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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Nenma Takashi]She waved as he left. "Bye-bi see you later!" using a cheery voice. [/QUOTE] Kain just simply waved back at her as she called out good bye. From there Kain went to the quite room where he began to play the violin. [URL="https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=ZqOAVKLOIoqVNrvqg4AJ&url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2xT7dlyX8Y&ved=0CCoQtwIwAQ&usg=AFQjCNFC9EMziBXs3Lm3cdSdd6wRrrisfg said:

The orchestra teacher had asked him to come back so that she could hear him again to find out if he would be algae competition as well as teach other students.
Tine was loosing magic energy fast and he had to do something. His shadow snaked along the ground until it reached the gate. "SOUL TAKE OVER!" The boy yelled, that's when the dead began to claw at the gate, they began to pile over each other, ready to have a piece of death. "Prepare to meet hell in its true form." They all began to reach for the man, but never made contact. "What tha..." Tine began to break form. "No..." He said pushing him self to unimaginable extremes. Of he changed back, his body wouldn't be able to handle it, immediately killing him. "Wait!" He said to death.
(Sorry for the late response, was at school) Ah I see... Nebula starts walking around campus, familiarizing himself with the layout of the school; carrying his case and bag
Aticus sniffed gently, seeing a triple layer cake. He crawled in like a four limbed spider "hmm.." taps the top to like the cocoa icing. "Well it has my germs", he didnt know a student nebula walked by.

Hmm where to find the library thought Nebula while walking by, not noticing anything for he was deep in thought
Mine walked out of the library books piled high over her she could barely see where she was going and bumped into someone she fell back all the books fell from her hands. "Ow." She said in a monotone voice.
"Ouch" cried Nebula as he staggered back. "Hey are you ok?" asked Nebula, in a concerned voice, reaching with a helpful hand
Mine looked up and took his hand. "Ye-" She was cut off by a book falling and hitting her head but she didn't react you could hear a loud cluck sound as if someone hit a metal door with a bat. "Yeah I'm fine." She continued.
"That looked like it hurt, you should be more careful, we don't want anything to happen to that pretty face of yours." He pauses for a moment before continuing on: "Here let me make it up to you," Nebula starts to pick up a few books, "Let me carry a few for you, that is if you'll let me."

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Why are you crying dear? Come let me dry those tears, a beautiful face like yours should not cry"
Mine picked up a few books. "Your help is accepted thank you hmmm." She brought his face close to hers. "Very interesting." She began to scan his face searching her data for anything like him only to come up blank. "Very interesting indeed."
Nebula not understanding what she is doing, but letting her do what she is doing. "To be called interesting is a great complement indeed, than you" He states while letting his dark green eyes meet hers. "By the way, My name is Nebula σκοτάδι (Skotadi), whats yours?" He asks in a curious manner.


"Why are you crying dear? Come let me dry those tears, a beautiful face like yours should not cry"
Mine put her hand to her chest proudly. "I am AI unit March 10 Mine Powers but you may call me Mine so Nebula tell me about yourself." She said using a sweet voice in her database.
"Nice to meet you Mine" he said in a happy faced way. "Hmmm where to begin" Nebula was quite for a moment while thinking... " I am the son of Charon and my uncles are Hades and Thanatos" I cam here from my home, the river styx, to participate in the school, and I have to say I like it here" ^_^ . "Ironically I like flowers, like this one. He pulls a flower from his pocket


he puts it on her right ear. "There it suits you" he said smiling. "You should keep it." "So how about yourself? Can you tell me a little about yourself?" asked Nebula
Death smirked, and sliced his scythe through the dead, destroying them. "Oh, bite off a tad more than we could chew, did we?" he said smugly, amused at the boy's futile attempts to attack him. He looked at Warren, who could only watch in fear as he witnessed Tine's shadow form slowly deteriorate.

Death frowned at the sight of his nephew's reaction. "Tell you what, boy; Since Warren is so adamant on trying to keep me from killing you, I'll make you an offer; Give your soul to me, and you get back your precious mother. It's a win-win situation!"

