Key Blade Wars

Bella nodded at Reiko. "When he comes back, we'll be prepared. I could tell that something was different when he seemed concerned. It was unusual, and I believe you when you say he's the opposite of what he's shown us." She looked at Seth. "Hopefully it won't hinder us too muchon our journey." she said. They would still have to travel the worlds, and take down who or whatever got in their way or tried to stop them.
"look I know they have some super light thing to make them stronger. Do you guys get anything like that?" he says glancing at the darkness still lingering and swirling around the two.
Seth nodded "Yeah hopefully." he said then he took out the vial. "you said there would be some pain." he said looking at the liquid inside the vial. "Oh well." he said and sipped the drink. He was unphased at first. But then he dropped to his knees. "GRAHHH!" he yelled in pain. Then he was fine. "I wonder if it worked?" he asked looking at Bella.
Geara laughed looking at this new darkness that stood before him. "There is nothing i can show you of my dark powers... But there is however more power for you and i to seek..... Ive found the location of eight legendary keyblades... however i cannot simply access the location myself. I need an acomplice. You help me retrieve the blades, and i will not only give you a cut in these weapons.... but i will aid you in destroying the chasers of light."
The man grinned opening the palm of his hand. Infront of the man lied a portal of darkness that stretched open by the shear power of Geara. "Follow me" said geara moving through the darkness. Once within the man would appear in another world, this is where the keyblades lied. Was stepping out of the portal geara appeared upon a city hidden in a valley between two cliffs. This city was tall and gleamed with a gold light, below was yet another valled with a bridge standing tall connecting booth sides. Waters fell far within the valley, that is where the key blades lied. At the bottom of the valled was a giant gate, a gate that could only be opened by using a large force of magic. Geara began to walk towards the cities edge seeing a large stair case leading to the bottom of the valley. He would simply say "The blades are in this direction" Leading the way the man would proceed downwards walking at a normal pace. It would take the two about twenty minutes to get to the bottom. Geara stood within the water placing his right hand towards the gate as darkness began to amass from his body. This darkenss pressed forwards with an attempt to open the gate. "Come Erebus i need your help"

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Bella shrugged. "How will we know unless you get in a fight?" she asked. She hadn't seen him transform except once, and that was because he was provoked. She looked at Reiko. "How do we know, without him picking a fight with someone?"
Reiko felt a darkness somewhere begging to grow stronger, its power began to spike like before when the man arrived. He sighed turning to seth. "There is a way to test it. First feel the power inside you like you are going to cast a spell. But take that feeling and search deep in yourself. Find that light for it will come to you, I believe that light lies somewhere between rage and serenity." Said reiko as he turned away closing his eyes, the man was tring to find the darkenss somewhere inbetween worlds.
Erebus floats down the stairs next to Geara atempting to do the same but his darkness isnt quite as strong as Geara's. The beast inside Erebus starts to bubble up like Seth's.but instead of red its purpleish white
Seth closed his eyes. He felt a strange energy flowing within him. He brought it to the surface. He started glowing gold. He had six like markings around his neck. "Woah." he said.
"Good" said Reiko sitting down with his eyes closed. He could feel the light begin to influence seth making him stronger and giving him more controll "How much of a grasp do you got, because i dont think we have much time to train your power. Geara is using alot of magic, im tring to track him.... i almost have a lock on his magic."
Purple white energy tails sprout from Erebus' lower back. Energy starts pouring out of his clawed hands "fahcking oohpeeen damn it"
Bella smiled. "Great." she said. She blushed a little but tried to brush it off by looking away. "Geara's up to something?" she asked Reiko. She glanced over at Seth. "Should we go check it out?"
Geara smirked as enough magic ripped open the giant doors. Trembling with force the doors opened as geara smiled. His foot steps echoed forwards with a large mount of steel lying forwards with but only a shimmer of light falling down upon the mound of steel. Placed within the mound were eight key blades each with different abilities, Geara learned much of the keyblades within his research. Here theyre were multiple blades each with limitations. These keyblades couldnt be taken by one man. There were magic limitations, if a person tried to take all the keyblades, he would never be able to leave these walls. But there were two sets of keyblades that could be taken by one man. Geara walked forwards taking two keyblades, the two he needed to destroy the Chaser's of light. The first key blade he took was called the Last Echo, a keyblade that was silver with a purple aura. This keyblade was forged of darkness. The other was yet another blade of darkenss called Blackened Sun, a keyblade that can absorb light an transcend it into darkness. With a smile Geara took his blades and pointed at the others he said "Take your pick"

(Ooc: Im posting the Key blades and there powers in a information topic called Key Blade wars, Legendary Blades)
Bella nodded and looked back at Reiko. "We'll help you." she said. "Do you know where to find him?"

