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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Mine watched as one of the boys in the fight seemed to cry. "Hmm maybe I should make myself known." Mine stood up fro, her hiding place and took a deep breath. "HEY YOU GUYS!!!" She yelled out.
Standing at a slant as his back was against a tree, he used his telepathy to communicate with Mine: "I would be careful if I were you, sounds like this is kinda personal."
(Sorry for my absence)

Tine shook his head. "Yes I do." He responded to both Warren and Death. "But I see her first, or no deal." The boy said.
Mine covered her mouth. "True wait you have telepathy hmm." She began making a note of this as she set uo her Dimension Junper for Nebual's location. When she popped out she accidentally headbutted him.
"Ouch" Nebula thought as he got headbutted. "Well look who it is, we just can't seem to be apart" Nebula said in a flirtatious tone while smiling. "So what-cha need?" asked Nebula
She looked up at him rubbing his head. "Sorry still need to work on my landing hmm I hear this is helpful in human terms." She leaned in and kissed his forhead where she had hit him and tilted her head. "Better?" She asked. "As for what I need I want to run some test and need your help.
"Heh-heh" Nebula chuckled "A kiss is something to be treasured, and I surely will" said Nebula in his normal calm tone. "As for the tests" Nebula continues "What do you need help with?"
Mine held up a bottle with a blue liquid inside. "Drink this and we can begin it's blueberry." She took out a red one and drank it shaking the blue one in a motion for him to take it.
He takes the drink out and stares out it for a few moments. "You know most people would be very all questioning the drink, but ehh" he gulps it down in a few seconds. *gulp gulp gulp* "Hmm; it has a hint of razzberry" states Nebula.

"I see you still have the flower" states Nebula while pointing to it. "I can guess you have taken a liking to it?" askes Nebula.

(Night gtg to bed, got the SAT's tomorrow)
(It's cool, man)

Death shrugged and smiled. "I am a man of my word." He then held out his hand, and slowly a wisp formed in his palm, until finally taking shape of a woman. She looked very scared and confused, but upon seeing her son, her face lit up, elated. "Tine!" She beamed.

Death then held out his other hand once again. "I'll ask again, good sir," He said, a hint of impatience in his voice. "Do we have a deal?"

Warren knew that Death was in fact a man of his word; but that also meant that the deals he made were absolutely final. He couldn't allow his Uncle to do this to his best friend, but this is what his friend actually wanted. And so he stood, watching Tine quietly as he made his decision.
Tine hugged his mom. "I miss you so much." He said crying. "I'm going to get you out of here." Tine said. "I know Tine... And I don't want you to do this." She said. "What?" He said confused... "I thought you would want to get out." He said. "I do baby... But I'm dead now... It's over for me... Your life is just beginning. This young man OBVIOUSLY cares about you." His mom said. "Tine looked towards Warren and smiled. "Your father and I want you to stay alive... And live as happily a as can be." Tine hugged his mom. "Kay mom." He said sipping the tears away. "Dont cry... Your father and I will always be with you... I love you." And that's when she dissapeared. "Tine walked over next to Warren. "No deal!" He told death.
Lillith was frozen in shock as Damian leaned in close to her, eventually kissing her. Her hand balled up in a fist ready to strike his gut, yet as the kiss continued, her hand fell limp to her side. She closed her eyes as a feeling of butterflies assaulted her stomach. But Damian stepped back. She opened her icy blue eyes once more to try and comprehend what just happened. Her cheeks began turning a bright pink. She brought her hand up, ready to slap Damian. She swung, but instead of making contact with his cheek, her hand landed on the back of his neck, pulling him back down to her level; their faces inches apart. She glared into his eyes, "you call that a kiss?" she taunted. "Pathetic."
Death's smile faded quickly upon hearing Tine's decision. "Very well," he said with a sigh. "I guess I'll just have to kill you, then." He had a malevolent, determined look in his eyes, and that sent a chill down Warren's spine.

Suddenly, a female voice chimed in from behind them. "Brother dearest!" Warren smiled as he saw his mother flying towards them. Death turned around, obviously not enthusiastic about seeing his sister in the midst of a fight to the death. "Claudia?! I'm in the middle of something!" He said, an annoyed venom in his voice.

"Oh, relax, it's just for a moment. One of the Portal's sentries informed me that Warren was here, instead of school, where he was supposed to be."

Warren shrugged. "Hey, my classes are over for today, mom! Cut me some slack!"

"Excuses, excuses," The female Reaper said with a wave of her hand. "What, might I ask, was this 'something', you were talking about, brother?" She asked.

"I was just going to kill Warren's friend. A little." He was a bit reluctant with the answer; was he... afraid?

