Keychain 131-135

Actually, I think she might be "Exalting" people by sticking soul gems in their foreheads, killing them, then sticking said soulgems into the bodies of inanimate Alchemicals to begin animating them.
Yes, that would be how you make someone an Alchemical. It actually SAYS you can make someone an Alchemical that way. But by doing this, Nova is pretty much going all against the law/religion of Autochthonia. So, the good news is, if she's a heretic, she's probably not part of the Locust Crusade.

If she's building new Vats in's hard to believe that she's only Essence 3. And, yes, you can tell. Alchemicals have to get bigger to increase their Essence. About 8 feet tall for Essence 4. Theoretically, anyway. Juk might have decided to handwave that part because, really, people turning themselves into cities is just ridiculous.
In all the talk about Authochthon, does everybody simply not notice the obvious sidereal charm at work here?

Between the last two strips, we have:

1. Nova gets shoved by Ten Winds and goes, "Hey!".

2. Nova goes, "You-" and suddenly notices something very, very interesting about Ten Winds.

3. This interesting thing is interesting enough that Nova goes "Hee..." looking mischevious, as Ten Winds realized that she recognized something and goes, "Damnation".

4. Ten Winds locks eye contact with Nova, looking focused.

5. Nova, in response, looks off into the distance, her expression frozen into a blank smile, looking like absolutely nothing is going on upstairs for a brief second.

6. Nova snaps out of it and goes right back to what she was talking about before, the work she does with the city, apparently forgetting about that brief exchange entirely.

Anyone with the Sidereals book can please turn to page 164, and read the charm "Thought-Swiping Distraction".

And anyone with a convincing case for how this chain of events *isn't* this charm being used, please step forth now.

PS: Obviously Ten Winds is the resplendency of Faen Luif (or her current incarnation, at least, per the wall of text strip a while back), who's sticking with Misho in order to keep watch over the orichalcam key as well as her own.
Zephyrus4096 said:
In all the talk about Authochthon, does everybody simply not notice the obvious sidereal charm at work here?
*blank smile* ... *snapback*

Brickwall said:
Yes, that would be how you make someone an Alchemical. It actually SAYS you can make someone an Alchemical that way. But by doing this, Nova is pretty much going all against the law/religion of Autochthonia. So, the good news is, if she's a heretic, she's probably not part of the Locust Crusade.
If she's building new Vats in's hard to believe that she's only Essence 3. And, yes, you can tell. Alchemicals have to get bigger to increase their Essence. About 8 feet tall for Essence 4. Theoretically, anyway. Juk might have decided to handwave that part because, really, people turning themselves into cities is just ridiculous.
Ridiculous, and pretty awesome. Think about Transformers - it works out pretty well for them, and the most powerful one of them is their planet.

Also, don't forget - "House rules country". If there's anywhere that Juk is going to bypass a particular Exalted rule, it's here.
Brickwall said:
really, people turning themselves into cities is just ridiculous.
I only got into Exalted recently, with the 2nd Edition, but my friends have brought me up to speed with the 1E fluff on Autoboy and his Alchemicals and's all ridiculous. It all becomes far less ridiculous, of course, when you realize that Autoboy is a spoiled little child having a crying fit because his favorite toy broke so he ran away from home. Even the Alchemicals make sense from that mentality.
Zephyrus4096 said:
5. Nova, in response, looks off into the distance, her expression frozen into a blank smile, looking like absolutely nothing is going on upstairs for a brief second.
Take a look at the eyebrows. It looks like she's just waiting for him to do something, or wondering what he's gonna do. After he doesn't do anything, she just laughs again and decides to keep this little secret to herself. Maybe he even asked her too with some kind of magic. Fun fact: there are Air Aspect Charms that allow telepathic communication.

