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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Letting the girl move his hand to kiss it. A smile was released on his face. He moved his torso up so that he was sitting. His body turned to the girl. Giving off a chuckle. "Come on...let's go do something." He said as his hand stroked the girls cheek. "Come princess." Saying the words as lifted himself up and held his hand. To help the girl stand. A huge smile played on his face.
Lillith couldn't help but smirk at the title she had given her. She was honored. She grabbed his hand, pulling herself up. "Thank you. Now I propose we visit the cafeteria. The longer I live in this world, the more I require food. A rather annoying adaption really..." She rolled her eyes at how normal that made her feel. She towed Damian behind her as they crossed the room. She opened the door to see Luther leaning casually against the frame, blocking the exit. She backed away quickly, bumping into Damian. "No..." her voice was pleading. She didn't want to deal with him again. The LAST thing she wanted was another fight between the two boys.


Luther had his arms crossed loosely against his chest. He chuckled at Lillith's reaction. "Well that's no way to greet me." He stood up, still blocking the door. "You honestly think I would let you get away that easily Lilly Pad," he smirked. "Don't call me that," she snapped back. Again he laughed. "Of course I wouldn't. I've been watching you this whole time. But I believe you figured that out a few moments ago between a passionate kiss." He smirked. "I've gained valuable information listening to you two love birds squawk." He shot a threatening glance at Damian, wanting to provoke any reaction.
"We'll aren't you just the surprise I've been waiting for." He grinned at the boy. "And it's rather weird you would be watching to people make out....." He gave the demon a look that could kill as he wrapped his two arms around the Lillith's waist protectively. "Now boy....If you wish to talk lets talk..." He voice was clear of emotions as the words fell out of his mouth. "Really you learned nothing...but you would say I'm wrong...so say if you did learn something." He gave the man a smirk. "What you learned would be that I loved her to put it simply... really you have no leverage against me.... For I have lost those I have loved....I don't cry for those I lose... Sure I still care for them." He continued. "But what's the point of mourning for something you've lost... After all I've lived for two thousand years... I have experience in the matters of love." He said with no emotion. "After all I had my first plucked away from me...loved her dearly but alas she's dead....can't do anything about that...so I say again you have no leverage..." He said planting a kiss on Lillith's head. Whispering "I love you" to her as his head moved back. Staring down the other males eyes.
Luther rolled his dark red eyes, making a disgusted noise. "Love..." he spat out. "That's the least of my worries stupid boy. You see I'm after something much greater than your petty fling. My Circle is at stake here. I'm only on this earth to strengthen my army and destroy your sweet "princess" here," he motioned to the girl wrapped in his his arms. "In fact I'm glad you know how to lose people you care about. It'll all be less painful for you in the end. See this is me taking pity on you. Be grateful. Now I have business to take care of." His eyes blackened staring directly into the girls eyes. "Lillith, if you would be so kind to join me," he purred as he held his hand out like a gentlemen, the sweetest smile spreading across his face.


Lillith backed closer into Damian as if his hold on her was enough to protect her from Luther and whatever he had planned. She knew she was holding onto a false hope here. He spoke of destroying her and taking pity on Damian. The thought of not having him around again made her sick. She was going to do whatever she could to keep him close. As she locked eyes with Luther, her stomach dropped. He was using his mind manipulation. She wanted to look away but it was too late. His gaze held her, twisting her thoughts into whatever he pleased. Her eyes glazed over, a complete slave to whatever his will might be. As he called for her, she pulled away from Damian, grabbing onto Luther's hand.
"Luther....I hope you understand if you kill her....you may find yourself dead as we'll...spending the rest of your time in the darkness." He wouldn't let Lillith go right now so he shot his arm out to catch and pull her back to him. "I can handle loss...but revenge..... It comes natural to me... So I won't mind having a glass of your blood for dinner" Damian finished off. "Oh...and Lillith can't go with you in till we've had lunch...she's rather hungry..." Damian said with blank eyes. "Your welcome to join us though...if you wanted to..." He offered to the demon with a devilish smile.
Luther arched an eyebrow in amusement, smirking at the words the boy spoke. "Alright mutt. I'll humor you. You may have her for the time being. But I promise you she'll end up begging you for death in less than 24 hours. Remember you put her through what's coming. Then what will you do?" He gave a small wave as he turned his back, not waiting for an answer. His dark laughter echoed through the halls, fading into silence.


Lillith turned, looking up at Damian with sadness in her eyes. "Don't listen to him. He may play dirty at times, but he's all talk in the end. He wouldn't do anything here." She tried to convince herself what she was saying was true. But she knew it was only a wasted effort. "Now, were we not on our way to get lunch?" She grabbed his hand. Looking down at their intertwined finger she noticed a black mass engulfing Damian's hand. The blackness began creeping up her arm. Her eyes widened. "What is tha-..." she began as she ripped her hand away. Taking a couple steps back she blinked, and the blackness was gone. Had it even been there at all? "I-... I thought I-... Never mind. I'm sorry."
"Come" was all he said as he grabbed her hand and moved through the hallways. His body came to halt as he made his way to the exit door of the building. "Does he have a way to track you down" he asked her. "Because if he doesn't were leaving..." He looked into the girls eyes. He kissed the girls forehead. Pulling back his words stubbled out "I will protect you...."
Kain was standing next to a tree after he had left the orchestra class. He had only heard one part of the couples conversation about escaping of sorts. He looked at them from under the trees shadow" if your looking for a place to hide for a while I have the perfect place for you to go no strings attached of course." He said in a polite tone. He was glad to see the two finally began to "hook up" as they say know a days.

