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Realistic or Modern Kaswarkakiwa Highschool

Emily didn't wake up peacefully, Erin wailing in her cot and waking everyone up. Their mum was in their bedroom instantly, a bottle of fresh baby milk in her hands, looking like she'd been sleeping rough. "It's alright, Emily, I'll handle Erin..." She started as Emily scooped up Erin.

"I want to feed her. Please, mum..." Emily pleaded, cradling Erin in her arms. Her mother didn't object, handing her the bottle.

"Remember that you're going to stay with your father tonight, he's picking you up from school. But I'll be driving you there".

@JaCrispy @Ryukaa Miura @TheAnimeRabbit
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Yui walked downstairs to see her older brother vooking some breakfast "are you sure you will be ok?" He asked "you notmally go to bording school"

"Ill be fine " yui responded with a smile.
Yoongi slammed his hand down on his alarm and groaned. He loves to sleep and hates being woken up. He slowly got up and made his way down stairs to make breakfast. He had his school bag ready the night before , so he had more time to get ready. He finished his food and ran upstairs to get dressed.
Ryukaa finished his coffee and headed to school. He got on the school grounds and sat on the bench by himself.

Yoongi checked the time and ran down the stairs. "Bye mum , Bye dad!" He shouted as he went out the door , not waiting for a reply. In less than 10 minutes he made it to school, he instantly when the to look for an empty bench but they were all full. He looked around a bit more and saw one that had someone sitting on it but there was enough room for him. Whatever I want a seat. He thought to himself as he walked over and sat down.

@Ryukaa Miura
"Hey" he replied with a straight face to the boy. He was tired and grumpy. He ran out of coffe and couldn't have any this morning, so he was extra tired.

@Ryukaa Miura
Yui walked into the school grounds her hood up worryed about people she wasent good with people they were normally horrible to her.

"Yoongi, Min Yoongi " he replied as he stuck out his hand to shake, he may be tired but that's no excuse to be rude to the boy. " What's your name?" He asked.

@Ryukaa Miura
(Back from the world of sleep)

Emily thanked her mother, after she drove her to school, hugging her tightly. Erin started to cry, wanting attention. Emily said goodbye to her, tickling her a little, smiling as she gurgled and laughed. Heading into school, Emily felt like having a cup of coffee.
Emily headed into the canteen and to the coffee machine, deciding that tea would be a better option. She made herself a cuppa, sipping it slowly.

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