Stick for Exalted, but too many rules gags would have dragged on the essence of what Exalted is. As it stands, you have captured the depth of Creation, the cinematic adrenaline rush of combat, and the intrigues of the Exalted, all spiced tastefully with shout outs and a few in-jokes. This just gets better with time.[/fanboy]

Love the body parts falling off. Keep up the good work!

Keep up the good workses.

You are doing great things with the precious.

Was just replaying Portal...

If you ever take the comic to an Autochthonian city made up of an ancient Alchemical, you should totally rip off GLAdOS.

I wonder how many dots an Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device would be? :P

I think the comic is going great, although I, too, was immensely saddened when I learned that Mew Cai did not survive. She was one of the most characterful characters in the story.

As for this latest plot arc, it's pretty good. I especially love how Cyclops LaForge is getting dangled from his ankles off a roof. :)
Jukashi said:
So tell me, fellows: Are the comics getting better over time? Or did you prefer them at an earlier point?
They are still great. Some of the techniques you've been using lately highlight an improvement in your narrative (and artistic) skills, in my opinion. The plot has developed a nice structure, that makes the reader (that's us) feel anxious and excited about what is happening, just like in any professional comic or TV series.

I must admit that so far this particular storyline didn't quite strike my fancy, but that's very personal, and I think most people here would disagree. I never quite liked Alchemicals, and I like stories that don't derail much and keep the characters in the main plot. But again, that's just me. And this Alchemical city might still be linked with the Keychains, after all...
ShadowDragon8685 said:
As for this latest plot arc, it's pretty good. I especially love how Cyclops LaForge is getting dangled from his ankles off a roof. :)
Indeed. I'm just hoping that, given what seems to be the rule of thumb for the Nova Exalted, neither of his legs is one of his enhanced bits...
I still say the comics need to be longer, and update more frequently. Like, say, twice daily.
Jukashi said:
So tell me, fellows: Are the comics getting better over time? Or did you prefer them at an earlier point?
To me you get better at what you're doing on a weekly basis.

Perfect balance between humor, story, action, extreme Kawaï-ness and character development.

New characters are softly introduced, very charismatic (the King, Ben and Flame, Mew Cai, the Faes, the Alchemicals and now the new solar).

What it lacks now is a great vilain and some sort of epic scale to be perfect :)

Then you can die happy :twisted:
I'm sure great villains are on the way. After all, we've had at least two dishes that go well with Falafel already, and he seems quite interested in gathering the Keys. Whether he wants to use 'em to free the Yozis or do something else entirely I'm not sure, but regardless, he's the First and Forsaken Lion, and thus able to bring any number of unique and enjoyable villainous minions to play. Any one of them might become a Major Villain in their own right.

The characterization is getting better with time, Jukashi, and the high quality of the first chapter (which I honestly won't be able to say is better or worse than the current one until I see how this one plays out) is a great way to suck in readers-the first arc makes you want to keep going. I can personally vouch for seven Exalted players who have become webcomic readers because of your comic, and I can vouch for a couple of webcomic readers who have become Exalted players largely because of your comic.

So thanks, and keep making comics. You won't be able to help getting better at them.
merle said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
As for this latest plot arc, it's pretty good. I especially love how Cyclops LaForge is getting dangled from his ankles off a roof. :)
Indeed. I'm just hoping that, given what seems to be the rule of thumb for the Nova Exalted, neither of his legs is one of his enhanced bits...
I'm guessing that Karen would be able to re-catch him anyway. She is a Solar. They can often do that sort of thing.

She might choose not to, though. If she's anything like Marena, she probably wouldn't.
I'm sure great villains are on the way. After all' date=' we've had at least two dishes that go well with Falafel already, and he seems quite interested in gathering the Keys. Whether he wants to use 'em to free the Yozis or do something else entirely I'm not sure, but regardless, he's the First and Forsaken Lion, and thus able to bring any number of unique and enjoyable villainous minions to play. Any one of them might become a Major Villain in their own right.[/quote']
Yup. I'm just hoping we can see some Ketchup with that Falafel. Seeing Misho's reaction to him would be interesting, as well. I'm sure that you'd be able to do a bunch of jokes with him, given how he the Epic Paper Pusher. Oh, and a superpowered martial artist.
Holy Halloween Madness, it's the KoC crew dressed up in Gurren Lagaan costumes... :twisted:
King of Uncloaked Steel as Kamina

Nova as GUrren Lagaan

Secret as Yoko?!?!?!?! But she's not "talented" enough for that outfit.

Mishio as Simon, appropos

Marena as Nia... let's hope what happened to Nia doesn't happen to her

Ten Winds as... oh dear... Lord Genome
Curse you americans and your holydays! KoC was supposed to be my weeks lightspots, but instead of good comic I get lousy filler! :evil:

*Sigh* guess I should start waching some anime so I'd at least understand who the heck those chgaracters are... Well, I hope that Jukashi has updated real comic at monday, so I don't have to sink in depression. it just me, or do Secret and Marena appear to have switched costumes? >_>

Also, Ten Winds as the Helix King is priceless. And drills for everyone!
Curse you americans and your holydays! KoC was supposed to be my weeks lightspots' date=' but instead of good comic I get lousy filler! :evil:[/quote']
Jukashi isn't an American. Go curse the Irish.
Gief the anime adaptation of Tengen Toppa Gurren Keychain. I want to see the first (And best) Giga Drill Breaker (Not Break, you silly non-ADV company. I don't care how rubbish the rest of the dub might have been, Brett Weaver was *born* to play Kamina) as performed by Misho and the King.
Flagg said:
Curse you americans and your holydays! KoC was supposed to be my weeks lightspots' date=' but instead of good comic I get lousy filler! :evil:[/quote']
Jukashi isn't an American. Go curse the Irish.
Curse everyone else exept Finnish people! That should cover everything and nearly everyone. :)
Flagg said:
Curse you americans and your holydays! KoC was supposed to be my weeks lightspots' date=' but instead of good comic I get lousy filler! :evil:[/quote']
Jukashi isn't an American. Go curse the Irish.
Curse everyone else exept Finnish people! That should cover everything and nearly everyone. :)
And curse the Finnish, too!

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