procrastination symphony
Key to an Oath:
Basic Information
Subrace (if yokai)
Clan (if onmyoji)
Faceclaim (picture + source)
About the Character
What’s your character pitch? What makes them interesting and unique? Keep it short at around 2-4 paragraphs. Just give me a general idea of their personality and/or backstory. Whatever you think expresses your ideas best.
Give me a brief rundown of how your character fights and what their weaknesses are. What kind of onmyodo, yojutsu, or other tools do they have at their disposal?
Subrace (if yokai)
Clan (if onmyoji)
Faceclaim (picture + source)
About the Character
What’s your character pitch? What makes them interesting and unique? Keep it short at around 2-4 paragraphs. Just give me a general idea of their personality and/or backstory. Whatever you think expresses your ideas best.
Give me a brief rundown of how your character fights and what their weaknesses are. What kind of onmyodo, yojutsu, or other tools do they have at their disposal?
The application should hopefully be short enough so that no one spends a huge amount of effort only to get rejected but detailed enough that I get a good idea of what your character will be like. Anyone personally invited by the GM doesn't need to submit an application. For those applying via the interest check, here are a few things to note:
- One application/character per person. I've posted two sample applications, but this is just to give an example for both races. I will not be playing both.
- The deadline for apps is November 20th, 11:59PM [EST]. I'll be going over applications on the 21st and officially open the CS thread on the 22nd.
- If you wish to add or change anything while writing the official character sheet, that’s completely fine and there’s no need to ask me. I’ll see whether or not it’s acceptable once I see the completed sheet. However, you are not allowed to edit major parts of the character such as their race, clan, and general power/skill set. This is to ensure that the roleplay gets a balanced cast.
- Players are allowed to apply for influential positions such as the successor/head of x clan, someone from the imperial family, or the protege of one of the demon lords. Always ask first, and take note that this will likely require several exchanges to check that all the details work out and don't conflict with any lore. The same goes for if you want to make up some influential figure of the past (e.g. some famous past clan head) in your character's backstory.
- Don’t be long winded. Your application will only become less likely to be accepted.
- After the acceptance period, any rejected applications will be kept in the thread. If you wish to delete yours, that’s fine. Just note that I’ll be using the remaining apps as a waitlist in the case more slots open up in the future.
- If you struggle with bbcode, it's perfectly fine to submit your application with plain text. Otherwise you may use the app code I'll be pasting below. For the sake of keeping things clean, DO NOT use any other codes for the apps. Save the fancy stuff for the CS thread.
[comment][font=Shippori Mincho B1]serif[/font]
// accents //
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0;
/* <------------------------------------------ put your character's image url where indicated below ------------------------------------- */
--charIMG: url('<delete this and paste the url here>') 50% 10%/cover no-repeat;
/* <--------------------------------- accents ---------------------------------> */
/* colors */
--textcolor: #222222;
--accent: #b04325;
--linkcolor: #fefefe;
/* fonts */
--JPNfont: 'Shippori Mincho B1', serif;
--headerfont: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
--textfont: 'Garamond', serif;
--numberfont: 'Poppins', sans-serif;
/* backgrounds */
--bg01: url('') repeat;
--bg02: url('') repeat;
/* images */
--flower: url('') no-repeat;
--mainIMG: url('') top center/cover no-repeat;
/* <--------------------------------- wrapper ---------------------------------> */
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 50px 0;
width: 100%;
min-width: 300px;
background: var(--bg01);
font-size: initial;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;][comment]
----- start of image ----- >
[/comment][border=0; border-bottom: 10px solid var(--accent); padding: 0; margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; max-width: 550px; height: 200px; background: var(--charIMG);][/border][comment]
<----- end of image -----
----- start of main body ----->
[/comment][border=0; padding: 25px; margin: 0 auto; width: calc(100% - 50px); max-width: 500px; background: var(--bg02); position: relative; overflow: hidden;][comment]
--------------- start of flower decor --------------->
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; width: 255px; height: 196px; background: var(--flower); position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 0;][/border][comment]
<--------------- end of flower decor ---------------
--------------- start of textbox --------------->
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; width: 100%; position: relative; z-index: 1;][comment]
-------------------- start of content section -------------------->
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; width: 100%; font-family: var(--textfont); font-size: 1em; line-height: 130%; color: var(--textcolor); text-align: justify;][b]Basic Information[/b]
Subrace: (if yokai)
Clan: (if onmyoji)
Faceclaim: (source)
[b]About the Character[/b]
What’s your character pitch? What makes them interesting and unique? Keep it short at around 2-4 paragraphs. Just give me a general idea of their personality and/or backstory. Whatever you think expresses your ideas best.
Give me a brief rundown of how your character fights and what their weaknesses are. What kind of onmyodo, yojutsu, or other tools do they have at their disposal?[/border][comment]
<-------------------- end of content section --------------------
<--------------- end of textbox ---------------
<----- end of main body -----
Code by Nano
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