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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Headmaster sighed, "Well Kain, I do appreciate the formal way you conduct yourself. I'm glad at least some of my students are mature." She leaned back in her chair. "How many children did you plan on taking? I would need a list of each student. And frankly, I would want you to invite Tine and Warren. A ball would be the perfect place for them to realize their destinies are intertwined! They could dance the night away, holding each other close in pure bliss-..." She cleared her throat. "I keep a close eye on my ships you see." She avoided eye contact with the boy to refrain from any awkward questions he may have. "Anyway, about that list-..."
"Nope don't feel a thing Lillith..." He replied to the girls question. He pulled on the girl taking her through the halls.
Kain bowed his head" I do try to maintain a sence a civility headmaster, as for the list I already have some in mind. Including the two warren, and tin I also had in mind lillith, damian, alice, Phoenix as well as any others they may choose to invite with your permission. " He said in a calm tone.
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Alice buried his face in Phoenix chest clutching his shirt tightly.

Phoenix starts to snore as he stirred in his sleep.

The headmaster smiled, "I believe that will be fine Kain. I'm excited for the ball. Now I mist find something to wear-..." She mumbled to herself thinking of something hot enough to get her laid, but classy enough to still be seen as an educator.


Lillith looked around, walking closer to Damian, "Alright... But I have a strange feeling here..." She grabbed his hand tighter, trying to make herself feel better.
Alice awoke slowly the sound is Phoenix heartbeat quickening as he woke up arousing him from his sleep. Peeking out through blurry eyes he smiled at phoenix.
(Chibi kain: lol ahh I love the picture!)

Kain bowed forwerd" I'm very grateful headmaster I will had out invitations straight away." He said as he snapped his fingers the envelopes on his desk glowed, as they were transported away to their designated persons.(Basically everyone mentioned in the list.)

Kain looked at the head master" and as I have no date to this social gathering I would like to invite you as my date madam headmaster." He said politly. He smiled " of course I am inviting you as the prince of Telvash' riel." He said in his formal prince mannerism.
((@Loke Fullbuster did you see the pic???))

Headmaster smiled at the boy. "Oh my. Well That was very thoughtful Kain, but I'm a teacher. I can't be a students date! Student/teacher relationships are very taboo. We would have to sneak around all night. Keeping everything a forbidden secret-..." she trailed off. The thought of her in a secret relationship with a student sent her wild. She bit her bottom lip. "Oh Kain I would love to go with you!" Ah Headmaster, the sexually indulged addict.
A letter the color black with golden designes popped up in front of lillith, damian, warren, tin, alice, Phoenix and mine. It had the faint smell of strawberries, as it was being kept next to a small bush of them. Inside was a letter written in fine cursive letters inviting them to the royal winter ball.
Returning from his walk, Warren saw the Headmaster and some other boy talking. The boy seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where from. Eh, maybe I've just seen him in the halls a couple times, he thought with a shrug. "Hey, guys," he greeted with a wave, before making his way back to his dorm.
Kain still held his smile" I'm very glad you excepted headmaster, but while I am a student here in my home land I am the prince first and foremost. Out of politness, and curiousity may I happen to learn your name headmaster?" He asked as politly as possible.
Headmaster smiled, "My name is Kat, but my title is still first and foremost Headmaster." She folded her arms as she once again leaned back in her seat.
Warren was busy watching The Night Before Christmas, yelling at the screen for its inaccuracies. "No, that's not how my uncle works! He only wears that cloak on special occasions!" Frustrated, he turned off the TV. They always get it wrong, he thought to himself. It was at that moment, that Warren realized he had literally no social life. This only frustrated him further, and so he simply rolled around on the floor, groaning in bored agony.
Kain smiled bowing his head" of coarse head master. The ball will be tommorow starting at 6 pm. I would ask that the students invited be allowed to leave school alittle early today to attain formal attire for the ball." He said kindly. Looking in the head master eyes" if I may offer a suggestion you could disguise yourself as a chaperone for of school supervison." He said.
Kat nodded, "Of course. Anything they need to look good." She spun her chair around to a floor length mirror, playing with her hair. She began trying different hairstyles. "Oh no! I want to do the whole student/teacher paring. It's much more exciting." She turned to face Kain, a devilish look in her eyes, "I'll be wearing red."
  1. Suddenly, an envelope appeared on top of Warren, falling on top of him. "Huh? What's this?" It smelled peculiar, like some sort of fruit. Intrigued, he opened the envelope, finding an invitation inside. "Royal Winter Ball, eh?" He instantly became wary. "Wait a minute; I don't know any royalty. Well, besides Lillith and my family." If it were the latter, he would have been told personally, and it certainly wasn't Lillith, since she hated Warren. He read the inscription, which mentioned the Veilstorm family. Didn't I go to one of their parties around a decade ago? He asked himself, racking his brain as to who they were.

In any case, he needed a tux, and he knew exactly where to get one. He grabbed his scythe, tapped it against the wall, and a portal appeared before him. He stepped inside, feeling the sweet embrace of his homeland around him as he went through the gateway. Home sweet home, he thought to himself as he smiled.

He didn't like the praise he always got when he visited, however; he found it flattering, sure, but it was annoying, and it made him feel unworthy. He felt somewhat self-conscious as the guys greeted him warmly, the girls giggled and waved, and the adults bowed accordingly. What are these people doing? I'm not that popular, am I? He thought. He finally reached his destination; the family tailor, Gluster's Garments.

It was a small building, but a busy one at that, renowned for their fine custom clothing. Warren looked at their selection, and took a particular liking to a wine-red suit. What's more, it was seemingly just his size. "Excuse me, shopkeeper?" He called.

"Yes, Master Atkinson?" An elderly man said in reply from the back of the store. It surprised Warren that the old man knew he was there.

"How much for this?" Warren asked, holding up the suit in question.

"Around 10,000 gold pieces, sir. But, I couldn't possibly charge one of Death's kin, Master Atkinson," The man insisted. "Please, take it. Would you like to try it on"

Warren didn't exactly like the idea of getting something so expensive so easily, and he tried to argue further, but the shopkeeper was adamant. He finally opted to try the suit on, and it did indeed fit him quite well. Well, aren't you the dashing rogue, he silently complimented himself. He thanked the shopkeeper profusely, and made his way back to the mortal world, to... well, to admire the suit some more.
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