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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Closing the door behind them, he puts his hand to the place she kissed. As they walk down the stairs Nebula suddenly bursts out with " Oh yeah, what was with the potion that you gave me a while back?" he asked as if it had been ages
"Oh that that was a nerve potion that when combined with what I drank making your body hot when I touch a spot on your body." "Don't worry it's gone now it only last a while."

(Going to bed now cya)
After Making the invitations Kain set them aside on a table. He left his room re-sealing then proceeded to walk down to the first floor. He proceed to the science class where he had a large flask containing a very rare liquid. Once in science class he requested permission to go to the back storage room. The teacher trusted him enough allowing him passage. In the storage room there were various chemicals, equipment, specimens, etc. In the far back glowing a bright white was the flask he was looking for. Cupping it in his hands he held it to his mouth only a inch away. Kain let out a small stream of dark purple fire, as it shot into the flask. The white glowing liquid quickly absorbed the magical flame into itself mixing with its properties. Next he added a single pestle of dragons flame flower along with a single drop of his blood. They all mixed together, as Kain heated it from underneath. When he was done it glowed a bright blue color.


Kain took it from the room walking back out making sure to thank the teacher for allowing him in there. Once In the halls he made his way to the courtyard with the large fountain in the center.
Damian looked straight toward Lillith. His eye grazed over the fragile girl. He got up from the table and made his way over to her. He planted himself next to the girl. His arm wrapped around her shoulder. Speaking to her in a soft tone "Lillith...Calm down..." His arm pulled her closer. "I won't ever stop loving your cold personality...but right now your just so cute..." Planting a kiss on the back of her head. "You have all my attention at this very moment...." His head rested against the wall.
Walking into the food court, Nebula got some food on a plate and started to walk by. Clearly seeing something is wrong but not wanting to get involved he just walked pass. Nebula created a 2-way telepathy link with Damian and asks "She doing alright?"
Lillith looked over at Damian as he sat down. She felt a bit safer as he wrapped his arm around her, keeping her close. She leaned her head against his shoulder. His words had calmed her a bit, but she knew things were only going to get worse. "Kain has helped me for the time being, but who knows how long it's going to last. These visions-..." her eyes dropped to the floor, "They are destroying me." She didn't want to admit it, but had no other choice. "I thought I was a ruthless leader, ready to control an army of the undead, yet I can't even handle this," her tone was broken. She looked to Damian, cupping his face between her hands. "I need you to promise me something." Her lips met his in the next moment, trying to sweeten the blow. "When this is over, you will not fight Luther."
He sat down holding the bottle in his hands" so it's ready great the price will be paid. Well guess I should go give out the invitation...oh wait I gotta ask the head master first well to her office then." He said as he got up hiding the bottle in his hand. He walked I to the hall way heading past damian, and lillith towards the main office. After a while of walking he arrived asking the attendant at the front for permission to see the head master. Once he was allowed he walked in calmly. From just a few feet away he spoke in a very polite tone" ms. Headmaster I would like to humbly ask for permission to invite fellow students to the upcoming winter royal ball in my home land. Of course you are invited as well headmaster." He said.
"Ok" was all he said to the girl. Then thinking to the other person. "She's alright strange mind reader man thing..." He looked straight into the girls eyes. "It's only effecting your vision.....because we could make you blind for a while if that's the case" his voice came out dead serious. Then giving the girl a kiss on the forehead.
(I guess you did loke....you did...)

Res's voice instantly gave a girlish scream. The female leg Res controlled moved the body back away from the boy. Getting over the slight scare. Res's eyes glared at the boy as a stutter of words came from the mouth "It's...It's alright." Res continued to glare at him for the mere touch.
"Um... My name's Tine." The boy said quietly. "Holy crap... He's talking to me... What do I say... What do I do?" He thought.

(Crazy Tine in




"Does this qualify as cheating? Am I a cheater? What about Warren?" He asked himself.

"That doesn't exist." Said a different voice. "DON'T JUDGE ME!" Tine yelled aloud accidently. He looked up at res when he realised his mistake. "Sorry." He apologized. "Just thinking. "So... Who are you?" He asked, trying to divert the conversation..
(Chibi Damian: *Slaps the coma boy with a butcher's knife* Who carries around a card of a couple...weirdo...)
Lillith pulled away, rolling her blue eyes. "Of all the ideas in the world you spit that one out..." She shook her head, chuckling. "Tell me, if I were to go blind how would I cope without seeing your face?" She brushed a teasing kiss on his lips, a breathtaking smile playing on her lips as she pulled away. "I would rather perish a million times over." She stood up, pulling Damian along with her. "I say we enjoy what little sanity I have left before I go mad." She grabbed his hand, making her way down the hall, stopping suddenly. "Do you feel that..."


The Headmaster smiled sweetly. "Ah Kain Veilstorm, what a wonderful surprise." She listened to the boy's offer, a smile spreading across her face. "Well a ball, oh my. That sounds wonderful. But you see, your homeland is very far away. The trip could be considered dangerous. I wouldn't want any of my little monsters getting hurt." Although she knew kids here had been killing each other... That was a problem for "Human" Resources... She shook her head, "nonetheless! I will consider your request. But firstly, will there be booze? I just love a good party!" She clapped her hands together in an excited, child like manner.
"Okay Tine...never touch me again...or I will kill you..." The female voice came out in a dreadfully serious tone. Res stood there planning this boys demise.

(Chibi Res: Touch me and I kill you....)
[QUOTE="Kat Attack]Lillith pulled away, rolling her blue eyes. "Of all the ideas in the world you spit that one out..." She shook her head, chuckling. "Tell me, if I were to go blind how would I cope without seeing your face?" She brushed a teasing kiss on his lips, a breathtaking smile playing on her lips as she pulled away. "I would rather perish a million times over." She stood up, pulling Damian along with her. "I say we enjoy what little sanity I have left before I go mad." She grabbed his hand, making her way down the hall, stopping suddenly. "Do you feel that..."

The Headmaster smiled sweetly. "Ah Kain Veilstorm, what a wonderful surprise." She listened to the boy's offer, a smile spreading across her face. "Well a ball, oh my. That sounds wonderful. But you see, your homeland is very far away. The trip could be considered dangerous. I wouldn't want any of my little monsters getting hurt." Although she knew kids here had been killing each other... That was a problem for "Human" Resources... She shook her head, "nonetheless! I will consider your request. But firstly, will there be booze? I just love a good party!" She clapped her hands together in an excited, child like manner.

Kain bowed his head in respect" of course headmaster only the rarest, and finest crafted will be served. Of course we I will inform my mother to have gaurds watching those who are not allowed to drink such beverages. She is also quite hoping to see you as well. As for transportation I have received word we are allowed to use the royal gateway into the palace." He said in a formal tone. He stood straight" I was hoping to give everyone a time to relax from the troubles of everyday life. Of course if you decline I will understand, and will request only my departure to the event as I am duty bound to attend." He said.

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