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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Alice giggled closing his eyes as the bats flew around him. Several landed on his outstretched arms and head Making him fall to the ground under their weight.
"Better than being judged for what you are." She scoffed, mumbling these words lowly under her breath. She then took a few moments to observe the growth of his set of wings. The design upon them and their form all in itself was interesting enough. Blowing her breath, she removed a few strands of her hair from hanging in front of her irises. "Better a costume, than something else." She shrugged her shoulders, toying with the rim of her cup.
"Eh, I suppose," Warren replied with a shrug. "I wouldn't much enjoy a mob of angry humans yelling 'burn the demon!' or something along those lines." He laughed at this statement, and leaned back in his seat. "You know, I like having someone to talk to. My roommate moved out because of... well, 'issues', and I haven't really had anyone to hold a conversation with since then."
"Well.. you do now." Tine said standing in front of the two, holding a sheet of paper in front of both of their faces. "I had headmaster switch me back into our room. Kantu said.
"Tine? What are you doing here?" Warren took the paper from his hands. "So... you'll be moving back in?" Warren had no objections to it, but it seemed rather sudden. Perhaps too sudden. He gave Tine a suspicious look before shrugging it off and smiling at him. "That's great, man! Just like old times! Well, except the dying and stuff, but you get the idea." Warren gestured to Kayla. "Kayla, this is my friend I was talking to you about, Tine."
Kayla slowly nodded her head, a confused state consuming her consciousness. "Well. These issues are personal" She halted mid-sentence, turning her gaze to stare at the newcomer. It was the same one she saw earlier running out with tears in his eyes. This time around he seemed to be happy though, so she supposed he was upset with Warren. "You done crying?" She tilted her head in his direction, raising the brow over her right eyelid. She then added in a last remark as Warren introduced her to his identity. "Tine"
"I'm all ears man. What's up?" Warren was a bit conscious of Kayla, who had not said much since Tine came over. I hope Kayla doesn't think she's a third wheel or something, he thought to himself, making note of the silent girl sitting across from him.
Tine pulled out a piece of paper and began to read from it.

"Roses are... Are red... Violets... Are... Red... And... Red." The boy sighed. He turned to walk away when he stopped. "I can't just leave I have to let him know." The boy said. "Where's headmaster I need her." He began to sweat and breathe heavily.
Kayla couldn't help but giggle at the boys nervousness. To her, it was cute in some sort and made her want to hug him. She shook her head in response to his question, observing the two in conversation. Once he began to stumble, she stood from her seat and whispered quietly in his ear. "Blue. Violets are blue"
Time was shocked at Kayla's gesture. "What are you doing?" He whispered back. "Why are you helping me? Do you know what's going on?"

Kat wanted Tine to work things out on his own. He was a big boy. He needed to put on his big boy pants and man up already. Of course she would step in when needed. And it looked like that time was now. She shook her head as he went on about red. This boy can't really be this hopeless, she thought as Kayla told him the flowers were actually blue. She stepped forward. "Ahem. If I may. Tine was trying to say... Roses are red. Violets are thorny. When He looks at you he gets a little horn-..." She stopped herself. Maybe that was a bit too crude... Headmaster chuckled. "Hold on, I'll think of a better one..."
Warren gave them an odd look. "I dunno what weird conspiracies you've been planning, but you're starting to freak me out. Seriously, what's going on? And why are we talking about flowers?"
Kayla huffed straightening her posture. She then raised her right hand to the side of her face, tucking away runaway strands of her hair. "I see the look in your eyes. That's why."
"Kayla..." Tine suddenly stopped breathing heavily and he felt calmer. This newfound approval seemed to make the boy steadfast in his decision. "Hey Warren... You remember why I left?"
Warren raised an eyebrow. "Yeah...?" He became very paranoid; was it happening again? He didn't want to make assumptions, but he wasn't sure if he liked where this was going.
Kat rolled her eyes. She was only trying to help... She folded her arms across her chest, huffing. "Thought you wanted my help..." She mumbled to herself.
Kayla returned to her seat across from Warren, silently observing the changes in his facial expressions. She hadn't the need to speak nor interfere with what was suspected to take place. Knowing thus, she kept all her thoughts to herself and began to lightly sip on her drink.
Tine turned around. "I do." He mumbled."But it's time for me to put my big boy pantaloons on. (I don't know where pantaloons came from.) Tine took a couple steps toward Warren and then paused before grabbing Warren's collar and bringing him in for a big kiss. He didn't know why he did it but he did. It was magical, it had seemed as if it lasted a lifetime. After what felt like forever Tine pulled back and stood there shocked. He began to wobble. "I don't... Um... That... I... You... Um.... I'm just um... Excuse me." The boy turned around and instantly passed out.

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