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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

[QUOTE="Kat Attack]Kat downed the drink in about 4 big gulps. She might be a lady, but she was a pro at drinking. She shivered as she finished the drink. "Oh my... That was delicious. We'll see how this works for me." She chuckled. "Are you old enough to be drinking Kain? I may be here as your date, but as your educator It's my duty to keep an eye on you."

Kain laughed then smiled looking in her eyes" well in our land I'm just the legal age." He said in a calm tone. He held the empty glass in his hand" you can have as many as you like kat." He said before a pair of hands came from behind him covering his eyes. He gave a slight laugh" well isn't it mother." He said politly, but with humour in it. A woman emerged from behind him. She had long lustrous blond hair reaching to her lower back. Her bright purple eyes gave the sence of a deep void pulling you in. Her fair skin glowed with the light surrounding her. She stood at a height If 6'4.


Kain turned looking at her" hello mother nice to see you again sence school." He said calmly. She spoke in a childish tone" Oh don't be sad Kain it's only bin a few days." She looked at kat" well well aren't you going to introduce us son." She said with a amused tone.

Kain looked at kat" ahh yes I apologies mother this is head master of kaiju acadamy kat!" He said happily before looking in kats eyes" Kat this is my mother queen Elyria Silvaria of the shadow clan." He said formaly. Elyria held out her hand to kat" pleasure to meet you kat I do hope your treating my boy well." She said in a amused way.
Kat smiled sweetly at the beautiful woman in front of her. "Why it's a pleasure to meet you. Please call me Katherine." She shook her hand. "I'm doing my best. I treat all my students with the utmost respect. But I am paying extra special attention on Kain for you madame." She looked around the room again, "How about I get one more of those uh-... pinky drinks, eh Kain? Please?"
Warren raised an eyebrow. "Your first time? You've never talked to anyone at Kaiju before? That's... surprising. You seem pretty cool. To me anyway." He shrugged, observing the large ballroom. "I bet you see places like this all the time, being a princess and all. The only palace I've ever been to is my uncle's, and his is... well... depressing."
[QUOTE="Kat Attack]Kat smiled sweetly at the beautiful woman in front of her. "Why it's a pleasure to meet you. Please call me Katherine." She shook her hand. "I'm doing my best. I treat all my students with the utmost respect. But I am paying extra special attention on Kain for you madame." She looked around the room again, "How about I get one more of those uh-... pinky drinks, eh Kain? Please?"

Kain smiled" sure." He said blowing the same flame into 3 other drinks. Elyria smiled holding her hand to her mouth" Oh my Kain your already sharing your flame, so bold of you guess I know where you get it from." She winked at katherin. She smiled" well I will leave you two alone I have to go drag your father from the war room. That man can never be on time for a party." She said before waving as she walked away to another room.
jamaicanviking said:
Warren raised an eyebrow. "Your first time? You've never talked to anyone at Kaiju before? That's... surprising. You seem pretty cool. To me anyway." He shrugged, observing the large ballroom. "I bet you see places like this all the time, being a princess and all. The only palace I've ever been to is my uncle's, and his is... well... depressing."
Kayla slowly nodded her head, just as she adjusted the bow in her head. Needless to say, she didn't wear her crown to this event, seeing as though it would be irrelevant and unveil her identity. Regardless of her efforts, her title was revealed, and already things were being expected of her. " No....not all the time." She spoke in a soft mumble while listening to his words.
Kat waved as she left, taking the drink from Kain. "She's very lovely." She chugged her drink once again before shoving the empty glass back at Kain. "Here ya go." She giggled a bit, pushing some hair behind her shoulders. "Wow that's a pretty strong drink..." She had already began feeling the effects. Her cheeks flushed as she let out another string of giggles.

(Headmaster gettin her drank on.)
Warren frowned, slightly disappointed at her response. "Oh." He looked around the room and found that people had already started dancing, and he suddenly became very self-conscious as to what he was doing. "Uh, I would invite you to dance, but I'm not sure if I can." Warren slumped his shoulders, defeated. "I honestly cannot tell if this is going extremely well or horribly wrong."
[QUOTE="Kat Attack]Kat waved as she left, taking the drink from Kain. "She's very lovely." She chugged her drink once again before shoving the empty glass back at Kain. "Here ya go." She giggled a bit, pushing some hair behind her shoulders. "Wow that's a pretty strong drink..." She had already began feeling the effects. Her cheeks flushed as she let out another string of giggles.
(Headmaster gettin her drank on.)

Kain smiled drinking a glass of his own. It was a native drink to him given his time in the military the men always had competitions. He smiled handing her another" I'm glad to see your fired up Katherine! " He said looking in her eyes.