Claudia sighed audibly, shaking her head. "No no, we can't have that. Honestly, brother, do you really need another soul to your collection of billions?"

"But he was mocking me!" The Grim Reaper whined, sounding like a child who wasn't getting the toy he wanted. He sighed, and turned to Tine. "Fine. This isn't over, boy," He said, his voice dripping with venomous hatred. He then turned to Warren, calming down significantly. "And I'll see you on Christmas, good sir." And with that, he was off in a puff of black smoke.

Warren sighed heavily in relief, and hugged his mother tightly. "Thank you, sweet goddess of benevolence." This made Claudia blush, and giggle slightly. "Oh, it was nothing, really."
"We'll that was an appetizer....you could say...I was just giving you a taste..." His lips moved a small amount closer as his words hit the girls eardrums. "Now for the main course...." His lips collided ounce more with the girls. With a slight movement his hands held softly onto Lillith's neck. Pulling her deeply into it. His mind was soaring in the clouds. Only thinking of the kiss and not the disgusted faces of others in the school. His head backed from hers. "Lovely....absolutely lovely" The compliment gave the girl time to breath before Damian pressed his dead cold lips back onto hers.
Tine smiled, a little jealous of the fact that Warren got to see his own family, the fact that he actually had a family, but he was happy for him. "He reached out to touch Warren when he froze, his shadow form faltered, causing him to be instantly shrouded in darkness... He was as much dead... As they were.
Warren felt a chill go down his spine, and he turned around to see Tine fully encompassed in shadow. "T--Tine? Tine?!" He knelt down, shaking the body. He turned to Claudia, who just looked back at him with great sadness. "Tine, come on man, get up! TINE!" Warren broke down into sobbing, and buried his face into his hands.

"I am so sorry, sweetie," Claudia said quietly, kneeling down to console her son. "I don't know what to say--"

"Then don't say anything," Warren interrupted, his voice wavering. "This isn't... This isn't right. It's not fair, goddamn it." He slammed his fist into the ground in anger.

"Warren, honey... we need to do something with his soul... You need to do something with his soul." She was reluctant to say anything, but it needed to be done.

"Just... Just give me a minute, alright?" He knew what he had to do; after some time, Warren got up and summoned his scythe. He brought it down gently on his friend's body, breaking away the shadow that consumed him. Then, an energy flowed out of the opening, and flew into Warren's chest, as the other soul had done before. Also as before, he went into a fit of coughing, and he keeled over on the spot, as he began to sob once again.

A smile crept onto Lillith's lips as Damian continued to kiss her. She never wanted this feeling to end. She was so absorbed in the boy's lips she had completely forgotten the world around them. Her heart was pounding, her head was spinning, and she felt like she was floating. She managed a few words in between the stolen kisses. "My. This is a rather-..." Kiss. "-enjoyable activity." In other words, her sad attempt to flirt.

(Chibi Kat: klass is stoopid anyway.)
(Chibi Mine: I must agree my knowledge is far grater then this school anyway.)

She just stared at him for a second then looked at her hands. "Do you feel different if I do this?" She put her hands to his face and shook her head so her goggles go over her eyes she then nodded. "It is a nice flower."
Tine's eyes opened slowly. "Where am I?" He said. He looked around to realize it was his dorm room. "What? But I'm.." He jumped up and ran to the mirror. "Freaky." He said, seeing his own body.
Everyone seemed to be moving around him and ignoring him. "What tha..." He reached out to touch someone, but his hand went straight through them, and that's when it all went dark again.

Tine was in a very dark place, illuminated by a single green lantern. He saw a familiar face in the light. "Dad... DAD!" He ran over to his father and gave him a hug. " Hey kiddo... I missed ya." Tine smiled. "Me too... Do you know where we are?" He asked. "Oh... Last thing I remembered was flyinng into some guy named Warren, and that's it." His father replied. Tine looked down. "Oh." He walked away from his father. "In that case... This should work." He said. "I love you Warren, I always have, and always will... I hope you can hear me. What I did was my choice... It was something I had to do... I couldn't go on like that anymore. I want you to know... That my time spent with you were the best seconds, minutes, hours, and days of my life... And I wouldn't trade them for anything. Keep living a happy life... That's what I want, and although you may miss me... Just know I will always be here." Tine thought.
(Back from SAT's, what a nightmare D:)

"I don't feel any different, but I do feel the touch of warmth" said Nebula, as he was dumbfounded by what Mine said.
Mine took out a notebook and began to write down notes. "Hmm okay now tell me do you feel as if your whole body is hot or only the place I touched you?" Mine began to click her pen quickly so quick the pen brakes she takes out another one and clicks in slowly this time and adjust her goggles.

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