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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Damian pulled away from the girl lips. His own mouth formed a small smile. It contained the slightest bit of joy and happiness. "So....Want some dessert...." His mind was soaring on the thought of the kiss. His head moved not looking into her eyes, but with his lips to her neck. Giving her a small peck that lasted for a measly three seconds. "I could bite....heard it gives intense pleasure to the one that's bitten...you could tell me if it's true." His lips were still resting a centimeter away from the neck. "And after this we could go see a movie...or I could teach you to swim....help you get over your fear..." As his lips moved they brushed across her skin as he talked.
(Hehe, died)

Suddenly, Warren heard Tine's voice. It sounded internal, like a thought, but much more distinct. He smiled, glad to see his friend was alright; at least, as alright as he could be, given the circumstances. Yo, man, how's it going? You comfy? He thought, hoping to communicate with Tine in some way. I just want you to know that I respect your decision, man. I just wish it didn't have to end like this. Warren wiped the tears from his eyes, and gave his mother one last look before stepping through the portal, back into the human world.

When he returned, he found that it was still rather early. Time didn't pass very quickly in the Astral Plane, so this was little surprise, but he found that the people in the immediate area were still not awake yet. Best not to stick around, He advised himself, and with that, he was off to Kaiju Academy. Until he forgot how to get back.
Tine heard a loud booming, he screamed and covered his ears. When it stopped he looked up. "Did you just try to speak to me?" Be thought. "If so... Don't." He said. He turned to his dad. "You think we'll ever get outta here dad?" He asked. "I think you will." He said rolling up his sleeve's. "What you doin dad?" He asked. "Well ever since I've been here I've been meditating... I kept feeling these little energy fluctuations, then I realised it was my magic, it turns out it isn't something we learn, it is a part of our being... It's in our soul." His father explained. "So maybe if we build up enough light energy, and cause it to repel against Warren's dark energy, we will be expelled from his body." Said Tine. "Yea..." His father said.
((Chibi Kat: Excuse me, no one is allowed to die while canon, (*cough* Tiren *cough*), thank you.))

Lillith shivered, a smile spreading across her face as Damian's lips brushed along her neck. Her head was swimming. She tried her hardest to focus on what he was saying. She took a step back, allowing herself to clear her thoughts. "We shall continue-... dessert," if that's what the kids were calling it nowadays, "-somewhere out of the public eye." She didn't want to be known as a harlot; hardly acceptable. She grabbed the boy's hand, pulling him through the crowded halls and back to her dorm room. She turned to grab Damian, pushing him against the door to close it. She held him there as her lips found their way to his neck, kissing her way up to his lips once more.
He body was tugged from the crowed and cluttered hallways. Into Lillith's dorm room. As her lips touched his neck he gave off a brilliant smile and when her wonderful lips came to his. He kissed the girl back. His hands on her small waist. The hands pulled her closer to his body. His head resting against the door as they kissed. His eyes fully closed and his lips in sync with hers. Pure joy seamed to radiate off his pale skin.

