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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Warren patted Tine on the back, happy that Tine was willing to cooperate once again. "Listen, man," he started, "I wasn't kidding when I said we were going to need other people's help. Even if my uncle decides to do things 'nicely', we're going to be traveling through the Astral Plane." Warren looked Tine dead in the eyes, a dark concern in his voice. "That place is quite literally No Man's Land, and non-reapers aren't going to be taken kindly to there. Especially since you're essentially an enemy of the state."
Tine nodded. The journey seemed like it would be quite difficult, but he had no doubt that with Warren he could do it. "I understand." He said. "But it won't be just us. The prophecy says six of us will be making the trip but..." Tine paused, deciding to leave the part about someone dying. "Warren... Thanks again. I-I couldn't have done this without you." The boy looked down at his feet as he shuffled uncomfortably. "And I'm sorry for what I said." He felt horrible for saying such words about Warren and had instantly regretted them.
Warren smiled. "Nah man, it's fine." Warren thought for a moment. "It really makes you wonder; who are the other four people in this 'prophecy' supposed to be? I really don't know anyone else here." Warren didn't exactly like the idea of such a large group heading to his uncle's domain uninvited, but there was no arguing with fate.
After taking time to clear her head, Lillith stood up from her seat, making her way back into the hallway. She decided it was best to go her own way. She was no longer playing "nice" with anyone anymore. She stalked the hallways, looking for anyone that would be a weak target. She began going after a short boy. She followed him all the way back to his dorm, however, when she went in for the kill, the boy literally vanished into thin air. He was running. "Coward," Lillith mumbled. Rolling her eyes, she passed an open dorm room with two boys, possibly lovers, talking about a "prophecy." She stopped, listening in on the conversation.
"Yea... I wonder." He said. "Hey Warren... Wanna go on a date?" Tine asked. "Well not a date as in a date, but a date that isn't a date..." Tine sighed. "You get what I mean?" Tine asked, emberrassed of himself.
Taken slightly aback by Tine's wording, Warren let out a slight 'Huh?' before hearing the rest of it, blushing slightly. "Oh, uh, alright. Uh, where are we going?" He asked curiously, wondering why Tine would do something so abruptly.
"There's a restaurant outside of the school we can go to. It's a while away from here so I'll take us, unless you wanna use those wings." He said with a giggle.
"Don't talk about the wings." Warren said in a mock-serious tone, flapping them to signify their futility. "How are you going to take us, though? You don't have a car, do you?" He suggested with a chuckle.
"No... But I'll get us there." Tine led Warren to the courtyard. "You might wanna close your mouth. Tine grabbed under his arms and they shot straight up into the air as fast as a bullet. "Hold your breath." He yelled as they shat through the air at unimaginable speeds.
Warren felt like his skin was being torn off of his body from the speed at which they were going. "WHY WOULD I WANT TO CLOSE MY MOU--" He shouted, when suddenly a bug flew directly into his throat. Having no other option, he had to swallow, grimacing at the bitter taste of the insect. "Nevermind," He whimpered quietly. So far, this was not going well.
Tine did barrel roles in the air, along with many other tricks. Time was him enjoying himself. It seemed as if he could forget about everything... And he did, Warren slipped out of his hands. "Uh oh." He thought. He flew straight down, arms outreached.
"You jackass!" Warren screamed as he plummeted through the sky. Warren tried flapping his wings to slow himself down, but that was completely useless; if anything, he was falling faster. Only now, did Warren understand why people were afraid of heights, and quite frankly, it was not pleasant feeling. How could this possibly get any worse? Warren thought.
(Um KAt I need to met your char. Soon.)

Tine caught Warren and set him on the hood of the car in front of an italian restaurant. "Here we are." He said stil giggling.
Warren blinked a single time, then ran his fingers through his hair. "That was quite an unenjoyable experience," He said calmly, clearing his throat. "If you'll excuse me, I uh, need to sit down now." Warren then went over to a nearby table and plopped himself down, resting his head on the surface, clearly mortified.
Tine sat down across from Warren , just as a woman walked up to there table, she was young, but had a mature air about her. "Hi, what can I get you." She asked, a fake smile plastered on her face. "I'll take a water for my friend and... Apple juice for me." Time said. "I'll have those right out." She replied. Tine looked over at Warren and patted his back. "Have fun?" He asked.
"I think I died up there," Warren spoke softly. "It wouldn't be the first time that's happened." Warren shuddered a bit at the thought, looking back to past experiences. "Oh crap, my wings!" He spoke, quickly looking back, finding them clearly flapping about occasionally. Much to his confusion, however, no one seemed to notice them. Warren gave Tine a confused look.
Time shrugged. "Maybe they think it's a costume." He said. "Anyway... Isn't it fun to have a nice dinner, no distractions." He asked, that's when the drinks came. ,"Would you like anything yet?" The lady asked. "No." Tine responded. Then she was gone. "Well let's have a toast." Tine said. "To friendship." He said. Then he took a sip. Anyway what I was saying wa-". Tines head hit the table, he was losing consciousness. He saw a shadow move over them, then heard someone say these words. "Welcolm home nephew." It said.

[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]Kain laughed then looked In her eyes" even the wisest know their is always new things to learn. I'm hear to learn about all the races. While we already have information I thought it would be best to learn myself given some info could of bin falsified." He said as he held his hands to his side.

"Huh. Well that's true. You can't possibly know everything and there are always new things appearing, or manifesting." She nodded in understanding. " Ah... " she grinned. "I'm more than certain some is falsified, all creatures and people keep their secrets, especially when it could possibly be used against them. "Amelia stretched and took a step back, bending and clasping her hands behind her. "Well, if there is anything you need tobknow about my species, or some of the inner workings of hell, I can help. Though I won't know everything, but hey, you never know." She shrugged.
Kain smiled" perhaps I'll take you up on that madam Amelia. As you extend that offer I offer you the same." He said in a friendly tone. He looked at her" so did you come in here to train?" He asked curiously. Kain was curious although she had a beauty to her she seemed well trained enough. Perhaps she was just using this as a way to relax herself.

@Laney Lane
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(Will reply tomorrow. Gotta sleep. 7am class and just got back ftom concert. Sorry. :/ )
Warren's eyes went wide as Tine fell into unconsciousness, and felt a chill down his spine as he heard his uncle call his name. How could he have known we were here? He thought to himself, gulping hard as he prepared to speak. "H--hello, Uncle," Warren stammered, eyes still glued to Tine. "What are you doing here?"
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Alice sent Phoenix a wicked smile at his song choice as he got in position. Phoenix will regret choosing this song.

As the song progressed, phoenix started to fail miserably. "What have i done?!?!" he shouted as he tripped and fell on his face, and looking completely fine.

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