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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Putting Mine back to her feet, Nebula says with his chuckle "Let me be the first to welcome you to the Afterlife. Right through these doors is my uncle, he will be able to let you meet your mother."
"No, that's just an employee of my uncle, my uncle is Hades. Come one lets go!" Nebula said. He grabbed Mine's hand and started running towards the castle.
"He will, I promise" Nebula said with his trade-mark smile. "Many of the rumors about him being cruel are true, but he is always nice to family" Nebula continued on as they got to the door. "Well haven't been here since game night.. yesterday" Nebula smirked. "Well let's go in" Nebula started to push the huge doors open. Before he could open the door, it suddenly burst open as a huge 3-headed dog came out barking at them.
Christian yawned, running his fingers through his silvered strands of hair. Eyeing the premises in front of him, he raised a brow, eyeing the fallen boy in the hallway. Seeing as though it made no sense to him, he rolled hisnoptics, holding out his hand to help him up off the floor. "Get up."

(No idea if that was towards me or not
xD so...)
"Heh Heh, that he be" smirked Nebula. Come on boy, meet my new friend: Mine. Mine, meet Cerberus


Cerberus lowers his head to let Mine pet him.
Nebula stares at Mine for a few moments, before saying laughing and saying "See? you're more human then you think"
[QUOTE="The Dark Princess](I don't know. I'll just wait xD )

I believe Tine ran into Christian a couple pages back.
Still chuckling "Alright lets go, cya later Cerberus." Nebula starts walking into the castle while motioning her to come with him.

Cerberus: BARK BARK

After walking for a while, admiring the design of the castle they arrive at a door. "Through here is my uncles chill room, lets go in shall we?" said Nebula.
[QUOTE="The Dark Princess](Yeah that's what I responded to xD )

(Oh well then don't mind me... Heh heh)
After opening the door and walking in, they came to a classy living room with a fire place to the right. Sitting their watching TV, was Hades, King of the underworld. "Heyyy uncle hows it going?" asked Nebula

Hades: Hey scamp, Whatch'a doing here? And who's your friend?

Nebula: This is Mine, we came here hoping you could tell us where her mother is, Mary.

Hades: Sure, let me go look in the scripts. Lets see Mary, Mary, Mary... Ah here we go! Yeah she's on the isle of paradise

Nebula: Cool thanks, lets go Mine, to the Isle of Paradise!
Hades: "No problem, you kids have fun" He chuckled.

Nebula: "Before we leave, you want to get something to eat?" asked Nebula.
Mine raised an eyebrow. "Is that a joke I need no need for food remember." She pointed to her chest. "This is all I need to power me."
"Oh yeah" he chuckled "I keep forgetting about that. Alright fair enough, lets get going. Isle of Paradise is above the castle, alright lets get going." He grabbed Mine by the hand and led her up the stairs to the top of the castle. "Just wait, the Isle or Paradise is a beautiful place"

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