He was absolutely in love with this girl at the moment.
Warren was bout to reply to Tine, but stopped himself, as that was what he was asked specifically not to do. Having no other means of transportation, he decided to hoof it back to school. And so, after about 4 hours of walking, backtracking and guesswork, Warren finally managed to get back to Kaiju. He was in absolute agony at the end of the long hike, and he decided to just collapse right then and there, onto the cool grass of the lawn. "Ugh..." he moaned as he lay there, lifeless.
The boy grabbed his father's hand. "Warren I hope your ready for this." He thought. A large light began to shine in between the father and son. "This is it." His father said. "They span and span until they were forced up and out of Warren's body. Tine flew around straight into the astral plane, once he was into his disintegrating body, he used his magic to shoot outta the astral plane, Tackling Warren in the process.
Feeling the extra weight on his already weak body, Warren made a sound somewhat akin to a balloon deflating and a cat getting punched in the stomach. "EEEEEEEEEEEAUhUhauhUHAUAUHGH," he groaned as he tried to get up, and failed. "Hey, what's the big deal, pal?" He said angrily, until he saw Tine was there, lying on top of him. "I'm dying of dehydration, aren't I?" He said nonchalantly. "I'm hallucinating, is that it?"
"Warren..." Tine hugged Warren as if he'd never let go. "I missed you so much!" He said. The boy began to cry tears of joy. "I'm alive!" He yelled.
"Wha... You're alive?" He reiterated in disbelief. "Tine, that's great! But, could you get off of me? I'm in a lot of pain, here." He smiled, glad that his friend was ok. "But how? How'd you do it?"
"It's a long story." he said as he climbed off of Warren. "Where's my dad?" He wondered. Still inside Tine's father stood smiling. "Tell him... I love him." He thought.
Lillith had never really been this intimate with anyone before. In fact, she had never been intimate with anyone ever. She wasn't sure of what to do. Instead of over thinking, she let her mind go, focusing only on Damian. Her arms wrapped around his neck, knotting her hands in his hair. She gently bit his bottom lip, pulling it slightly. She was getting a little too carried away. She knew she should stop, but her body wouldn't let her.

(Chibi Kat: Kinky little minx that Lillith is.))
Hearing Tine's father's voice, Warren replied, "He says he loves you." Warren smiled; it was nice to see that relationships could surpass even the chains of death itself. Things had turned out rather well, in the long run; Tine got to see his parents for one last time, and Warren... well, Warren was just happy that Tine was alive.
Damian's mind soared when she bit his lip. An action he loved. His body moved closer to hers. If it were even possible to get closer. He allowed the girl to do what ever she wanted with him. Unless if it broke boundaries. His tongue moved out from his mouth and rubbed against the others lip asking for permission for entry.
Lillith opened her eyes for a moment, but instead of seeing Damian, Luther was the one she had wrapped in her arms, lips pressed against. She took in a sharp breath, forcing him off of her. Lillith forced her eyes shut, stepping away from the boy in front of her. She opened her eyes once again to see Damian. She exhaled, running a hand through her hair. "I-I'm sorry I just-..." She shook her head, looking at the floor. "Maybe we should take a break for a moment." She sat on the edge of her bed, not wanting to make eye contact.
He stared at the girl for a moment. His eyes held the slightest bit of sadness. "If that's what you want." The words sloped from his mouth. His body moved to the middle of the room. Were he sat and stared at the lovely demon. "You know your absolutely beautiful." Giving the girl the slight compliment. His mind boggled on a thought on how they should stop for they day after all. It wasn't as if the two were dating or anything. So he dropped his back so he was laying on the floor staring to the roof of the room. He yawned closing his purple eyes. "That was fun...but if we are to continue...I believe we should date" Opening his eyes to see the roof. "I don't want to kiss you if we aren't in a relationship....this was out of pure lust....but I still love you." Words flooded the room before his eyes shut once more.
"Heh, yeah," He nodded. "Well, see you later, then." And with that, Warren was off to his dorm room, to take a very, VERY long shower.

While he toweled himself off, he began to think about his social standing at the school. Virtually no one even knew who he was, let alone the concept of friends. Warren found this troubling, and he furrowed his brow at the thought. You know, the only person I've really talked to is Tine. Maybe I should be a little more outgoing. Warren slipped on some new clothes, and headed outside, cane in hand, and a spring in his step.
Lillith blushed at the compliments he had given her. She was use to praise, but not like this. She lived for this type of attention. Lillith watched as he lay on the ground, confused as to why he hadn't picked the open bed she was sitting on. She was taken back by his proposal of a committed relationship, but what he said after made her stop in her tracks. Her brows pulled together. "You-... Love me?" The word was very foreign to her. She didn't know how to respond. Instead she took a spot beside him, grabbing his hand softly. "If I knew how to love, I'm sure it would only be for you..." She brought his hand to her lips, kissing it gently.

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