City-people suck. And Transformers is subpar.
Auto is NOT a crying child. he left creation because he foresaw the Exalts paranoia leading to his destruction as well as a way to save his most beloved children. Now he sleeps, dying.
That dogma ignores the fact that most of those "beloved children" were randomly kidnapped innocents and, as evidenced by the need to replenish his supply of souls, Auto lacked the ability to preserve them as Creation and Lethe did. His actions doomed those "children" instead of saving them, and he did it to preserve his own life.

Why did he side with the gods?

Because the other Primordeals wouldn't let him play with them.

Why did he leave Creation?

Because his broken toys (Exalts) made him break his other toys (Jadeborn).

Why do the Alchemicals become inert cities as they reach enlightenment?

Because the mean ol Exalted got really mean when they got powerful an' he don't want the Alchemicals to be mean too.
I don't recall anything saying Autochthon wasn't allowed to play the Games of Divinity. In fact, since he MADE them, that sounds like a rather silly idea.

He left Creation because it was in the shitter. Jee, why would anyone not want to stay in a place that is in the aforementioned shitter? Maybe because it's in the shitter?

Alchemicals that become cities aren't exactly inert. They're still quite animate. They just have people living inside them. I don't think this happens until, what, Essence 7 or so? And they can choose not to increase their Essence.

Your idea is ridiculous.
Brickwall said:
I don't recall anything saying Autochthon wasn't allowed to play the Games of Divinity. In fact, since he MADE them, that sounds like a rather silly idea.
He left Creation because it was in the shitter. Jee, why would anyone not want to stay in a place that is in the aforementioned shitter? Maybe because it's in the shitter?

Alchemicals that become cities aren't exactly inert. They're still quite animate. They just have people living inside them. I don't think this happens until, what, Essence 7 or so? And they can choose not to increase their Essence.

Your idea is ridiculous.
I was under the impression that Alchemicals became cities in order to a) provide housing for the mostly-normal humans living inside Autochthon, and b protect all the humans living inside them?

Honestly, when I thought of Autochthon and the Alchemicals (damn, but that'd make a great name for a band), the first thing that sprang to mind was Mogo, from the DC universe.
Brickwall said:
If she's building new Vats in's hard to believe that she's only Essence 3. And, yes, you can tell. Alchemicals have to get bigger to increase their Essence. About 8 feet tall for Essence 4. Theoretically, anyway. Juk might have decided to handwave that part because, really, people turning themselves into cities is just ridiculous.
It's a common house rule for Alchemicals to remain small regardless of their Essence rating. Given as it's the houserules country, this might be the case. :P

Zephyrus4096 said:
PS: Obviously Ten Winds is the resplendency of Faen Luif (or her current incarnation, at least, per the wall of text strip a while back), who's sticking with Misho in order to keep watch over the orichalcam key as well as her own.
Good call. Now the question is, is Ten Winds a Reaper Daiklave or a regular Daiklave?
As for Alchemicals becoming cities:

I think they settle down because, after achieving such refined Essence, they see no purpose in possessing individuality. They'd rather return to Autochthon and become one with him in both physical and spiritual forms than meddle with things that don't mean anything when compared to the Machine God's transcendent existence.
As for Alchemicals becoming cities:
I think they settle down because, after achieving such refined Essence, they see no purpose in possessing individuality. They'd rather return to Autochthon and become one with him in both physical and spiritual forms than meddle with things that don't mean anything when compared to the Machine God's transcendent existence.
Also, imagine how satisfying and how much fun it'd be to be a sentient city! Dozens or hundreds of people who all love and depend on you, while you get to protect them against the hostile environments outside...can city-ish Alchemicals still move, talk and whatnot? It'd kind of stink otherwise, but if they can, just imagine how much fun it'd be to be Moya, or Rommy, or any of the other sentient starships or the like that we've seen in fiction.

I'd think it'd be a pretty easy matter for an Alchemical city-Exalted to make a human-sized 'doll' to work with, too...but I guess maybe the game designers thought differently...
I always figured that Alchemical cities are capable of projecting avatars of themselves to make interactions with lesser beings easier...

