Keychain 121-126

Yeah, I get that. I don't get the part where she's simultaneously herself and not herself.
Reincarnation of the soul and shard into a new body. Nifty trick, that.

Millenium old gets a good max Essence, so lots of Essnece memories. Same personality peeking back through.
I've had enough of these @*%^)@ing plotholes on this @%^&*@ing plane!

Oh, what?

There's no plotholes?

Okay, I'll cancel Morgan Freeman's appointment to come, then.

Also: Hurrah for drawn trousers! Especially since they're shorts.

Visible sandals are also worth a mention, too.
She describes herself as being over 1,000 years old. The forging of the keys took place shortly after the Primordial War. there are no living Exalted who fought in the Primordial War, it's too long ago, even for the Sidereal lifespan. Her age places her around the Usurpation, maybe a little before. Therefore, different person, though likely the bearer of Faen Luif's Shard, same way that Misho carries the shard of the orichalcum bearer (don't forget, Misho is the name of the first age solar. This current incarnation has forgotten everything, and thus does not know his own name) and Marena carries the Exaltation of the Moonsilver bearer.
Chaka said:
She describes herself as being over 1,000 years old. The forging of the keys took place shortly after the Primordial War. there are no living Exalted who fought in the Primordial War, it's too long ago, even for the Sidereal lifespan. Her age places her around the Usurpation, maybe a little before. Therefore, different person, though likely the bearer of Faen Luif's Shard, same way that Misho carries the shard of the orichalcum bearer (don't forget, Misho is the name of the first age solar. This current incarnation has forgotten everything, and thus does not know his own name) and Marena carries the Exaltation of the Moonsilver bearer.
Thank you for yet another reminder that Exalted reincarnation is weird. I don't think I'll ever get the hang of this...
Well, unless he got the gem of immortality... then he could be the same person. :roll:
Held in stasis?

Robot clone?

Biological clone?

Time travel?

Biological descendant?

Also, how do we know that Marena is the bearer of the Lunar Shard that was present there? Couldn't she just be some random Lunar who got swept up in everything by meeting Misho and adopting her friend's quest as her own?
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Also, how do we know that Marena is the bearer of the Lunar Shard that was present there?
Yeah, how do we know?

Regarding visible trouser legs; Marena's male form quite clearly has visible baggy pants.
We can't know Marena's got the first age essence of the lunars in the first comics... mainly because totems and caste may vary from one to another incarnation.

But I'd like to know more about that promess Misho made to her (yeah I read it all from the beginning this morning ^^)... you've got excellent hooks :)
Jukashi said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Also, how do we know that Marena is the bearer of the Lunar Shard that was present there?
Yeah, how do we know?

Regarding visible trouser legs; Marena's male form quite clearly has visible baggy pants.
it would seem you are correct sir, bravo. this would leave me one course of action by jove.

no witnesses

also, is it odd that Marena looks like she's wearing less when her tattoos aren't visible?
Actually, I'll point out the Usurpation took place about 1,500 years previous; her age puts her at being born in the middle of the Dragonblooded Shogunate.
cyl said:
Well, unless he got the gem of immortality... then he could be the same person. :roll:
Sidereal Exalted cannot extend their lifespan by any means (according to MoEP: Sidereals). However, they are naturally the longest lived of the Exalted, topping out around 5,000, as compared to Solars and Lunars, who rarely make 4,000.
Chaka said:
cyl said:
Well, unless he got the gem of immortality... then he could be the same person. :roll:
Sidereal Exalted cannot extend their lifespan by any means (according to MoEP: Sidereals). However, they are naturally the longest lived of the Exalted, topping out around 5,000, as compared to Solars and Lunars, who rarely make 4,000.
Why do you think they tried to offer Chejop a gem of Immortality then ? (same book)
Iconsistency in the fluff of a white wolf book? Shocker!

The fact remains that according to the rules fluff, that would not have worked. Which is also the simplest explanation for why Chejop Kejak refused it.
merle said:
Thank you for yet another reminder that Exalted reincarnation is weird. I don't think I'll ever get the hang of this...
Ok, I think I can explain this. The Celestial Exaltation is basically a "Second Soul" that bonds with your mortal soul and seperates from it upon death. The Mortal Soul enters Lethe, the Afterlife, or Oblivion (Now, for my money, there's not much practical difference between Lethe and Oblivion, really. And the Afterlife kinda sucks.) The Exaltation returns to Lytek, (or to it's monstrance, in the case of abyssals) who cleans off the memories as best as he can and sends it out to find a new bearer.
Galen said:
merle said:
Thank you for yet another reminder that Exalted reincarnation is weird. I don't think I'll ever get the hang of this...
Ok, I think I can explain this. The Celestial Exaltation is basically a "Second Soul" that bonds with your mortal soul and seperates from it upon death. The Mortal Soul enters Lethe, the Afterlife, or Oblivion (Now, for my money, there's not much practical difference between Lethe and Oblivion, really. And the Afterlife kinda sucks.) The Exaltation returns to Lytek, (or to it's monstrance, in the case of abyssals) who cleans off the memories as best as he can and sends it out to find a new bearer.
...right. So why does it carry stuff like appearance and memories with it, if it's not part of the actual person's soul?
merle said:
...right. So why does it carry stuff like appearance and memories with it, if it's not part of the actual person's soul?
Appearance, it doesn't. As Mew Cai pointed out, that is a really freaky coincidence.

The Exaltation is a sort of soul-symbiote that binds to both the lower and higher soul. Human memories are also bound to both souls (which is why there are ghosts and such), and the Exaltation shares them, as it shares everything else with both souls until the separation of death. The Exaltation is perfectly capable of carrying a lifetime of memories, but in most cases, Lytek, God of Exaltation, 'cleans' the Shard so that it has very few memories. It's not clear in this case whether he did this because he knew modern Misho would react oddly to it (he does get a say in who Exalts, and basically just makes the choices and gets them rubber-stamped, if you go by canon), or if the massive amount of remaining memories caused the amnesia in the first place.

In addition, Exaltations carry unique baggage, such as the Solar-Lunar bond and metaphysical relationships (being friends with a Solar if your past incarnation was friends with his past incarnation). To make a poor metaphor, they are basically extra hard drives that you back up your current drive on and store some extra stuff on too, including your favorite applications.
My calls on the erased memories are

1- the gods do not want the exalts to remember that they are servants, when they die, they have to figure it out all again. Less risks of a coup d'Etat.

2- implant the complete memories of a super powered being who lived for millenias into the brain of a 16 years old kid can be pretty cruel... kid would go nuts.

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