Keychain 131-135

Flagg said:
AbuDhabi said:
My understanding was that Nova and Ten know each other.
My assumption is that Nova is not a part of Fate, and thus can see through the "Ten Winds" facade.
Secret isn't either, and she probably can't see that.
Arthur said:
Secret isn't either, and she probably can't see that.
Abyssals aren't Outside Fate as far as I understand, they just are bound to the stars of the Underworld rather than the stars of Creation. Otherwise why would they have Charms that specifically call out that they make the Abyssal Outside Fate?
Kyeudo said:
Arthur said:
Secret isn't either, and she probably can't see that.
Abyssals aren't Outside Fate as far as I understand, they just are bound to the stars of the Underworld rather than the stars of Creation. Otherwise why would they have Charms that specifically call out that they make the Abyssal Outside Fate?
Abyssals are still in Fate. It's kind of...fuzzy with Autochthonians. The humans of Autochthon are FROM Creation. The Alchemicals are made from souls taken from Creation as well (heroes from the early ages). So...yeah. There might be a definite ruling in the books, but I think it could really go either way.

However, Resplendent Destinies still fool those Outside Fate, like Fae and Malfeans. They are laid upon the SUBJECT, not upon everyone else. Anyone perceiving the subject sees this 'costume', regardless of whether or not they could wear it. If that helps make any sense of it all.

Entities that come from regions beyond the reach

of fate—most notably demons, the dead and the Fair

Folk—are immune to Sidereal astrology. The Viziers

cannot force destinies upon creatures beyond the

reach of fate; they see through the false identities

created by Sidereal astrology, and ignore the powers

conferred by those guises.

Flagg said:
Entities that come from regions beyond the reach

of fate—most notably demons, the dead and the Fair

Folk—are immune to Sidereal astrology. The Viziers

cannot force destinies upon creatures beyond the

reach of fate; they see through the false identities

created by Sidereal astrology, and ignore the powers

conferred by those guises.
Clearly they wrote the book wrong.

I did make a check: Autochthon specifically made the effort to put his innards Outside Fate, and that includes the Alchemicals. So, yeah, if Ten Winds is an RD, all the Alchemicals can see through it, as can any human being of Autochthonia.

However, this begs the question of why all the REST of the Autochthonians never said a damn thing about Ten being in a magical disguise. Including the stick-up-the-ass police force. So, unless it's something different, Juk has a nice big logic hole to cover up.
So, unless it's something different, Juk has a nice big logic hole to cover up.
It's houserule country man, Juk can do anything he wants, sit back and enjoy :lol:
Brickwall said:
merle said:
Well, there are worse things than being hit on by an attractive, slightly-demented robot girl...or is it cyborg girl? I know Alchemicals are constructed, but does that involve any squishy bits (like the standard soul-y parts)?
While Alchemicals are 'constructed', it is in vats. They are, more or less, squishy. Both sexes are capable of rutting, but they're not fertile.

If I were Misho, I think I would have tapped that ore vein.
Somehow, I'm not sure how Marena would feel about that.

I mean, sure she plays around herself - but that doesn't mean that she would be okay with Misho doing it...
merle said:
Brickwall said:
merle said:
Well, there are worse things than being hit on by an attractive, slightly-demented robot girl...or is it cyborg girl? I know Alchemicals are constructed, but does that involve any squishy bits (like the standard soul-y parts)?
While Alchemicals are 'constructed', it is in vats. They are, more or less, squishy. Both sexes are capable of rutting, but they're not fertile.

If I were Misho, I think I would have tapped that ore vein.
Somehow, I'm not sure how Marena would feel about that.

I mean, sure she plays around herself - but that doesn't mean that she would be okay with Misho doing it...
Marena has been more intimate with Secret in the comic than with Misho. I don't think we can presume any such silly things.

Nova seems to have some kind of defect in her making. She only ever has angry eyes or surprised eyes. Not sure if it's a construction flaw or a personality flaw.
cyl said:
So, unless it's something different, Juk has a nice big logic hole to cover up.
It's houserule country man, Juk can do anything he wants, sit back and enjoy :lol:
Shit. It took me this long to understand that joke! At least it's funny tought. :lol:

House rules territory. *chuckles*
The only thing in the Houserules Country that's actually from Autochthonia is Nova. She would be the only one outside Fate--and thus the only one capable of seeing through Ten's disguise--there.
I'll point out that MoEP: Abyssals specifically says that Abyssals totally lose their connection to Fate when they commune with the Neverborn the first time to become Deathknights. Since it's pretty safe to say that Secret is a Deathknight, she'd be able to see through the Resplendant Destinies any Sidereals might have.