Though, with my justification for Alchemicals becoming cities, they would be just... cities.
merle said:
I'd think it'd be a pretty easy matter for an Alchemical city-Exalted to make a human-sized 'doll' to work with' date=' too...but I guess maybe the game designers thought differently...[/quote']
From what I heard on the internetz, there were plans of making Municipal Charms for Alchemicals that would allow play at that level but they were cut out because of not enough book space...
Vampir said:
merle said:
I'd think it'd be a pretty easy matter for an Alchemical city-Exalted to make a human-sized 'doll' to work with' date=' too...but I guess maybe the game designers thought differently...[/quote']
From what I heard on the internetz, there were plans of making Municipal Charms for Alchemicals that would allow play at that level but they were cut out because of not enough book space...
In that case, that's what house-rules are for! Also, expansion books.
Your idea that they become just cities... is wrong. Dead wrong.

Yes, they desire to be closer to Autochton, but they still interact with the people living in them. It's only the SUPER massive and ancient cities that truly become one with their god.

And yes, they move and such... hranted, they don't transform or walk about in giant robot form... without VERY custom charms. Admitedly, a charm for a drone to move about could be created, even if it's not canonical.

As for inspiration for what city-sized Alchemicals are like, think SHODAN, think HAL, think Andromeda, think GLaDOS, think Fortress Maximus, Metroplex, Trypticon, Scorponok.
Brickwall said:
I don't recall anything saying Autochthon wasn't allowed to play the Games of Divinity. In fact, since he MADE them, that sounds like a rather silly idea.
He left Creation because it was in the shitter. Jee, why would anyone not want to stay in a place that is in the aforementioned shitter? Maybe because it's in the shitter?

Alchemicals that become cities aren't exactly inert. They're still quite animate. They just have people living inside them. I don't think this happens until, what, Essence 7 or so? And they can choose not to increase their Essence.

Your idea is ridiculous.
Autobook page 17

During the war between the gods and the Primordials,

the Machine God felt more loyalty to his various creations

than to the other Primordials who treated him as a lowly

menial who only existed to create new weapons, armor and

entertainments for them.

The Exalts growing paranoia worried Autochthon,

and he feared they had been the victim of a dire deathcurse

sent by his slain brethren, although he did not yet

understand the full ramifications of the Great Curse. He

was afraid to give voice to any of these fears, however.

Conclusions regarding Alchemicals:

By becoming cities, even animate cities, the Alchemicals become part of Autoboy and sufficiently sessile that the idea of them being a threat is laughable. In this way Autoboy precludes the possibility of any Alchemical reaching the levels of Essence required to pose a threat while retaining the individuality, independence, and capability to pose a significant threat.

Conclusions regarding your assessment of my idea:

Your opinion has been duly noted.
The cities can and do move... just really, really slowly.

Not that you also don't hear of stories of a gremlin Alchemical city burrowing in the flesh of the Living God... cutting and drilling everything in its path. Digging ever deeper into core systems of Autochton.
I'll point out that the city-Alchemicals are still humanoid. They've just gotten themselves imbedded in the city scape. Their torsoes are still fully functional, and large enough that when you start climbing up one, it's not obvious that's what you're doing.

They'd also be capable of mounting gigantic Essence Cannons and similar weapons. They wouldn't be so useful in Autocthon, but in Creation, such a charm would be very useful. Especially since you're probably linked up to a demense for extra power.
nick012000 said:
I'll point out that the city-Alchemicals are still humanoid. They've just gotten themselves imbedded in the city scape. Their torsoes are still fully functional, and large enough that when you start climbing up one, it's not obvious that's what you're doing.
They'd also be capable of mounting gigantic Essence Cannons and similar weapons. They wouldn't be so useful in Autocthon, but in Creation, such a charm would be very useful. Especially since you're probably linked up to a demense for extra power.
Darn realize that now I have to read the Alchemicals material? They just sound bizarrely awesome.
They've ALWAYS been full of awesome. Them and their frikkin' beamsabers. :twisted:

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