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Fantasy Kaiju Academy


Chibi Headmaster: *lights fireworks as the crowd roars* MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!)

Headmaster's eyes were about to pop out of her head as the boys kissed. She wished desperately that she had her camera out. Instead she cheered, laughing with great gusto as her ship finally, FINALLY set sail. She was such a proud captain.
Warren blinked hard, trying to fully comprehend what just happened. "Did he just do what I think he did?" He asked the girls, his brain overloaded. He cleared his throat, adjusting his tie, and promptly sat down quietly. "This was entirely unprecedented. And I have no idea how to react." He was feeling a myriad of emotions; white-hot rage being the most prominent, but also confusion, amongst others. "I feel nauseous all of a sudden," he remarked, falling over into the fetal position.
Tine was in heaven. "I can die now." He mumbled. "I don't care if Lord death himself comes in hear and steals my soul... My life is complete."
Kat crouched beside the curled up Warren. "Come now Warren. You can't be like that. I know you feel sick now. But LATER, you're going to feel like the world is complete. I promise you." She pat his head softly. "Also, don't puke," she smiled.
Warren turned his head slowly towards the Headmaster. "Are you mad, woman?" He said, a strong passive-aggressive tone in his voice. "Are you clinically insane, Headmaster? Did you plan this? Do you think this is some sort of game? Like chess?"
Warren scoffed, shooting her an angry glare. "Well, I gotta tell you, I'm not loving you right now." He stood up, and dusted himself off. "This isn't something you just do on a whim, Headmaster; You can't play with someone's emotions like some sort of toy!" He was beginning to show his anger more visibly. He then turned his attention to Tine. "And you; you have some nerve. You can't just kiss someone and make them instantly love you, it doesn't work like that! If this was some crazy scheme to get me and Tine together, suffice to say it didn't freaking work. Congratulations, guys." And with that, Warren stormed off, leaving the others to their own devices.
Kain had just finished working out. He hed left the work out room towl around his neck. He made his way to the courtyard to relax only to find kat, warren, tin and Alice there. He heard the last parts along with the kiss. He came up behind kat" well id say that went well wouldn't you?" He asked. A small part of the cracks on his arm showed kain not realizing they were. Kain looked at kat" if it makes you feel any better i still love you." He said with a smile.
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(Headmaster just got told...)

Tine fluttered around the ball room by himself smiling. When Warren yelled at him all he could say was. "Love you too."
Kayla silently watched Warren storm off, before gazing back over towards the fluttering happy Time. Shaking her head with a small giggle, she got up and began to follow behind Warren. Simply to check on his well-being.
Warren heard the sound of footsteps behind him, and he abruptly stopped and turned around, seeing Kayla. "What do you want?" He confronted, obviously very ornery at the recent turn of events.
Kayla rolled her irises, having found hostility in his wording. "I'm here to see if you're alright." She tilted her head in a counterclockwise manner, raising her right brow just as she began to observe his facial appearance. "Well? You reacted in quite a way."
"Gee, I don't know; my best friend just confessed his love to me for the SECOND time, the Headmaster was IN on it, and nobody even told me. Nobody thought, 'Hey, I wonder how Warren would feel about this? What about Warren?'" He shook his head in frustration, and turned back around, mumbling "I don't even like guys, what is his problem?" before resuming walking away.
Kayla heaved a soft sigh, before continuing to venture on behind him. She had the slightest interest in how he felt about the entire situation, and found it confusing as to why it was taking place a second time. Deciding to speak up, she parted her lips and began to speak. "So...why don't you tell him? That you don't like boys?"
"I don't know... never found the right time to do so, I guess." He sighed slightly, and stopped once more. "It's not easy, rejecting someone. I hate disappointing people; hell, it's the reason I'm AT Kaiju. Not to mention I've never actually been in a romantic relationship before." Warren hated this the first time, and he hated it even more now that it was happening twice. "We agreed that we would just stay friends, and that's where it stayed, for the longest time. Then this happens..."
Kumiko let out a heavy sigh. "I'm so damn late... I think. It would be a shame if I missed too much and my grade would shoot down..." She muttered to herself, shoving the door open. "I have no idea what to do. I may as well wonder around the school, why. not." Kumiko said out loud, her voice showing annoyance. She walked around the building, not showing her face. She would often wear a black cloak when in public, the hood covering every feature of her face except her mouth. "Hmph..." She saw other students, who seemed to not notice Her. Kumiko let out a sigh of relief as she made it to the more empty area, and sat down. 'Probably not the best idea to sit in an area of students, but whatever...'
Kayla thought for a few moments, considering his words deeply. "Well.." She started to speak, but lost her words. She realized she had never been in such a situation, thus having no right to tell him or direct him in his next decision. Releasing a breath from between her still parted lips, she clasped her hands together, slapping them down at her front. She was now agitated that she couldn't assist, and had no clue what to do next. His situation was quite a doosy and he had the right to be upset. Realizing all of this, she shut her eyelids over her irises, lowering her voice to a whisper. "I'm...sorry."
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Alice giggled closing his eyes as the bats flew around him. Several landed on his outstretched arms and head Making him fall to the ground under their weight.

Henry grew rather confused, and then scratched his head.
Kumiko didn't know where she was at this point... She had gotten up and walked around aimlessly. She saw a girl whispering to a guy, like she was guilty. Kumiko knew the feeling of guilt. She walked up to them. She knew their names; her Spirit told her. Of course, it could be a prank. 'Why... It seems that you guys are having a bit of trouble... May I ask what your names are?" Kumiko asked, rather silently. It was unusual that she was talking to people. This wasn't like her. The cloak remained covering Kumiko's face, so no one could see her appearance.

She almost died in the inside when she suddenly remembered that night... The thought of the girl being guilty brought back these painful memories, as Kumiko could only recall doing absolutely Nothing when she saw her life fading with her own two eyes. Her home town... Was being destroyed... And she couldn't do anything about it.

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