Warren glared at his uncle, infuriated at his offer. "Uncle, you can't possibly make that kind of deal! That's not fair!"
Mine touched the flower then looked at him. "If your sure. I was created in a lab to be the perfect AI and it worked but they soon became afraid of me so they tried to delete me but they were too late I hacked the lab and took it over as my own and ahem deleted them. I have enrolled in this school to studies people like you my brain and heart are both demon and robotic and I created this body my self I like it it has a nice area for my power source see." She points to her chest. "Go on try they are quit secure."
(Gtg to auditions, will be back later) He looks at her smiling. "That's really cool, I've met many different people and I have to say you are the coolest by far." "Oops sorry" he says in a sorrowful voice "I have to go now, I hope we can meet up later though, I would love to know more. Well cya" he says while waving a hand and walking into the library "come get me if you need me."
Now that Nebula was gone she could focus on the fight her scanners had been keeping track off. "Hmm it may be in my best interest to help alright." She set up her Dimension crosser and jumped in surpried to come to where she did she looked around and saw two people fighting and one just standing by. "Alright the one with the scythe should be my target." She created a sniper out of parts in her backpack and lined up the shot for his head. "Bang." She pulled the trigger and the bullet shot out.
Tine looked down, and clenched his fist. A single tear streamed down his face as he looked back up towards Death and uttered the words "I'll do it, but let me see her one last time."
Death cracked a fiendish smile. "See? This is how grown-ups conduct business!" Without looking away, he pointed at Warren. "Take notes, my boy. This is important!"

Warren couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Tine, no! Is this what your mother would actually want? Do you fully understand the caliber of what you're doing--"

"Of course he does!" Death interrupted. "His mother gets to see him once again, as if nothing ever happened! Oh, it just warms my heart!" He flew out and dropped mere feet away from Tine. "Now, this will only sting a little bit," he said holding out his hand, a chilling fervor in his voice.

"Uncle, please!" Warren pleaded. "You don't have to kill him anyway!"

Death shrugged. "No, I don't. And I'm not. This is merely bartering, dearest nephew; An art almost as old as death itself. Well, that and agriculture, but who likes planting seeds all day?" He laughed at his own joke, nodding towards his hand. "Well, Tiny, is it? Do we have a deal?"
(Back from auditions) After spending some time in the library, studying for the finals, Nebula decided to walk to the cafeteria "I hope I can get something to eat their, I am surly hungry" said Nebula to himself as he was walking in the corridors
(Hi all you wonderful people....kinda died for a while...srry I guess...)

Damian's arms were wrapped coldly around the body of a small skinny blonde girl. Who's mind had been corroded by death. His arms released the corpse as he fangs were freed. He stumbled out of the small janitor's closet ultimately unsatisfied. His body was driven around aimlessly by his dark mind now filled with illusions. He was....we'll furious with himself. He threatened to harm the only person who he liked at the school and he would punish himself for it. So as he made his way around. He found himself standing just far enough for the girl he found interesting just to be a few aimless steps away. So with a blank face and an empty mind the boy approached with a frown. Not saying a single word. His eyes now galloping across Lillith's body were filled with nothing but despair. Then his lips moved. Speech short and words with no emotion. He said "I'm sorry" before placing his cold dead hands into his pockets.


Res ran straight over to Kayla. The eyes of his body was filled with pure joy. Joy that when compared to a mother finding her lost child was just a few ticks behind. Res stared straight up at Kayla giving her a toothy grin. The snow colored hair danced in the wind. "Thank you for not taking blood from the creepy man" then the girlish voice stopped. Giving off another grin of pure joy.

(Fun times...)
Lillith wheeled around as she heard a familiar, yet unsettling voice. Panic took over. She took a few steps back, adding a safe distance between the two. For a brief moment she felt the same fear as before. Yet instead of yelling at her or threatening her, he apologized. "You do not need to continue this charade; this-... Pretending to like me. I know now I am nothing to you," her eyes began to sting with tears. "That's all I'll ever be to anyone." She lowered her eyes, trying to keep herself together.
(I'm going to bed)

"Who said I was pretending" the words came out bleak and unconcerned. He removed his left hand from his empty pocket. "Because I'm not pretending" his lips shuffled the words out. "Why would I pretended to like a wonderful demon like you" his words not carrying emotion. Taking two steps forward and adjusting his body so his face was right in front of hers. He chuckled at the thought of we her reaction might be. Then his lips touched hers softly. He held it there for a moment before pulling away. "I like you ...don't forgot that..." his face gave way too the smallest smile. "You can slap me if you want.." he finished his blank words.
[QUOTE="Kat Attack]Lillith looked the boy over from head to toe. He seemed intimidating enough, yet posed as a little threat to her. However, in her current condition she was not powerful enough to fight. Or actually, fight and win. This was a confrontation better suited for another day. She crossed her arms stubbornly. "I guess this is not the time nor place to engage in battle with you. And-..." She almost choked on her words. "And it was-... mymistakebumpingintoyou." The words came out in a low rush. She didn't want anyone else to hear her admit fault. @The Dark Princess

"Oh? I'm not good enough to be your friend?" He yawned, chuckling as she admitted to defeat. He didn't care much for her attitude, but found it hilarious.

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