Keychain 121-126

merle said:
Where, exactly, is the wagon?
Philosophers have been debating that question since ancient Miletus. You'll never get an answer.
Who is with the wagon, thus forming a self-referential logic dimension, separating them from the rest of the story for an indefinite period and amount.

That would actually make a cool Sidereal Charm about Elsewhere.
Who is with the wagon, thus forming a self-referential logic dimension, separating them from the rest of the story for an indefinite period and amount.
That would actually make a cool Sidereal Charm about Elsewhere.
I'm pretty sure that charm is only available to webcomic authors...

They're the only ones who could get away with something that cocamaimied without having their fans run up and bite their nipples off.
What of Sorcery?

Would that be Celestial or Solar?

Perhaps a bit 'o the God-Machine Protocols?
Ooooh. The Starmetal Key. Shiny.

Is this just pointless foreshadowing, or will Miss. Sidereal be joining the party soon?
Rixaxun said:
Ooooh. The Starmetal Key. Shiny.
Is this just pointless foreshadowing, or will Miss. Sidereal be joining the party soon?
Ten Winds is already with the party. Did you forget?
Rixaxun said:
Ooooh. The Starmetal Key. Shiny.
Is this just pointless foreshadowing, or will Miss. Sidereal be joining the party soon?
Ten Winds is already with the party. Did you forget?
I'm telling you, that's what he wants you to think. He's not a Sidereal, he just does an incredible job of being an enigma to make you think he is.

He is, in fact, an Air-aspected Master of Air Dragon Style, I'm telling you! He's dangerous! He can make you underestimate him or overestimate him at his pleasure!

And I think we need this Siddie to join the group. She's too hot not to, and Secret needs another female role-model other than Marena and Misho...

*ducks and runs*
Flagg said:
Is that a starmetal rope holding up her shorts?
bah, waste of starmetal, well have to confiscate that in the name of the bureau of heaven :D

the starmetal key is very nice Jukashi, can't wait to see the rest
Ah. The Sidereal holding the Starmetal Key is apparently the same Sidereal involved in the origin of the keys.

Wonder if she's going to recognize Misho?
She knew both Misho and Marena before... maybe even Secret.

However, she's going to do something awful to the party power balance. :P
I was thinking more the whole 'millennia old Exalt with access to the finest training still in existence' thing.
what? am I being unobservant again? I know ten winds is supposed to be wearing trousers, but afaik she's the first person to have them drawn on the character
Five'll get you ten that she's a Bronze.

EDIT also, she has to be really really really really really old.
She's Faen Luif's reincarnation, who's been around since the Usurpation, but she is NOT the Faen Luif who was there during the Primordial War and the forging of the Keys.

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