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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Kain looked at everyone" well while we wait I will summon the royal gate." He said calmly, as he held out his hand towards the main road. He spoke a few words in ancient draconian his hand glowing a bright blue color. A stream of blue energy flowed from his hand, as it moved flowers a few feet away. It created a large blue orb of energy swirling in the air. It then exploded into a large swirling vortex with arcs of white lightning forming from the edge towards the center.


The portal glowed a bright white, as it faded there stood a large stone gateway with two pedestals on either side. Each had a engraved dragon print hand on it. Kain let go of kat for a moment to place his hand in one of the prints. His hand glowed white revealing a dragons hand golden scales, and all glimmering.

The pedestal pulsed a few times before kain withdrew his hand returning to normal. He took kats arm again, as the doors opened up revealing a road leading into a large palace of gold, and white. Dragons of all colors, and sized flew In the skies the land was lush green having many types of fauna. Kain smiled at kat" we can depart when your ready." He said kindly.

Warren was no stranger to whimsical sights, but this was an awe-inspiring scene to behold. He stared at the palace for some time, drinking in the scenery. "Cool beans," he remarked with a smile. Warren then got up and brushed himself off, summoning his cane; maybe this wouldn't end up to be such a bad trip after all. "I've never seen a dragon before. How... majestic."
Kat smiled simply as Kain grabbed her arm once more. She nodded, "Let's get going. I'm not one to show up late to a party." She turned, looking back at the academy. "The others will have to catch up on their own. Although, I am holding you responsible for their safety Kain," she warned. She noticed another one of her favorite students was already present. Smiling, she waved down Warren. "Ah Warren! So nice to see you. And my, how dashing you look!" She pinched one of his cheeks. "Simply adorable!"
Kayla stood in momentary silence, while brining her right hand up to her chest all while staring at the beautifully made building. She hadn't at all spoken to anyone else since her arrival, but silently remained amongst the back end of the group. Seeing as though she would likely know if there were any other royals here, she shrugged off her nervousness, awaiting the time for which she should enter. As soon as she thought about that, her realization hit. She didn't have a date. What would a prin- , girl, look like going to a ball alone? Sighing, she shook her head, knowing she had no choice.
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]She sighed and adjusted her goggles. "Yeah well your a little late come on lets go." She hooked her arm around his and pulled him into the school. "This is going to be fun!" She said with a smile. She looked at Nebula and then at the ground. "T-this is nice."

"Yes it is" Nebula chuckled as he walked with Mine.
[QUOTE="Kat Attack]Kat smiled simply as Kain grabbed her arm once more. She nodded, "Let's get going. I'm not one to show up late to a party." She turned, looking back at the academy. "The others will have to catch up on their own. Although, I am holding you responsible for their safety Kain," she warned. She noticed another one of her favorite students was already present. Smiling, she waved down Warren. "Ah Warren! So nice to see you. And my, how dashing you look!" She pinched one of his cheeks. "Simply adorable!"

Kain smiled" very well I will leave the gate open for any stragglers to the party. This way my lady." He said in a sweet tone, as he lead her and the rest through the gateway stepping into the realm of celestial dragons. Once through the cool spring air filled their noses, as a brick road leas to the palace gates. Small creatures roamed the land along with lesser draconian life forms.

Many of the lesser dragon life"






Some of the high dragon life forms in the wild:









(Lol sorry for all all the picks just given you a tast of what in his home land.)
Mine scanned the dragons and pulled along Nebula to Kain and Kat. "Kain thanks for inviting us!" She looked at Kat and held out her hand. "Mine Powers." She said in a sweet tone.
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Mine scanned the dragons and pulled along Nebula to Kain and Kat. "Kain thanks for inviting us!" She looked at Kat and held out her hand. "Mine Powers." She said in a sweet tone.

Kain smiled at mine" your very welcome mine it's a pleasure having you here!" He said in a kind tone.
"Hey Kain, nice place you got here" Nebula said while looking around. "Your missing dead souls though" Nebula said in a jokingly way.
Kat smiled, shaking the girl's hand. "Of course. AI System March 10 Mine Powers. I know all my students. But it's nice to formally meet you." Kat looked around Kain's home land. It was beautiful. And she had never seen so many dragons in one place before.
Mine giggled. "It's funny hearing someone else say the whole thing." Mine looked around scanning more dragons and then looked at Kain. "C-c-can I pet them?" She asked embarrassed.
Kain laughed" Oh their are dead dragon spirits roaming around in the forgotten forest that's were they go to the spiritual plane of our world." He said in a calm voice. In the distance there could be seen a row of imperial gaurds on either side of the main entrance.

(They look like this 6 on both sides.)

"Is that you headmaster?" asked Nebula looking somewhat dumbfounded. "We haven't had a proper introduction, My name is Nebula, and sorry about the bird, it looked like you were uncomfortable with the bird" he stated in a smile with a apologetic tone.
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Mine giggled. "It's funny hearing someone else say the whole thing." Mine looked around scanning more dragons and then looked at Kain. "C-c-can I pet them?" She asked embarrassed.

Kain smiled" of course you can!" He said , as he looked at a small light dragon.


His eyes flashed white as did the dragons. It rose from laying in the grass floating through the air in a ser pint like motion. It slowly made It's way to mine looking In her eyes with its bright sky blue irises which had a golden trim.
Kat shook her head at the boy, "Oh no you're fine. I'm just... not too fond of birds that's all." She smiled, hoping she hadn't offended him earlier.
Mine petted the dragon and her face lit up with joy. "Nebu it's so cute see hahaha!" Mine laughed while petting the dragon she was having quiet alot of fun and remembered something she looked at Kat. "Headmaster would it be okay if you and I became best friends?"
Warren blinked once, touching the place on his cheek where the Headmaster had pinched him. Wait, the Headmaster? Warren had no idea she was attending the ball as well. He also noticed she was wearing a rather fetching red dress, one that he didn't picture her in at all. Not that she didn't look good in it, of course.

Moving his attention elsewhere, Warren saw that one of the girls present seemed to be alone as well. This is a good opportunity to meet new people, and you're blowing it. Come on, Warren, get your head in the game! He thought, reprimanding himself. He walked up to Kayla, clearing his throat in an attempt to get her attention. "Uh, hi!"

@The Dark Princess
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"Ah" stated Nebula with that trade-mark smile. He looked over to Mine and the dragon "Yes the dragon is cute" he stated extending his arm for the dragon to sniff it.
The dragon gave of a pure like sound in that good oh dragon way. When nebula extended it's arm to it the dragon sniffed once then sneezed at his hand quickly.
Headmaster looked towards Mine with a rather puzzled expression. "My how straightforward you are young one." She chuckled, blushing a bit in embarrassment. "I see no reason as to why we cannot be friends." She left out the "best" part, wanting to keep things professional. She was still a teacher after all...

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