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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Mine put the spider down and stood next to the girl and pointed at the vampire. "Too strong." She pointed at the girl. "Too weak. Was that simply enough? Also don't think I'm insulting you when I say that it's a fact my calculations are never wrong he is far too strong for you alone you would put up a fight but there is a 98% chance you would lose."
As Kain walked he heard a familiar voice down one of the halls. He slowly made his way towards it turning the corner silently. Leaning against the wall he knew before turning the corner who it was that was speaking. Here again he finds the same girl fighting with another person once more. He laid his head against the wall as he watched all the people surround her. He smiled slightly as he could tell that girls life was starting to become hell.
Mine's scanner find the boy against the wall and ran over looking closely into his eyes. "Hmmmmmmmm interesting a dragon never seen one before so close." She brought his face close and scanned him.
Lillith growled, slamming the locker door shut. "I will give you ONE CHANCE to kneel before me and BEG for my forgiveness, or I will personally scatter your remains across within a barn, leaving you for horse feed!" She clenched her fists, ready to swing. She turned to the robot. "As for you. Why in Lord Satan's name are you assuming I'm weak?! You point that hand at me again and I'll rip it off and shove it right down your throat!" She was shaking with anger. No one at this academy knew their rightful place. She was tired of giving everyone lessons on where they belonged.
Kain looked at the girl before him. He senced No organic scent from this once....strange. As she got closer in his face he spoke" as much as this seems interesting madam I do believe your a little to close." He said calmly while blowing a small puff of white flame into her face. It wasn't harmful just ment to see if she would react the way he thought she would.
Mine didn't react she only moved back a bit to see more of his face. "So do you think I smell different. It's cause I'm not living nor undead I am a robot. Or more correct bio-mechanical." She then turned to the girl and slowly pointed at her. "Do it I can make a new one later."
Kain looked at the robotic girl" I wouldn't continue the conversation with her in this manner this one is quite prideful, and ignorant. " He said to her. As for her comment about her self he looked at her intruiged" interesting a bio mechanical life form iv only heard theory about it as your your scent you do have a metallic smell although small." He said with interst.
Mine turned to him. "Well I started as a AI but I later created this body for myself it's quite nice I like it it has a nice spot for my batteries." Mine points to her chest. "See there are very secure here go on try." She says moving close to the boy.
Kain laughed" as much as that is intriguing I'm afraid I'll take your word for it although would it not be better to have a mobile power generation unite instead of batteries?" He said as he stood their. Science really interested him, and this Ai was quite interesting indeed.
Mine nodded. "While that is true I did not have the pieces for that when creating this body yet it has severed me well so I have found no reason to replace them." This boy was very interesting more data was need. "I am AI Unit March 10 Mine Powers nice to met you." She said picking a cheery voice from her database.
Kain extended his hand in formal greeting" I am prince Kain veilstorm it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance madam powers." He said in a polite tone that held authority in it. Kain spoke again" have you ever considered using magic to assist in power generation?" He asked.
Mine pointed to her heart and head. "I already have a demon brain and heart installed and my veins are filled with a magic liquid witch makes my skin stronger then normal. I also have much knowledge on magic potions. But if you could help I'm willing to let you tell me more."
[QUOTE="Kat Attack]Lillith growled, slamming the locker door shut. "I will give you ONE CHANCE to kneel before me and BEG for my forgiveness, or I will personally scatter your remains across within a barn, leaving you for horse feed!" She clenched her fists, ready to swing. She turned to the robot. "As for you. Why in Lord Satan's name are you assuming I'm weak?! You point that hand at me again and I'll rip it off and shove it right down your throat!" She was shaking with anger. No one at this academy knew their rightful place. She was tired of giving everyone lessons on where they belonged.

Eep..." the scarecrow darts off running like sonic's figure 8 run. "RUNNING RUNNING RUNNING!!!!!"
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Mine pointed to her heart and head. "I already have a demon brain and heart installed and my veins are filled with a magic liquid witch makes my skin stronger then normal. I also have much knowledge on magic potions. But if you could help I'm willing to let you tell me more."

Kain nodded" perhaps I could aid you dragons fire has useful properties when added to ash or infused with a object." He said. He examined her" interesting but that would put you at a disadvantage against light magic would it not having demonic parts used in your making." He stated.
Mine smirked. "Ha a genius like me wouldn't be so stupid as to forget that it my be demon but it is mostly robotic so as to get rid of the demonic energy." She said patting her chest in pride of herself.
[QUOTE="Kat Attack]Lillith was about to make a snide remark when the scarecrow from before had been thrust in her arms. She had dropped the boy to the ground, taking a step back. "Honestly, can I not have any personal space? Do you creatures have a death wish? If so, let me know and I would be more than happy to take care of you." She rolled her eyes, stepping over the boy on the floor. She snapped her head over to the vampire. "And you! How dare you insult me in such a way! I suggest you beg for forgiveness, and I might spare you."

Christian grimaced. His irises were now collecting themselves to turn their true color of a blood stained crimson red. He then turned to face her, both of his sharply made fangs extending down from the roof of his mouth. " You? Spare me?" He raised a brow, tilting his head slightly in a counterclockwise manner. "Try me. Foolish girl."
Lillith looked the boy over from head to toe. He seemed intimidating enough, yet posed as a little threat to her. However, in her current condition she was not powerful enough to fight. Or actually, fight and win. This was a confrontation better suited for another day. She crossed her arms stubbornly. "I guess this is not the time nor place to engage in battle with you. And-..." She almost choked on her words. "And it was-... mymistakebumpingintoyou." The words came out in a low rush. She didn't want anyone else to hear her admit fault. @The Dark Princess
Coming from behind Lilith. It seems like you two are having some fun here, what seems to be the problem?
Lillith turned, grumbling, "no. There's no trouble. Just conversing among-... Frien-... Acquaintances." She nodded. "That is all." She shrugged, pushing her long black hair behind her shoulder.
Mine looked out from behind Lillith. "Oh and here I thought you were going to put him in his place did you not say that?" Mine said in her emotionless tone tilting her head.
Kain smiled" please don't taught the girl mine it's embarrassing enough for her as is." He said. He looked at mine" well it really was a pleasure meeting you mine. I should be off before I haft to drag myself into the reasonably of settling another fight." He said calmly as he turned heading back down the hall casually.

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