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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

"He's doing alright, should be able to fly by the end of the month" Nebula looking a little sad continued "A shame that he won't be able to fly, if that was taken from me I would have almost nothing left, you know besides Mine." After pausing for a moment he quickly regained his normal attitude, "But at least its not forever" he said with his trademark smile.
Kain smiled" indeed so I see mine has finally found a partner in life that is good. We'll I would like to invite you to to my palace home for the winter ball." He said handing the black letter with golden engravings smelling of strawberries.
Nebula took the letter from Kains' hand and quickly read it. He then looked up at smiled saying "Cool, thanks; sounds like this thing will be a ball." Nebula preceded to chuckle at his own joke.
Christian yawned, posting himself up against the lockers. It had been quite a long time since he last allowed himself to be seen by...these people. Gritting his teeth, he carefully ran his right hand through his silvered hair while his left hand was buried into his pocket.
Federoff said:
Nebula took the letter from Kains' hand and quickly read it. He then looked up at smiled saying "Cool, thanks; sounds like this thing will be a ball." Nebula preceded to chuckle at his own joke.
Kain laughed" indeed it will be." He said humoured. He then placed his hand on his shoulder" take good care of her friend she's a keeper." He said in a friendly tone before withdrawing his hand. He spoke again" well I must be off know I will see you later my friend take care." With that said he proceeded down the hall heading up some stairs to the second floor. From there he proceeded to his room heading in then locking it with the magical barrier. Once done he wrote a letter to his mother informing her of who was comeing. Them it vanished being sent directly to her.
Mine put her goggles over her eyes and turned the tip of her index finger into a blowtorch she began fusing pieces of metal together to make a monitor she did this till she made what looked like a cannon. "Hmm need more mateires now where would I find some?" The wind blew by she was high on the roof she found that tall places help her build. She turned her index finger back and sighed. "I wander if Nebula could get the materials for me." She lay back looking at the sky remembering how Nebula wanted to fly far. "Fly."
Nebula started to wonder around not having anything else to do, "Achoo" Nebula had sneezed. "Sounds like someone is talking about me" he chuckled to himself while walking around. He started to wonder to himself "Hmm, I wonder what Mine is doing" he left his mind drift away while walking down the corridors, not realizing that he had been talking out loud.
Mine remembered when Nebula had talked to her telepathically and tried it. "Hey Nebula if you can hear me come to the roof." She sat up and hung over the railing. "Hope he heard me I feel bored hmm this is the first time I've ever been bored haha Mary was right I am more human then I thought." Mine laughed to herself and hummed
Nebula stopping suddenly stopped in his place, "Huh, sounds like I'm being called" he chuckled to himself. He started to walk over to the roof where he had taken Mine to before, hoping that she meant this roof.
Mine looked over at Nebula and clapped her hands. "Ahh there you are I was wandering where you were so I was thinking maybe you and I are a couple right and I wanted to do more couple like things you know get to know this whole human thing more so think you'd be willing to help?" Mine looked at him in his eyes as she said this and got closer with every word.
She pulled out a box with flowers on it the same kind still in her hair. "I-i made you a lunch I mean if your not hungry you don't have to eat it I just had more then I thought and I figured it'd be a waste to throw out so you can have it." Mine held out the box and saw the letter in Nebula's pocket. "What's that?"
He took the box from Mine and kissed her on the forehead "Thanks Miney, I'm starved" Nebula said smiling. "Oh this?" he asked before opening the box. "Its an invitation to a winter ball for tomorrow, you got one too I bet, probably at your dorm" Nebula handed her the letter and opened the box.
Mine looked at the letter she had never been to a party except her own birthday that her and Mary used to celebrate together. "Sounds fun I think I'd like to do hey wait a second Nebula if we are doing nicknames then I'll call you hmm Nebu I'm not the best at this sort of thing but I hope you like it and here." Mine took the box and took a fork holding out the food on the fork. "Say ahhh!" She said holding her own mouth open as she said it.
Nebula opened his mouth and let Mine have her way. He swallowed and said it was "delicious" as he smiled. I love it" he said.
Mine's face lit up with joy. "Really it was my first time cooking so I didn't know if it would be any good okay now you feed me!?" She handed him the box and opened her mouth. "Ahh."
"I thought you didn't need to eat" He chuckled as he stuck the fork in and got some food on it. He put the food into Mines mouth while saying "I can't wait for tomorrow either, I'll need to go out tomorrow and get my tux from my house, so I'll be gone for a few hours. Knowing my father and uncle they will try to keep me there for a little" he chuckled to himself.
Mine bite down on the food and swallowed. "I don't need it but it still gives me energy and I would need a dress OH I almost forgot come here I want to show you something." Mine pulled out a laptop and pressed a button and on the screen was Mary. "HI MINE oh and even your boyfriends there HI NEBU did Mine already give you the nickname I thought up for you oh you must be wandering how this works Mine explain it to him." "Well after we went to the under world my database picked up some things like the location an using this and some data on your uncle and you I made this to talk to Mary anytime and I made one for you if you have anything you want to ask her." Mary nodded on the screen. "Like all of Mine's important part if you know what I mean." Mary laughed and Mine tilted her head. "My important parts I could tell him those there not that complex my brain and vital organs are pretty simply?"
"Told you my Uncle was nice to family" he laughed as he began to sat down. "So hows it like to be on the isle of paradise?" he asked Mary as he put his arms around Mine and gave her a hug.
Mary held up a glass of wine. "What do you think hahaaha!" So Mine you were asking if you had a dress stetting okay so Nebu you need to look at Mine's back and there should be a panel open it and flick the third no forth switch the third one is her crazy setting trust me that L-O-V-E crazy don't want to make that mistake I still have marks from her crazy hugs in that state!" Mine lifted her shirt to the point where her back was visible and the panel was showing.
Breaking his hug he followed Marys' instructions to the T. "There, finished" Nebula stated as he went back to hugging Mine.
Mine's eyes glowed a pure white for a few seconds then went back to normal. :Okay I'm ready for tomorrow." She rested her head on Nebula. Mary looked at the two and put her hands to her face. "Aww I'm so proud of you Mine you go to school have a nice boyfriend and I bet you have a girlfriend who you talk about all you boy troubles to right." Mine stopped a female friend she had Kain but he was a guy so. "Well no not yet but I'll find one." Mary smiled. "I bet you will your a nice girl Mine remember that." Mary waved and the screen went black. Mine closed the laptop and looked at Nebula. "Nebu do you know any girls that would be my best friend?"
"I bet any of the girls here would" Nebula said in a sweet voice. He paused for a few moments thinking, then continued on "The only girls I know here are you and that Goth girl that was crying in the courtyard earlier with that one guy." he trailed off.
"Guy?" Mine was confused she had asked about girls so why bring up a make it was strange. "What does a boy have to do with a female best friend?"
"I don't know, just saying what I saw" Nebula chuckled a little "It looked quite serious though, I smelt a pretty bad curse while walking by and I'm pretty sure a battle might be fought soon" Nebula continued to trail off... "Oops sorry" he snapped himself back to the conversation: "Sorry though, I can't really help you there."

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