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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

(Lol I man I haven't thought about Mac Beth sence English 4 lol.)

Kain looked in her eyes" I don't think water will help you in this case lillith." He said in a calm tone. A wave of coolness began to flow over her eyes, as kains began to turn black. He spoke in a kind tone sorta" I will only do this once lillith for this will only give you a limited time of relief use it wisely." He said as the spell he was casting began to take effect. It pushed back the shadows filling her body. This was strong dark magic at work he didn't like that. He let her go to the floor gently" remember limited time dear I'd use what ever contacts you have for aid while you can. I'm afraid my research will take a day or two so try to hold on dear." He said as he Began to walk away towards his dorm leaving her to her own devices.
Mine looked at the ground. "There is one emotion I have been able to feel happiness running test making weapons and hanging out with you all these things make me happy." She smiled at him.
Smiling at her, Nebula says "Well that's nice to hear, would be a shame if I wasn't any fun to hang around." He starts chuckling a bit. "Hey can I show you something?" he asked. "You'll have to trust me though." Nebula continued
He started running towards the highest building he could get to while motioning for Mine to follow. "Just follow me" he yelled.
After the few moments of running, Nebula had led Mine to the rooftop of a building. He stared out towards and the sky while asking Mine "Have you ever looked up at a bird flying past, maybe into a sunset, and wondered what it would be like to actually fly?" He asked this while being wide-eyed.
Mine looked at the sky and looked at him. "Before I did but I fixed that already." With that a pair of metal wings with jets come out of her back. "They work well I fly faster then any military jet."
Nebula let out a burst out laughter for a for moments. "I expected nothing less from you Mine" he said with a huge smile on his face. "One day I want to be able to fly across the world and just enjoy the world for what it is, my wings are not strong enough to let me fly for that long, but one day..." He continued to stare at the sky. "Oops" he suddenly shook himself from his little trance "Sorry, I went off for a little, I almost forgot what I wanted to show you."
"After you show me I could build you wings it wouldn't take any time at all or I could boost your wings now and allow them to carry you for as long as you want." Mine said while looking over the railing she didn't understand his wish to fly but she knew how important it was to him and wanted to help. In her mind she thought to herself. "Is this what you call friendship?"
"Yes you could do that, I have no doubt in you skills as a mechanic, but I want to do it on my own strength, that way when I finally reach my dream ,it will make it all the more sweeter." Nebula went silent for a moment, obviously pondering on how he was going to phrase his next sentence. "You like knowing stuff right?" asked Nebula
Lillith stood motionless for a moment before looking down at her now clean arms. She exhaled in relief at the moment of calm that flooded through her. She knew it wouldn't last, yet she was grateful for the moments she had. Lillith walked back to the cafeteria, stopping just before the doors. How was she going to explain herself to Damian. She was embarrassed at how weak she seemed. He was sure to lose interest in someone like this, someone who couldn't challenge him. Lillith couldn't bring herself to see him. Instead, she slid her back down the wall, holding her knees close to her chest.
Mine nodded fast. "With knowledge you gain power with power you can do anything you want that's what my creators said!" She said getting close to him.
Nebula noting that she was getting closer, and let it happen. Nebula asks with his normal smile: "Last question before I show you" he continued "If you could know anything in the world, what would it be? Some unanswered question for someone of the past, how they did something purhapse?"

"Or maybe someone you just want to meet?" Nebula continued.
Mine froze and thought about it finally she looked at him blankly. "Why was I created. I don't care about the how but why I don't have the data in my banks and the lab has no answers all the people who made me are gone so I can't find that answer no matter where I look. Am I really just a weapon a tool a pawn or am I something more like mother said." Mine looked at her hands and clenched them.
Nebula scooting closer while rapping his arm around her to comfort her, seeing that this was obviously emotional for her."Do you know any of the names of the people?" he asked in a quite voice.
She knew only one mother or as the others called her. "Mary she was my mother or my main creator she should know my purpose."
Taking his hand he gently puts it under Mines chin, turning her face to face himself. He then goes on to say "What if I said I could take you to see her? Would you like that?"
"I knew you would" he said chuckling with his trade-mark smile once again. "Up you go" Nebula says while picking up Mine and bringing her to his chest. "You ready to go meet your mother?" asked Nebula.
He starts running to the edge of the roof and then jumps off the roof. As soon as the decline starts his beautiful black wings coming out his back while they fall. "Best not to look down" he said while chuckling. They start speeding up, faster, faster, faster until right before they hit the ground. Suddenly right before they hit the ground a small black portal takes them through the ground. About five minutes of falling through the portal they end up in from of a elegant black castle above a flaming bottomless pit.

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