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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

"What?" Tine said. He looked down o see the icy dagger driven into Warren's abdomen. "Warren?" He said. The boy ran to Warren. "Warren are you okay?" He aaked tears in his eyes. He looked up towards Death. "Look what you made me do." He said crying. "His body began to lift off of the ground. "I'll kill you. I'LL KILL YOU!" He began to morph into something but he didn't know what, he had been taken over by pure rage, and that's when he discovered his light takeover. "LIGHT BEAM!" Tine said, causing a beam of light to shoot out of his chest. "Prepare to die... Death."
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]"Are you OK?" Alice asked trying not to laugh as the song ended. Bending he offered him a hand.

"I'm fiiiine..... Just sssslipped." he said as he gets up by taking alice's hand. he then cracked his neck to make the stiffness go away.
( I'll do Christian first. Since Lillith wants "prey" xD )

Christian roamed the halls aimlessly, until finally wandering upon a female of whom seemed to be attempting to the attention of a...sleeping? boy. He rolled his currently cold blue irises, eyeing them with curiosity. Usually, he would simply walk away, but right about now, he was entirely too bored to pass up even the slightest bit of entertainment.
"I..." Warren managed to rasp as he collapsed onto the floor, a pool of blood forming slowly beside him.. He was going to die; there was no doubt about that. He was more so worried about when he came back. Tine wasn't going to be able to kill Death, not permanently, anyway, but the opposite was very likely, and the time it would take for Warren to ressurrect would be far too late. "Uncle..." He forced, the metallic taste of blood forming in his mouth. "Don't... hurt him."

He hated this part; His soul would be forced from his body to the Astral Plane, and it would eventually find its way back to the Portal to the world of the living. But for the time being, all he could do was watch as a bright flash of light appeared in Tine's vicinity, and Warren's vision faded to black.
Death rolled his eyes, "As if someone like ME would be afraid of something like you," he spat out at Tine. In the next moment, he was jumping high into the air, just missing the beam of light that had been shot at him. He landed directly behind Tine, simply putting a hand on his shoulder, holding him in place. He began to drain Tine's life force. "You are such a stupid boy. Thinking you could actually fight Death. Death is inevitable." He tightened his grip, sucking away at the life Tine held onto.
Mine stepped off the bus and straightened her goggles she sighed it was a long ride from the lab and she was bored now. "Maybe there is a good place to set up my lab around here?" She looked and spotted the roof of the school making her way there she sat down on the roof and opened her bag pulling out test tubes and chemicals she began mixing. "I wander what kind of people go here and what powers they have soon I will learn right now I must focus on my potions." she began shaking a mixture of chemicals and let out a chuckle for what might come.
"Well you know what?" Tine asked. "We all have to die." He put his hand behind his back, shooting a beam of light directly at the man.
Death skid across the room, stopping himself against a wall. He chuckled darkly, "However I can't die. I'm death itself!" He lunged back at Tine using his dark magic as a boost. In the next moment, a large scythe formed in his hands. He swung with all his strength at the boy.
Mine finished her potions and stuffed them back in her bag. "Now to explore this place and gather data. If I am correct there may be someone around the dorms." Mine got off the roof and made her way to the dorms first the boys then she would head to the girls. She began randomly knocking on doors seeing if anyone would answer.
Minutes later, they came to a part where they had to fight a boss, of course, the game shows a weak point. "shoot the spot the game tells you." phoenix said as he did so.
Tine ducked, and dropped to the ground. "So that's how you want to play it?" He asked. The boy switched into his shadow form, the room darkened. "All this dark energy on one place is bad, between him, his henchmen, and I, this place won't be able to sustain itself unless..." The boy smiled. "I'm not going to let any of you hurt anyone here, my shadow form allows me to travel beyond the gates of hell, as well as the astral plain, be it your domain, that's a risk I'll have to take. "Astral Lock." Tine stood there, as the building began to shake." See you in hell." And that's when everything went black.
Mine walked from the dorms not finding anyone then her scanners pick up an energy flux. "Now what could be causing that I wonder?" She ran in the direction and came to the point she took out her dimension jumper and crossed over and found what looked like a fight she hid herself making sure not to be found. "Scanning fight scanning in process." Her sensors said as she watch the fight closely at a safe distance to gather data.
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Warren didn't mind the Astral Plane; he was essentially recognized as royalty there. The people were very polite; whether out of fear or respect, he had no idea. He just hated going there when he died. Warren had only died once before, when he was skiing with his parents. As it turns out, landing 30 feet into a rocky plateau isn't exactly harmless.

The portal wasn't particularly far, but he had to sift through the droves of lost souls that were merely standing about doing nothing; he almost pitied their fate, but he knew that most of the souls there were neutral, and had done a great many bad things before dying; that also meant, however, that they had done some good deeds as well. Warren frowned at the thought as he gently nudged the shades out of his way.

Then, he saw it; the Portal to the Mortal Realm. Many a soul were coming in, and those who were trying to go back were disintegrated. Warren pitied those souls even more; they forfeited their very existence for the futile chance of coming back to life. An Adept-class Reaper flew in front of him as he approached, scythe at the ready.

"Hold it," one of them said, "Who are--" The sentry's eyes went wide as he recognized Warren. "Oh, sorry, master Atkinson, I didn't know--"

"Just let me through, man," Warren interrupted. "And don't call me 'master'. It just feels... wrong. It's Warren."

"Of course, master-- er, Warren. Warren." The sentry bowed, and gestured to the gate the gate, allowing him access to the land of the living. Warren stepped swiftly through the Portal, and hoped that he wasn't already too late.
Mine scanners picked up another reading coming from a portal. "Hmm very interesting this one seems to be approachable." Mine made her way to the boy and tugged on his shirt and cleared her throat picking a soft gentle voice from her data base. "Umm hey please tell me what's going on?"
Kain smiled at amillia bowing" well im afraid i must depart i have a free period know so i will attend to personal business." he said standing straight. He grabbed his stuff " Until we meet again amillia i look forward to it. " He said as he then proceeded to walk out of the gym into the hall. He proceeded to the back of the school where he walked into the forest. He slowly began his trip down the small dirt path. Kain entered the same open field as before standing their In the clearing. He breathed in deeply the cool mid day air. He slowly began to glow white a surge of magical energy erupting from him as he transformed Into his true self. His body extended into a ball of white light emitting through the trees. After a few moments there he stood in his white celestial form.


Kain then laid in the grass the cool earth beneath him. Slowly he began to fall into a light sleep, as he allowed his true form to relax out of the restrictions of a human body.
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