((OoC: Sorry it's short, and good thing you're posting, I haven't finished any of the handheld games except CoM so I'm not terribly up to date on the Legendary stuff))
((Oh haha xD it's hard to tell the truth between real and fanfiction sometimes anyway. Coulda fooled me))
Erebus floats into the room having disapated the beast energy (he has much better controle of his compaired to Seth) an his eyes lock on heaven and hell feeling the elemental possability he grabs the handle and wiggles it from the mound he looks over the others but seems to be missing something (ffor some reason he cant see the omega strike) "hey didn't you say there were eight of these i only count sev-GAH" the purple energy surges around him and an arm of darkness springs out of his back and grabs the Omega Strike pulling it back inside himself. He falls to the ground and when he gets up purple and black swirls are formed from his forehead and down beside his eyes. "well that was weird" (so limit is just 2 Right?)
Geara smiled placing booth of his new keyblades to his side with a smile. Such dark power resided in these weapons, such a insidious strength and force. Holding up the Blackened Sun geara began to laugh with a insane tone. It seemed the man had become mad lifting his keyblade above his head, with darkness drawing inwards. Such a malevolent force was held within the hand of geara, a force that would soon consume the world. "So you think the chasers have a chance now" replied Geara.

(You can only have two if you have the Blackened sun and Last Echo or if you have Forward until dawn and Fateful Memory and naturally heaven and hell are a duel wielding keyblade by itself. Each set of the duel are a contrast in power, the duel darkness keyblades and the duel light keyblades. Then there are the strong single handed keyblades the radient guardian and the omega strike which are against a contrast in light and darkness. But the final two are neutral keyblades that have incredible power. The reason for this is that one cannot over power such weapons, and also im building a plot idea. Also by the way the Omega Strike, nice pick. Strongest keyblade of them all. )
Reiko opened his eyes standing up with a serious determined face. He opened the palm of his hand with a golden light forming into a sphere. Reiko threw it forwards with making it explode into a pillar of light rising up into the heavens above. Reiko took a step forwards with his keyblade in his hand. "You guys better be ready, because this is gonna get messy." Reiko said stepping through the pillar of light. He moved in taking him to the world geara was at. Then crashing down onto the other world he gasped. Such a place really existed, a place of legends. Reiko had no idea that the realm of the Eight legendary key blades existed, he thought it to be simply a bed time story. He thought for a second remembering the tale of where the key blades were stored, it was said they were hidden under a golden gate. Reiko looked around seeing a vast valley with a towering gate that was open. "Sh*t" said Reiko under his breath as he leaped down from the valley to the bottom. His feet thudded into the ground with cracks forming under the surface of his feet. The chaser of light walked forwards holding his keyblade firm with his right hand. Reiko knew this wasnt going to be easy as he entered the gates seeing not only Geara but another figure of darkness and five key blades lying down still. The man knew the only fighting chance he now had was to obtain one of the legendary keyblades. Reiko jumped upwards grabbing ahold of a keyblade with a swoop as he spun around turning towards geara holding his keyblade in his right hand and in his left the legendary keyblade Forward until dawn. Once Reiko touched the keyblade golden light radiated from the blade merging with his own light.

"So we meet again Geara"
Geara turned to see Reiko join the party as he laughed. Darkness was amassing around his body while he looked at the chaser of light who stood before him. "Well if it isnt my old friend Reiko? Its been a long time, you may have come here to defeat me. But now that is impossible, today i have become invincible. Today i have found my ultimate identity.... Geara Omnis of Nightmares!" Darkness began to pour out of geara's mouth rissing into the air. This darkness rose into a black sphere forming above geara's body. Booth legendary key blades would moved within this darkness sphere. Then geara began to change, the mans hair changed colors from Cyan to blue. His eyes changed from red to Green. The man rubbed his his face in confusion while the sphere formed into a solid shape. It formed into Geara, above was the embodiment of darkenss, Geara Omnis. He had seperated himself from jing once more, although now he didnt need jing. He was stronger without the heart of that man, the nobody Geara had finally returned.

"You remember Jing dont you? after all he use to be a chaser of light like you reiko"

Said Geara as he held booth keyblades within his hand. The man rose his hand with the Blackened sun as he placed it on Jing's shoulder and the Lost echo on jings other shoulder. Jing looked at reiko thinking he was finally free from geara when darkness began to pour out from jing. The blackened sun keyblade had a power that could convert light into darkenss and the lost echo had a power that could devour souls. Although one had to be weak to be devoured by the lost echo. Jing was as weak as could be after all he had been controlled by geara for years. Suddenly Jing smiled as geara backed up from him, darkness had taken jing's soul once more. Evil filled him as he stepped forwards towards reiko as he reached down picking up a keyblade, this keyblade was the Heaven and hell. Once it was placed in jings palm the blade glowed red as darkness covered his eyes. Jing rose his keyblade at reiko with a evil smile. While geara began to talk

"How does it feel having fighting a chaser of light converted into darkness. You have no hope here, the chasers downfall begins now."
Bella followed Reiko into the portal he's opened. Seeing the open gate they all knew they were too late; Geara had already reached the Keyblades. She followed him in to see Geara, then another figure that looked like... "Erebus??" she whispered. She looked over at Seth. His brother had picked up one of the Keyblades holding the power of darkness. She watched as Reiko picked up another Keyblade, and Jing was given duel Keyblades. She wondered if she should pick up the Radient Guardian, it felt like it was almost calling to her, but She waited.

((ooc: I had her wait because Idk if she has the right to get one? Do you have to be like, idk a certain person or can just anyone pick it up?))

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