(Lol I can already imagine the funny things that will happen)
Tine walked through the main gate of the school. He had wanted a change of scenery so he decided to get one... And boy was it amazing. Tine had found the greatest waterfall a few miles from the school and he loved it. He went to his room and sprawled acros his bed staring at the ceiling. "What a... BORING DAY!" He said. "Well... Time for photos." The boy pulled out a scrapbook of photoshopped pics of people at the school. He came across one of the headmaster, with a monkey head. "Hm..." He pulled out a normal picture and began looking back and forth between the two. "Can't tell the difference." He laughed.
Kat could only laugh at Kain as she took yet another drink. "Of course I am! This is a party after all!" She took her drink a bit slower this time around, shivering after each sip. As the moments passed she began to sway, her cheeks permanently holding their pink blush. "KAIN!" She squealed. "Wait... I forgot." She ran a hand through her hair, laughing uncontrollably.
Tine felt something scratching his back. "What is this?" He said pulling a slip of paper from underneath him. "A BALL INVITATION!?" He said aloud. He instantly immagined dancing with Warren, them both dressed in tux's. The boy began drooling in a coma like state. After a few minutes he came out of it. "I gotta get there."

After a quick change Tine ran to the gateway. "Time for nothing." He walked through. It was beautiful. "Where is he?" He thought.
Kayla held back her giggles, only emitting high pitched, barely heard noises as a replacement. Hearing his last comment, she couldn't help but test his theory. "Let's find out." With those words, she held out her hand, preparing to take him out onto the floor just to dance. Although, she wasn't quite sure if she should, but as usual, she didn't pay it any mind whatsoever.

(Gtg. Testing tomorrow.)

Warren shrugged, taking her hand and beginning to dance with her. He made a few missteps at first, but got into the groove of things rather well afterwards; those dance lessons Warren's mother had begged him to take were actually paying off, apparently. "So, what place are you the princess of, if you don't mind me asking?" Warren asked.
Kain laughed smiling at her. He took her hand" come Katherine let's dance some more." He said still smiling. He lead her the dance floor. He quickly began to dance with her moving from side to side twisting, and twirling her. At one moment he spun her outwerds with one hand, then when she stopped he twisted her back to him catching her in a tight embrace before bending her backwards looking In her eyes with a smile.
Tine spotted him. He was about to walk over to him when he noticed his next gesture. "What... DONT DO IT WARREN!" He yelled before ducking under a table. "What do I do?" He asked himself as he fiddled with the doll of Warren. "Be mine!" He yelled as he shook it furiously.
Henry looked around as he exited a forest,trying to navigate his way to Kaiju academy. He finds the gateway next in front of a lit building with faint music coming from it, he then gorilla walked to it an then banged on the gate, trying to get anyone's attention, despite being a big, muscular corpse, he was careful enough not to smash the gate, while making sounds louder than the music, which got Kat's attention. @Kat Attack
Katherine had been trying to hold herself together as Kain began dancing with her. Yet all the twists and twirls were making her head spin. She put her hand on Kain's chest, taking a step back. "W-We need to-... Not spin Headmaster so much ok? I might puke. A-And that's not very-... formal-ish ya know?" She blinked a few times, trying to clear her head.
Henry groans from frustration. "I need to get in.... but how!?" he thought as he screamed like a dying bear, Which was loud enough to be heard by everyone. @Loke Fullbuster @Lord Anubis \[uSER\=24328\]@Kat Attack @kira blackthorn @jamaicanviking[/uSER]
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Kat turned, looking at where the sound was coming from. "What the hell is that noise?" She looked up to Kain. "A-Are we under attack?" She was a bit too intoxicated to really comprehend any logical explanation.
Kain snapped his fingers, as two gaurds came. He looked at katherin" they will lead you to my chambers katherin you may rest there for a bit." He said in a soothing tone. He needed to head to the one causing ruckus outside the high dragons would not like that noise. When he said that beginning to head outaide, as the gaurds to kat to his room 3 high dragons roared in the sky above descending to the ground around the unknown guest. They crashed Into the ground one light dragon, one fire dragon and one ice dragon landed roaring at the unknown entity. The hissed and growled slowly creeping closer, as other dragons took notice. Kain made his way out to the main gates with 3 gaurds. He looked at the unknown being" well that's one way to knock on a door. Might I ask what has brought you to here?" He asked calmly the dragons still circling them ,but staying at bay because of kain.
Henry grunted and groaned, hoping kain understood him. "I came her because I need help..... i am a raging slab of meat and need help in controlling myself." he said by his moans in grunting as he beat his chest with his massive arms for no reason, which emphasized his point.w

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