Keychain 121-126

Kyeudo said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Underhanded? Perhaps. Nothing says I can't do it if I catch you 1st-posting somewhere else, though. :)

Also, in case you missed it, "In-joke". That's what it was. An in-joke. Or was supposed to be, anyway.
Very funny. :roll: Looks like you may have accidentally started something.
Yes! The only thing better than spreading cheesy-yet-fun newbie-greeting traditions would be racing through city streets at unsafe speeds in a pimped-out, overengined DeSoto.

(Nobody is going to get that...)

And that animation needs to be sped up about 50% to match the Speedycake Remix.
Jukashi said:
Guys... I just got some very interesting fanart... Got it up as soon as I got it.
Go take a look... >.>
Awwwwww :D

So adorable! Now we have to wait 'till someone makes a music video of that in youtube.

Wait! That'd be awesssssssome idea! Somebody! Do it! :mrgreen:
So adorable! Now we have to wait 'till someone makes a music video of that in youtube.
Wait! That'd be awesssssssome idea! Somebody! Do it! :mrgreen:
Working on it as we all speak.

Curse you Jukashi for making me want to do this SOOOOO badly.
Jukashi, I think I speak for most of us when I ask,

What the bloody hell have you done?! You've unleashed a horror unspeakable upon everyone!
Hey guys, I just figured out something about the comic.

Marena et al are looking for some "she", whose identity is deliberately hidden. Her status is unknown, and she is in this city.

Alchemicals are taking the Exalts to some woman who is refered to as "her majesty" but not given an identity, and for whatever reason, the writer decided that the group getting captured would move this storyline along better.

Thus, I conclude:

They are being taken to see the woman Marena is looking for.

We'll see tomorrow, but in advance, I called it!
Rixaxun said:
Cluivnarihe wouldn't have much left to be disparaging about if the shippers on this forum had their way...
Which ones?

The demented voices in my head that say that she'd be better off with Marena? Or the ones saying she's destined to be Misho's True Love, the cursed innocence that makes him finally (accidently) cure the Great Curse?
Well, they're both rather serpentine. CluiCai OTP!

Seriously, though, Clui is now my favorite character. That line was so random.
Well she had to talk some time, I mean we already knew she had a personality from the comics and the thread dedicated to her.
Sentient, sarcastic sword... Awesome.

Seeing into Secret's mind should be interesting. And it can't be as horrible as the looming economic crisis, either. (That's reaching Cthonic levels by now.)
cyl said:
Well she had to talk some time, I mean we already knew she had a personality from the comics and the thread dedicated to her.
Didn't necessarily mean she could talk. Inanimate objects can have "personality". Cluivnarihe also has telepathy is all.
Well since the KoUS talked to both of them when he gave it to Secret, it was easy to guess she could have communicative abilities.
This is Exalted. Your sword is just as likely to talk back as not. Why is that so crazy?

It's when it starts moving on its own that you start to have trouble.
Kyeudo said:
This is Exalted. Your sword is just as likely to talk back as not. Why is that so crazy?
I didn't say it was, I just said that it was just as plausable that the King of Uncloaked Steel was batshit crazy (actually, that part is probable) and was talking to an unsentient lump of soulsteel.

It's when it starts moving on its own that you start to have trouble.
Which Cluivnarhe is known to do.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
I didn't say it was, I just said that it was just as plausable that the King of Uncloaked Steel was batshit crazy (actually, that part is probable) and was talking to an unsentient lump of soulsteel.
Which Cluivnarhe is known to do.
For an Abyssal, killing the undeserving isn't nearly crazy. It's the closest they can get to being nice without getting slapped with Resonance. I've been waiting to see Secret have a major Resonance explosion for a while now. It's bound to happen eventually.

And Cluivnarhe is trouble incarnate. The only reason that Secret is still alive (for a certain value of alive) is that the King told Cluivnarhe to stay with her and Secret feeds the sword regularly. I pity anyone who tries to get that sword away from Secret though. If it's that dangerous to hold a snake by the tail, it's twice as dangerous to be where it can bring its fangs to bear.
See, what they need is an artifact to prevent the Neverborn from being able to see Secret's actions, which would handily prevent them from assigning Resonance tokens.

And Cluivnarhe is in fact trouble.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
See, what they need is an artifact to prevent the Neverborn from being able to see Secret's actions, which would handily prevent them from assigning Resonance tokens.
I don't think it's possible for them to do. The Neverborn are at least as powerful as the Celestial Incarnae, even though they're dead, and they don't monitor Abyssals by watching them from outside. The Neverborn are in Abyssal's heads, watching and hearing everything they do, whispering to them the secrets of the past, present, and future so they can better destroy Creation.

You'd need something beyond the capabilities of even an Esssence 5 Solar to do it. It might be possible in a hundred years or something, but they'll be capable of destroying the First and Forsaken Lion before anything like that happens.

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