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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

"Good old dragons" he chuckled while taking out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his hand clean. "Oh headmaster, I got a question for you" Nebula's tone suddenly becoming quite serious.
Kat looked over, it seemed this party was going to seem more like a chaperoned event than anything else... "Yes Nebula?"
"Has anything strange...er than normal been happening around school recently?" asked Nebula.

Nebula repaid Mine's hug with one of his own, "Yes she will" he replied with a smile on his face.
Kat pondered for a moment. "Hmm... Not that I've noticed. I make it a point to keep an eye on all my students and the activities that go on around my Academy. As I know so far, nothing out of the ordinary, other than a school filled with monsters," she shrugged. "Why do you ask? Should I be worried...?" Her eyes narrowed at Nebula.
"Well..." Nebula started "I was walking around the campus when I came across a Goth chick crying, I don't know her name though" Nebula stopped before continuing. "While I walked passed I smelt a powerful curse, and now whenever I am on campus, I can't go anywhere without it smelling like that curse..." Nebula trailed while starting to stare off into space, with a very worried look on his face. "I haven't smelled a curse this powerful for awhile" he whispered.
Kat's expression fell. She had become a bit worried at what the boy was saying. she hadn't found anything wrong, but maybe she had missed it... She sighed. "Well thank you for telling me. I'll keep my eye out for her, and anything following the sense."
Kain looked at nebula" you speak of lillith. If I had to guess she was cursed by her fiancé of sorts luther." He said in a calm tone. He looked at everyone" we should continue forwerd the party will start soon we can discuss this further once inside." He said. He looked to mine" if you like the light barer alot perhaps we can discuss with the head master you keeping one."He said.
"Do you know her name?" asked Nebula, "The goth girl" he quickly put in.

"Ah, thank you Kain" he said still not able to shake his expression of consern
Mine nodded with a wide smile and tugged on Nebula's arm. "Hey it's alright if anything happens I'll be there to protect you!" She said putting her hand to her chest.
Nebula quickly shook out of his expression "That warms my heart" he said putting his smile back on his face. "I do believe that a fight is on the horizon, but I don't think it will be me needing protection though."
jamaicanviking said:
Warren blinked once, touching the place on his cheek where the Headmaster had pinched him. Wait, the Headmaster? Warren had no idea she was attending the ball as well. He also noticed she was wearing a rather fetching red dress, one that he didn't picture her in at all. Not that she didn't look good in it, of course.
Moving his attention elsewhere, Warren saw that one of the girls present seemed to be alone as well. This is a good opportunity to meet new people, and you're blowing it. Come on, Warren, get your head in the game! He thought, reprimanding himself. He walked up to Kayla, clearing his throat in an attempt to get her attention. "Uh, hi!"

@The Dark Princess
Kayla, being the type of girl she was, slowly averted her attention to the boy clearing his throat. To her, he seemed to be sick and in need of medical attention. While contemplating this thought, she slowly raised her left hand, tucking loose strands of her hair back behind her ear while speaking in a soft tone. "Well....I'm no doctor...but I can give you medicine..if you'd like." She spoke in a concerned tone, tilting her head in a clockwise position while studying him, oblivious to the fact he spoke.
Warren gave the girl a confused look, taken off-guard by her unorthodox response. "I uh, I'm not sick, if that's what you're implying," Warren shuffled about nervously. "I just saw that you were alone, and I uh... wanted to say hi. So, uh, hi." He chuckled nervously, unsure of what to say next. "I'm Warren. I like your dress."
Kain looked at them" it would probably be best not to speak of this to her till we get back. She will not be in any danger here I can promise that." He looked to kat" if at some point you do wish to speak with her here I will lead you to a private area so you may speak." He said calmly as they entered the palace gates. It sealed behind them those with trained eyes could see a small ripple of light flow through the large magical barrier surrounding the palace. They were allowed passage inside making there way through the large entrance hallway. When they approached the main doors to the ball room they were met with a royal announcer.

He looked to kain bowing on one knee in respect. He rose turning in a military manner to the doors. Two gaurds opened them, as the announcer stepped through leading them inside. They were met with a stairway which lead them up to another set of doors these engraved with golden depictions of dragons guarding the door. The dragons eyes flashed red in kains presence the doors opening themselves. The announcer led them in to the ball room.


Stepping through the announcer stopped against the stairs standing at attention. Several of the noble men, and woman began to turn towards them. The announcer spoke in a loud formal tone" presenting hus royal highness prince Kain velarian veilstorm of the empire of Tela' sherah." He said. They were instructed to speak in english for the guest students. When Kain presented himself along with kat all ye noblemen, and woman bowed towards them. Kain lead kat down the steps, as The announcer continued. He spoke again for the rest" announcing madam mine powers, and lord nebula sone of charon." He said.

Once they proceeded he spoke for the other two" presenting her royal highness princess kayla morgan, and lord warren atkinson ." He said loud and formaly. Once done the attendant waited outside for any new arrivals. When everyone was gathered on the main floor Kain spoke" Alright everyone try to have a good time relax." He said kindly with a smile. He looked to kat" madam kat." He said with a charming smile giving a slight bow extending his hand to her" may I have thus dance." He said looking in her eyes.

