Keychain 131-135

And here I thought the King would be a better match for Viral.

But does this mean that Marena is in fact Misho's Lunar mate? :o (If this has already been answered, smack me for being lazy and not backreading far enough.)

'sup btw.
Exalted can't be the Gurren Lagann crew! Unstoppable Force, Immovable Object says you can't touch the untouchable.
Exalted can't be the Gurren Lagann crew! Unstoppable Force' date=' Immovable Object says you [i']can't[/i] touch the untouchable.
Spiral power trascends rules.
I wonder if they're going to get a couple of Warstriders, then?

And set them on fire? >_>
As a general rule, everything is better with Warstriders, and everything is better with fire.

But are Warstriders better with fire? Yes. Are the better on fire? Probably not.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
As a general rule, everything is better with Warstriders, and everything is better with fire.
But are Warstriders better with fire? Yes. Are the better on fire? Probably not.
Obviously, you have not yet seen enough of Gurren Lagann. :twisted:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
I wouldn't honestly be surprised if she was...
On the other hand...

She might be Secret's. ^_^
oh exploitable!

Well, actually, I suppose that's better than Marena's shard being the mate of her sister's shard. 'Cuz that would just be disturbing.

And yes, anyone who says mecha don't work better on fire has little experience with TTGL. Fire makes everything so much more awesome.
Feverfew said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
I wouldn't honestly be surprised if she was...
On the other hand...

She might be Secret's. ^_^
oh exploitable!

Well, actually, I suppose that's better than Marena's shard being the mate of her sister's shard. 'Cuz that would just be disturbing.
I like your idea even better!

Twincest is best!
...while I hesitate to suggest it, not ALL Lunars have to have sexual relations with their mates. Sometimes they're just...mates. In the "Hey, I'm goin' down to the market with me mates, mum! We'll try not ter off any o' them Immaculates on th' way back. Wudja like us ter pick up some eggs?"

Strong friendships (or life-spanning vendettas) can be just as awesome and epic as love stories. They're a little harder to write, but that just makes them better when they're properly done.

...that said, I'm pretty sure Marena's thoughts on Exalted morality don't necessarily include any strictures against most sorts of sexual behavior. Possibly including twincest. Just don't see it happening, though.
Passage (the Abyssal in progress) may or may not run into his Lunar ex-mate at some point in the game I'm working him up for. I am thinking they had one of those all-consuming friendships that transcend death, but weren't lovers. Passage's First-Age incarnation was a monastic sort of Zenith.

but sexual tension does make everything moar dramatic, that's true.

I like the idea of Misho and Marena as having the mated shards, though. Misho's complete immunity to Marena's charms (except when she turns on the pheromones) makes me smile.
Feverfew said:
I like the idea of Misho and Marena as having the mated shards, though. Misho's complete immunity to Marena's charms (except when she turns on the pheromones) makes me smile.
When was Misho EVER immune to Marena's magic?
I have to say that Juakshi did very good job with these abstrackt backrounds, altought I don't get the idea behind first panel. What it's supoposed to be?

Also: trapdoors are the most deadliest thing to any character in existence (did I wrote it right?), and great way to make the plot deeper. Great work indeed.
I have to say that Juakshi did very good job with these abstrackt backrounds, altought I don't get the idea behind first panel. What it's supoposed to be?
Also: trapdoors are the most deadliest thing to any character in existence (did I wrote it right?), and great way to make the plot deeper. Great work indeed.
Deeper? ARGH! Bad pun!
It's true, though!

Falling damage is one of the most undefensible forms of damage you can take in Exalted. Only two Charms I know of can protect against it, and both are for Sunboys/Abbies.

This is also why an ASHPD would be a very lethal device. Send someone flying helplessly to terminal velocity, then move their exit portal over so they splat on the floor.

I'm also really sure Misho 'likes' Marena, that way. Remember the first silent comic, the fireside chat one? They laughed, they joked, they talked, then they blushed and looked away. Plus, the way Misho was all girly-blushing then went "Wuv! <3" and hugged her legs when she countered flower-girl's aromatherapy with her own.
Well, the pheromones were supernatural influence, so I didn't count that.

I'm sure he probably does like her that way--but unlike a lot of the men who meet her/she meets, she doesn't have the, err, stopping power when applied to Misho.
See, the major question I have after today's comic is: does she have destructive testing in mind? Because if not, well...she's functionally immortal, they're functionally immortal, and if their current quest is time-sensitive, hers isn't. In their place I'd just tell her "We'll come back, we promise, just let us/help us do this other stuff first..."

Also, she has adorable, adorable robot ears. Like some kind of wire-dreadlocked mecha-catgirl.

All of that goes out the window if (of course) the testing would be harmful...and the trap-dooring of Misho kind of makes cooperation unlikely. Hope she's got a cushion at the bottom, at least...

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