Keychain 131-135

ShadowDragon8685 said:
Yeah, but this is White Wolf's Exalted we're talking about.
The whole Solar Exalted being the best, but universally hated except by the low people they can convince is allegorical to the development processes. There's Nephilpal, Crunchmaster; StephenLS, Fluffczar, and ChocoZell, Artlord, as the holy trio of Exalted stuff.

Then there's the jackasses that White Wolf have working full-time on their staff who like to make a bigger mess of the system than Orkz like to make of the battlefield during the post-battle rokkin'. These guys are clearly the Dynasts, who hate everybody and want to make their money while doing as little as humanly possible.
No, it's just that the writers never communicate adequately with each other, and often forget what was already written. If they were smart, they would keep in contact with some trustworthy secret-keeping friends who are as rules-lawyery as most WW-playing forum-going people are. That'd probably solve 90% of the problems.
Brickwall said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Yeah, but this is White Wolf's Exalted we're talking about.
The whole Solar Exalted being the best, but universally hated except by the low people they can convince is allegorical to the development processes. There's Nephilpal, Crunchmaster; StephenLS, Fluffczar, and ChocoZell, Artlord, as the holy trio of Exalted stuff.

Then there's the jackasses that White Wolf have working full-time on their staff who like to make a bigger mess of the system than Orkz like to make of the battlefield during the post-battle rokkin'. These guys are clearly the Dynasts, who hate everybody and want to make their money while doing as little as humanly possible.
No, it's just that the writers never communicate adequately with each other, and often forget what was already written. If they were smart, they would keep in contact with some trustworthy secret-keeping friends who are as rules-lawyery as most WW-playing forum-going people are. That'd probably solve 90% of the problems.
Something that I wish more creative teams had (Marvel & DC comics especially): a freakin' wiki.

(Not just any wiki, it has to be a freakin' one.)

Whenever someone writes something on a topic that they don't know inside and out, first they take a look for it - and if there's relevant material, they stick to it! When they make a change, they add the change to the wiki, too, so the next writer doesn't totally screw something up.
Brickwall said:
If they were smart, they would keep in contact with some trustworthy secret-keeping friends who are as rules-lawyery as most WW-playing forum-going people are. That'd probably solve 90% of the problems.
I've been saying this for years. The best part is that I think there are plenty of people who would do this for free. I don't get what the hold-up is.
Flagg said:
Brickwall said:
If they were smart, they would keep in contact with some trustworthy secret-keeping friends who are as rules-lawyery as most WW-playing forum-going people are. That'd probably solve 90% of the problems.
I've been saying this for years. The best part is that I think there are plenty of people who would do this for free. I don't get what the hold-up is.
Would YOU trust any of them with spoilers? I wouldn't.
Would you trust any of them to give an unbiased and fair report on a game they are clearly fanatic about? Assuming you did, would you then dare disrupt that precarious sanity with information that may alter, amend, correct, or contradict established concepts?
Brickwall said:
Flagg said:
Brickwall said:
If they were smart, they would keep in contact with some trustworthy secret-keeping friends who are as rules-lawyery as most WW-playing forum-going people are. That'd probably solve 90% of the problems.
I've been saying this for years. The best part is that I think there are plenty of people who would do this for free. I don't get what the hold-up is.
Would YOU trust any of them with spoilers? I wouldn't.
Wait... so you're criticizing your own idea now?
"Democracy is the worst form of government. Except for all others that have been tried."

Supporting an idea and knowing it's a bad idea are not mutually exclusive options.
All right, kids, don't make me turn this forum around...

Wait, I couldn't do that anyway. Umm...

Don't make me link you to TVTropes and ruin your lives? :D
Flagg said:
Would YOU trust any of them with spoilers? I wouldn't.
Wait... so you're criticizing your own idea now?

I more meant as an answer to your question of what the hold-up is. Just because it would fix problems doesn't mean it's a good idea in the long run. I'm pretty sure there's SOME reason content isn't supposed to be leaked.
So, we now have artificial Alchemicals or something running around. Somehow I suspect they are defective.

If someone would fill the rest of us in on what the Eye of Autochthon is, so we can understand why it's so much bother, it would be apreciated.
The Eye of Autochthon is the backdoor access to reality. It does everything and anything.

The main problem with the Eye is that it -does- do everything and anything, which includes it doing something without being used to do so.

Anyways, I'm imagining Nova's voice to resemble the Planet's voice from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. We should get people to voice act Keychain.
I'm not sure which scares more of the shit out of me:

That Elegant Nova might have the Eye of Autobot, or that she's Exalting mortals on her own.

Either one, frankly, is just cause to immediately bring in the Five-Metal Shrike and eras her and her entire machine city from the face of Creation.
Did Ten Winds the Sidereal just use Thought-Swiping Distraction on Nova because Nova saw through his/her RD?

Or is there another explanation for the first few panels that I don't get?
Blackmail material is always a good reason not to talk right away, as is dramatic timing.

So, the Eye of Autochthon is essentially Deus Ex Machina personified? Sounds like fun.
Kyeudo said:
Blackmail material is always a good reason not to talk right away, as is dramatic timing.
So, the Eye of Autochthon is essentially Deus Ex Machina personified? Sounds like fun.
Well, Autochthon is the Builder Machine-God.

So it's not personafied, it's incarnated/.

That said, it tends to be a Bad Thing when you have it.
Actually -making- Alchemicals is manageable by Alchemicals themselves (though the Sodalities would be very >:( if this became the norm.) It's the divine spark from Autochthon that makes this challenging. Maybe Nova found a way to wire Autobot's Essence to Creation with the Metal Manse?

Also, do note that the Five Metal Shrike is probably located something like 10,000 miles away. Also that it doesn't really leave the Elemental Pole of Fire much. :P I can imagine the heavens freaking out, though.
Actually -making- Alchemicals is manageable by Alchemicals themselves (though the Sodalities would be very >:( if this became the norm.) It's the divine spark from Autochthon that makes this challenging. Maybe Nova found a way to wire Autobot's Essence to Creation with the Metal Manse?
Also, do note that the Five Metal Shrike is probably located something like 10,000 miles away. Also that it doesn't really leave the Elemental Pole of Fire much. :P I can imagine the heavens freaking out, though.
And with Flight of Shooting Stars, it can cross that distance in less than a day of flight. That was the point of the Five-Metal Shrike, after all - and why the character I made for Exalted had as her Motivation "Find and take command of the Five-Metal Shrike."
I don't know... it's not impossible to make alchemical exalted if you know how to do it. The trick of course is hooking up the human soul to the exalted frame.

Since this is... House Rules Country, it's entirely possible that Nova found another way of hooking it up... or rebuilding a person's body until literally, it's an alchemical body, with the soul still hanging in there.
Zephyrus4096 said:
Did Ten Winds the Sidereal just use Thought-Swiping Distraction on Nova because Nova saw through his/her RD?
Or is there another explanation for the first few panels that I don't get?
You might be right, my friend. But instead just affecting Nova, he was able to "charm" this forum as well -.-'.
Okay, as long as she's allowing her would-be test subjects to say "no" before she Exalts them: I think I like her! Having humans be mostly reduced to cannon fodder through nothing more than luck of birth never sat right with me.

Also, in panel 5, in the second paragraph..."genius is only as good as it's tools and resources" should really just be "its". If it's a possessive, it's "its"; if there's a contraction of "it is", it's "it's".

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