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Kat blushed, nodding. "I would love to dance." She grabbed his hand, resting her other arm around the back of his neck, pulling him close. "This is a beautiful land you have here. And this ballroom-... It's exquisite." She looked around, taking everything the room had to offer, especially the drink table...
Kayla stood silently for a few moments, giving his words time to sink in and process thoroughly. Once it all hit her, his true intentions and the fact she was wring and had assumed, her cheeks lit up with a slight shade of pink, disappearing just moments later when she regained her composure and began to speak. "I'm sorry...Hi..." She took a moment to fgaze downward at her clothing, before her cheeks lit up again, still a light shade, allow hike she shifted her gaze skyward. "Thank you....I like your tux." Instantly afterward, her gaze shifted to the announcer. He had spoke of her title...how did he know? Sighing, she picked up the ends of her dress, beginning to head inside since she had already had her presence announced. "Come on...Warren."
[QUOTE="Kat Attack]Kat blushed, nodding. "I would love to dance." She grabbed his hand, resting her other arm around the back of his neck, pulling him close. "This is a beautiful land you have here. And this ballroom-... It's exquisite." She looked around, taking everything the room had to offer, especially the drink table...

Kain smiled as he titled kat in a circle, then pulled her close to him twisting to the side and bending her backwards bringing his face close to hers" I am glade it is to your liking kat." He said in a soothing voice, as he brought her back up placing his hand on her waist the other holding her hand outwerds.
Kat was smiling from ear to ear the entire time. She loved a good party, and this was one of the best she had been to. "Of course it is! This party is right up my ally!" She chuckled, looking over the other guests.

(I guess I need to make Kat a character skeleton... lol I'll do that now. Gunna change her up a bit.)
[QUOTE="Kat Attack]Kat was smiling from ear to ear the entire time. She loved a good party, and this was one of the best she had been to. "Of course it is! This party is right up my ally!" She chuckled, looking over the other guests.
(I guess I need to make Kat a character skeleton... lol I'll do that now. Gunna change her up a bit.)

Kain smiled continuing to dance with kat. Several of the guest whispered about kain, and kat giving those all to juicy rumor spreading. After a long time of dancing Kain brought her over to the various assortments of wine. Kain looked in kats eyes" how strong do you like your drinks?" He asked with a smile.

(Lol alright)
Mine nodded and smiled back. "Well I hope you led well when you dance cause I'll warn you Mary helped installed dance lessons in me so I can dance with the best of them." She chuckled.
[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Kayla stood silently for a few moments, giving his words time to sink in and process thoroughly. Once it all hit her, his true intentions and the fact she was wring and had assumed, her cheeks lit up with a slight shade of pink, disappearing just moments later when she regained her composure and began to speak. "I'm sorry...Hi..." She took a moment to fgaze downward at her clothing, before her cheeks lit up again, still a light shade, allow hike she shifted her gaze skyward. "Thank you....I like your tux." Instantly afterward, her gaze shifted to the announcer. He had spoke of her title...how did he know? Sighing, she picked up the ends of her dress, beginning to head inside since she had already had her presence announced. "Come on...Warren."

Smiling at the girl's timidness, he followed suit inside the palace, certain that this would turn out to be a very good day indeed. Hopefully. "So, you're a princess, huh? That's cool. I'm sort of royalty myself, but it doesn't really count, since we don't have a king, or queen, and it's really just one dude ruling, but since he's my uncle, I guess that counts as something--" He stopped midsentence, catching himself. "I'm rambling aren't I?" Strike that. This was going horribly. Here, he was talking to a princess like it was no big thing, and he had probably just offended her in some way. Warren hated when he offended people.
((Poor Warren! He's dreadfully adorable in the most awkward way...))

Kat eyed the wines, a devilish smirk playing on her lips. "Well if you're asking, I know how to take my liquor. So give me something with a punch," she winked. She was never one to pass up free booze.
[QUOTE="Kat Attack]((Poor Warren! He's dreadfully adorable in the most awkward way...))
Kat eyed the wines, a devilish smirk playing on her lips. "Well if you're asking, I know how to take my liquor. So give me something with a punch," she winked. She was never one to pass up free booze.

Kain smiled" very well." He looked around the table moving his hand about till he found a glass filled with a bright ruby red liquide. He picked it up bringing it to his mouth a few inches away. He blew a small white flame into it absorbed Into the drink. It glowed red then turned into a bright glowing pink liquide. He held it out to her" let's see how you handle this." He said. When she drank it she would feel a very warm sensation spread down her throat throughout her body. Then she would feel a tingling sensation, as she would then feel a very strong kick as the alcohol would take effect. He smiled as he drank the same thing.
Kat downed the drink in about 4 big gulps. She might be a lady, but she was a pro at drinking. She shivered as she finished the drink. "Oh my... That was delicious. We'll see how this works for me." She chuckled. "Are you old enough to be drinking Kain? I may be here as your date, but as your educator It's my duty to keep an eye on you."
Kayla listened to his rambling, not quite minding his sharing of information. Although, some of it was irrelevant to her lifestyle, but at least she had somebody to talk to for once while being at this school. Slowly making her way into the ballroom, she parted her lips as she began to speak back to him. "Yes, I am." Taking a moment to calm herself, she continued. "Its fine. Its the first I've talked to anybody."

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