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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Kain smiled reflecting the same expression in his eyes" I bet you look absolutely ravishing in red. I however will surprise you I hope when the time comes." He said.

(By the way when will the next day be not trying to rush just curious?)
Nebula started to quickly walk over to the headmasters off and came to her door *KNOCK* *KNOCK* "Hello headmaster? May I come in?" asked Nebula through the door, sounding quite rushed.
After Kain had spoken he looked at the door, then to kats eyes" shall I allow the boy into the room headmaster?" He asked in a polite manner. From what he could tell the boy seemed to be in a state of haist.

@Kat Attack
Kat spun her chair around, lifting her long legs into the desk. She put her hands behind her head before leaning back. "Would you please?"
Kain proceeded to head to the door opening it slowly. He looked at the boy " come in." Kain said calmly.

@ federoff
Nebula quickly walked in saying a quick "Thanks you" to the boy. He walked over to the headmaster with a injured bird in his hands. "Hey headmaster" said Nebula in that trade-mark smile of his. "I found an injured bird right outside your office, and since I am new here and don't know where the nurses office is, I thought the best thing was to come to you to ask for direction" he said in a worried tone "I smell sulfur on him and there are some burn marks on him."
Kain stood their listening to the conversation. Some of the details sounded familiar, but if it was one of his kind their would of bin no remains.
Damian's hand snatched at the envelope that formed. Opening up the envelope and taking a look and the invitation inside. He read over the words that said the two were invited to the ball. Of course he would show up. There wasn't much else to do in the terms of fun. "Guess were going to a ball Lillith." Kissing Lillith's forehead and pulling back slightly. "Do you mind dressing up for me princess, wouldn't want us to show up to a royal ball as dirty peasants..." Then taking her hand. "Lets go shopping" He said in a mildly excited tone before running off and dragging her behind him as he ran through the exit doors.
Headmaster rolled her eyes, "take that dirty thing down the hall, take a left, then it shall be the 3rd door on the right." She crossed her arms. Headmaster was not too fond of birds. She pittied the creature, but did not want it in her office. "Please take that thing out of my office now..." She mumbled.


Lillith watched Damian read the letter. A ball would be fun. She's never been to something so formal though. Damian had mentioned shopping; something she hated. There were always too many people at shopping centers. But she had no choice. Damian was already dragging her out the door. This should be a good enough distraction, she thought.

((Like this post if you are ready for a time skip so I know! Thanks!))
"Thank you headmaster" said Nebula while quickly losing his smile. He looked at the bird and said "Don't worry little bird, I'll keep you safe." Nebula started to walk out of the office and headed towards the nurses office. Once he got there he explained what happened to the nurse and she took the bird away, Nebula decided to go look for Mine while still worrying about the bird
Kain looked at kat" so would you like me to accompany you to aquire your dress. Do not worry I shall pay for it so do please pick whatever you would like." He said.
Kat shook her head. "That's thoughtful, but won't be necessary. I have a stocked wardrobe for every occasion. My newest dress has yet to see the light of day. I don't go to balls like this often. And it's simply beautiful; much like myself. In other words, I can take care of myself in that department." She went over to a large bookshelf looking over the selection. "Oh, please be a dear and remember to wear at least SOME form of red. I was thinking a rose or something..."
[QUOTE="Kat Attack]Kat shook her head. "That's thoughtful, but won't be necessary. I have a stocked wardrobe for every occasion. My newest dress has yet to see the light of day. I don't go to balls like this often. And it's simply beautiful; much like myself. In other words, I can take care of myself in that department." She went over to a large bookshelf looking over the selection. "Oh, please be a dear and remember to wear at least SOME form of red. I was thinking a rose or something..."

Kain smiled" I'll make sure to headmaster. I will take my leave know if that is alright?" He asked politly. He would be scertain mother would love this suprise.
"Brilliant," she flashed a smile in Kain's direction. "Then I'll see you tomorrow. Carry on." She made her way back to her book selection.
[QUOTE="Kat Attack]"Brilliant," she flashed a smile in Kain's direction. "Then I'll see you tomorrow. Carry on." She made her way back to her book selection.

Kain winked at kat" till we meet again my lady." He said soothingly before he left the room. He headed towards his dorm letting his mother know who all was attending.
Nebula walking back the way he came, he saw the boy that let him in walk out of the head masters office, he decided to wave to him and walk towards him. "Hey" he said with a smile "Thanks for holding the door for me, the names Nebula" Nebula let out a friendly hand in greeting.
Federoff said:
Nebula walking back the way he came, he saw the boy that let him in walk out of the head masters office, he decided to wave to him and walk towards him. "Hey" he said with a smile "Thanks for holding the door for me, the names Nebula" Nebula let out a friendly hand in greeting.
Kain smiled shaking his hand" I am Kain veilstorm pleasure to meet you. How is the bird doing?" He asked calmly.

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