I just think that she knows how horny Dragonblooded tend to be. Just being a human relative is enough to make you be basically an eternal teenager. She is fully functional, after all. She might be disappointed if he decides to play the grumpy old monk, though. We know he gave up the clothing, drinking, smoking, and hairstyle restrictions the Immaculate Order places on its monks, but we don't know what his attitude towards sex might be.
The only thing in the Houserules Country that's actually from Autochthonia is Nova. She would be the only one outside Fate--and thus the only one capable of seeing through Ten's disguise--there.
At the very least, the other two Alchemicals would be Outside Fate. I have no idea how Fate works on lineage, but I'm guessing that these people were descended from Autochthonians (and probably are from there themselves), and aren't inside Fate either. They'd all be in the Design, which is Autochthon's own personal Loom of Fate, basically.
So, if that Locust Crusade-thingy is an optional addition to the gameworld - does it exist in KoC? I'm hoping 'no'. Or at least that the newest person to want to jump-start Misho's engine is more the "slightly quirky" kind of crazy, as opposed to Ax Crazy or Evil Genius.
Why would they react?.. just because you see through a resplendent destiny doesn't mean the siddy has a huge OMGSIDDY mark on his head.. it just means you see -him-, rather than Bob The Sailor. Now.. given they've likely never -met- him before.. they'd have no reason to react I imagine.. I mean, Misho and Marena look odd too.. he's just another odd looking person.

Now, if the rumours about him knowing Nova are true, then she -would- react, because she'd have seen him before, and recognise him, no matter what resplendent destiny he was wearing.

.. not that I'm saying I agree with the assumptions he's a siddy, I'm happy to wait and see, but that's how I figure the outside of fate/resplendent destiny thing would work personally.

I'm not sure about the Abyssal thing myself, they're generally outside of fate, but I'd assume that much like demons, if they hang out in creation enough, the loom will start weaving them into fate again, simply from their actions with creation-born. She might well have been around long enough for that to happen.
FluffySquirrel said:
Why would they react?.. just because you see through a resplendent destiny doesn't mean the siddy has a huge OMGSIDDY mark on his head.. it just means you see -him-, rather than Bob The Sailor. Now.. given they've likely never -met- him before.. they'd have no reason to react I imagine.. I mean, Misho and Marena look odd too.. he's just another odd looking person.
Unless he already looked like an old Air-Aspected Immaculate, she'd become aware of the discrepancies easily enough.

Also, I have no idea where you get the idea that demons get re-woven into the Loom. It sounds silly.
Demons that stay in Creation for an extended while slowly seep into the Loom of Fate. I guess the Loom picks up their patterns and integrate them to the overall patterns of Creation.

The idea always sounded silly to me but that's what they say.
nick012000 said:
I'll point out that MoEP: Abyssals specifically says that Abyssals totally lose their connection to Fate when they commune with the Neverborn the first time to become Deathknights. Since it's pretty safe to say that Secret is a Deathknight, she'd be able to see through the Resplendant Destinies any Sidereals might have.
Deathknights lose their mortal destiny, not their connection to Fate. Their thread snaps in the Loom of Fate, but they get picked up by the equivalent in the Underworld (I think it's the Calender, but I'm unsure).

If they were Outside Fate, why would they have Charms that move them Outside Fate?
Demons that stay in Creation for an extended while slowly seep into the Loom of Fate. I guess the Loom picks up their patterns and integrate them to the overall patterns of Creation.
Makes perfect sense. The Loom tracks everything that has a Fate. When something from Outside Fate starts interacting with Fate-bearing creatures, Fate changes in response to this external influence. Thus a creature that constantly influences Fate over a prolonged period of time will become defined in the Loom by those actions.
Brickwall said:
Kyeudo said:
If they were Outside Fate' date=' why would they have Charms that move them Outside Fate?[/quote']
Think carefully about White Wolf's editing team and consistency.
They're consistently inconsistent.
That makes a horrifying amount of sense, but wouldn't they at least explicitly call out their status as being Outside Fate somewhere? Maybe in a sidebar in some obscure sourcebook only printed once?
Yeah, but this is White Wolf's Exalted we're talking about.

The whole Solar Exalted being the best, but universally hated except by the low people they can convince is allegorical to the development processes. There's Nephilpal, Crunchmaster; StephenLS, Fluffczar, and ChocoZell, Artlord, as the holy trio of Exalted stuff.

Then there's the jackasses that White Wolf have working full-time on their staff who like to make a bigger mess of the system than Orkz like to make of the battlefield during the post-battle rokkin'. These guys are clearly the Dynasts, who hate everybody and want to make their money while doing as little as humanly possible.

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