@ the akolite
Lillith looked over to Kain shaking her head. "He's everywhere," she mumbled. "There is no point in running. If I stay he will torture me. If I go he won't have the pleasure of seeing it, but it will still happen." She was never one to run from her problems, and even if she did it wouldn't matter. "It's better if we stay," she looked at Damian with sorrow hidden behind her eyes. She felt awful for putting him through so much trouble because of her.
Kain looked to lilith" there is always a way to counter act power with power. It would seem we have some studying to do now don't we. I will have a messenger relay a inquiry into the temple of the ancients perhaps there we might learn of an ancient magic which we can use against that dreadful boy that follows you. What was his name again....luther I believe. " He said in a calm collected tone.
"We'll while you do that...we'll be in the cafeteria...eating" He griped Lillith's hand slowly guiding her to the doors. He pulled her through. Taking her to the line. His cold hand held softly to hers for comfort. "Get something to eat I'll be right behind you" he said to her as he pecked her lips.
Lillith's eyes scanned the hallway, paranoia slowly creeping up on her. She felt like nothing was safe. She tried her hardest to put on a brave face, yet her shifting eyes would give her away in a second. It was ridiculous how Luther held so much power over her. He knew he was going to win in the end, no matter how far away that might be. Why did he have to do this to her now. She looked past Damian as he spoke. As he pecked her lips, she reached up on her toes, making the kiss last a few selfish moments longer. She grabbed a sandwich, a few fruits, and a bottle of water before finding an empty table to sit at.
Damian enjoyed the few stolen moments the girl took for him. He followed behind her. Grabbing a blood bag as she took her food. He sat next to her keeping her close to his side. "Eat up princess" he said as he thought of a whacked up plan. "You'll be all right..." But he wasn't to sure as he ruffled the girls hair.
Lillith sunk into her seat as he ruffled her hair. She hated that. She swatted his hand away, smoothing her hair back into place. "You know I don't enjoy contact..." She paused for a moment, taking a sip of water. "Well not that kind at least," she shrugged. "Either way, you're messing up my hair," she complained. Lillith eyed the blood bag that sat in front of Damian, noticing a small hole in the corner of it. Blood bubbled from the bag, but not enough to spill and make a mess. She wiped it off, red smearing her finger. "You better drink that before that hole gets any bigger-," she began as she looked up at Damian. She gasped, her eyes wide with fear as she saw his face, clothes, everything stained in blood. "O-Oh my god Damian what's wrong?!" she shrieked. She reached out to help the boy but stopped, seeing her hands covered with blood as well. She began to hyperventilate at the sight of everything. Yet to Damian's eyes, she was freaking out over nothing; everything was fine.
Kain summoned a small darkness spirit. He whispered it's instruction to it before it vanished into a small puff of black mist. Kain then proceeded to walk the inner halls of the school. After a while the spirit re appeared letting Kain know it might take a day or two. As the spirit dissapeared it left a message about the upcoming ball. He smiled" ahh a ball what a wonderful get away is it not." He said to himself. He then proceeded to his royal dorm where he began to write invitation letters to those he would Invite to the ball in a few days.
"Calm your self...it's Luther screwing with your head." He said giving the girl a kiss trying to calm her down. Then he pulled the girl into his shoulder for her to cry on. "You'll be alright I know it." He said as his rubbed the girls back. "You have nothing to fear...." He was scared for the girl's sanity.
She wasn't listening. All she could do was panic about the blood that had yet to disappear. As Damian held her close Lillith pulled away, trembling slightly. Her arms were still stained red. She refused to look at Damian again, afraid of what she might see. "I-I have to wash my hands," she blurted out, bolting for the door. She ran down the hall, plowing right into Kain. She stumbled back breathless. "Please I have to wash my hands..." she begged, a spark of insanity dwindled in her eyes. @Lord Anubis
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Mine took out a notebook and began to write down notes. "Hmm okay now tell me do you feel as if your whole body is hot or only the place I touched you?" Mine began to click her pen quickly so quick the pen brakes she takes out another one and clicks in slowly this time and adjust her goggles.

"No, just the place that you touched" said Nebula in a slight whisper. "Now its my turn to ask a question" said Nebula with his his trade mark smile. "Whats it like being you?" he asked in a curious tone.
Tine was running towards his next class when he bumped into someone. "He flew back onto the ground and when he looked up... There stood the most beautiful creature he had ever seen... The most perfect features, the most perfect hair... "Nope... Not going down that road again. He stood up and apologized. "Sorry." he said to the mysterious guy with white hair.
@Lord Anubis[/URL]
Kain looked down at lilith he noticed how far this luther had made her fall from her previous self. The fear, and terror in her eyes sparked something his his darker self a sort of intruige, humour or likeness. He brushed it off, but he could tell she needed some serious help. He held out his hand as he used magice to restrain her against the wall. He looked in her eyes" lilith my dear I do believe your loosing your mind. You look tired perhaps you need some rest." He said calmly.
Mine looked at Nebula and thought. "hmm that depends do you mean as a robot or as a girl because my anwnser to being a robot is that it's like knowing everything but nothing if that makes sense I'm smarter then any human yet they know stuff that I don't like love hate or any emotion I can copy them but don't really get them as for a girl well like I said don't really get it for some reason I can't change in front of guys or take off my shirt in public it's strange."
"Emotions aren't something you just know" said Nebula in a cryptic way, "You'll understand one day though, your smart enough" he continued in his smile.
Lillith was restricted to the wall against her will. She wanted to move, but couldn't. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to focus on anything else. "-just need to wash my hands and I'll be fine," she mumbled mostly to herself. "Release me. I need to get this off me." She didn't want to open her eyes yet. She was actually afraid of what she might see.

((Gettin real Lady Macbeth-y in here lol.))

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