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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

(I WOULD LOVE TO! Lol send me info on him in a pm.)

"What am I doing here? Why, can't an uncle drop in on his favorite nephew from time to time?" His words were cold, laced with sarcasm. He leaned against the back of an empty chair. "Aren't you going to offer me a seat? Or do I have to stand the whole time? Really, I come all this way and you still treat me with such little manners." He shook his head slowly, "Such a shame..."
Warren was completely caught off-guard. "Oh, yes, of--of course!" He quickly shot up out of his chair to pull out one for his uncle, gesturing for him to sit, chuckling nervously. He was still very concerned for Tine, who was laying limp at the table. Upon looking around the area, he found that many people were in fact unconscious as well; it was as if the entire restaurant had been anesthetized.
Death sat slowly, watching Warren look around the room. "So I've heard you've enrolled at Kaiju Academy. Glad to know you're actually doing something useful with your life for once." He looked to an unconscious Tine, then back at Warren. "And what is this doing here with you?"
"That..." Warren started, glancing briefly at Tine once again,"Would be my, er... friend. Uncle. Sir." Warren was very careful not to say Tine's name, for fear of revealing the plan. "So, uh, how have you been? I haven't seen you in a while!" Warren's wings flapped around randomly, making his efforts at hiding his nervousness futile.
Death looked at his nephew with an unamused look plastered on his face. He was never one for small talk. "I've been keeping busy with work. Obviously being the Grim Reaper comes with much responsibility and little free time. You should know this." He rolled his eyes, leaning back in his seat, and crossing his arms in one fluid movement.
"Right, heh, you're a busy guy," Warren nodded. shifting uncomfortably in his seat. "Look, Uncle..." He started, "I gotta ask; what's your real reason for coming here? As you said yourself, you don't like small talk, so I assume this is about family or something?" Warren's resolve strengthened somewhat; he wasn't going to get anywhere if he kept being so timid.
"This could be. You tell me." His eyes narrowed at Warren. "I hear a lot of stories from time to time. I don't really bother with mindless gossip." He motioned towards Tine. "But this has me a bit concerned. Now you're going to listen to me. And listen good. You know who I am. And how powerful I am. I wouldn't want any reason for me to destroy absolutely everything you cherish, now would I?" He leaned back.
Warren gulped hard. "Of--of course not, Uncle. But if you don't mind me asking; what gossip have you been hearing, exactly?" He knew about the plan. He HAD to have known; there'd be no other reason for his uncle to be there if he didn't. But how? It was all Warren could do to prevent himself from admitting to everything.
Death arched an eyebrow. He decided to play along. "If you want to know, why don't we ask your little friend here, shall we?" He snapped his fingers, bringing Tine back into reality. "I'm sure it's nothing I should be concerned with." He glared between the two, waiting for Tine to respond.
Tine kept his head down ready for a surprise attack, and then he sprang up, cupping is hands around his mouth and blowing a huge gust of wind at him, then Tine threw a cup of water into the air, then lowered its temperature to freezing, creating a deadly sharp ice spike. The boy wielded it with obvious skill as he charged the grim reaper. "GIVE ME BACK MY PARENTS!" he yelled.
Warren went into panic mode at Tine's sudden actions. "TINE, NO!" He screamed, quickly jumping in front of Tine's path. Suddenly, Warren felt a sharp pain appear in his abdomen, and looked down to find... that he had been stabbed by the sharp icicle.

("Oh look, I've been impaled")
The lazy scarecrow blew onto the wall silently, putting leg over one knee as he layed back taking a nap. "Yawwwn...ahhh soo satisfying right buddies" a locust chirpped at the scarecrow cutley.

Death hadn't flinched at all at Tine's "surprise attack." He wasn't threatened by a measly boy. Yet Warren jumping in front of him did catch him off guard. He rose quickly, pulling Warren away from Tine. Death looked Warren over, seeing the sharp icy dagger that had impaled him. Death turned his glare to Tine with a firey rage building inside of him. "You're going to wish you had never been born," he growled.
(You could meet with Lillith and Atticus. We're all meeting for the first time lol)

Lillith continued to roam the hallways looking for someone to pray on. However no one seemed to fit quite what she was looking for. She glanced around, peaking interest as she saw a new face. She made her way over to the boy who may have been asleep. She eyed him before speaking, "you there. Creature."

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