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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

"Birdy!" Alice cried vanishing the dolls. Running toward Phoenix he checked him over. "Are you alright? No of course you arnt. Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Blood.... i need it...." he said as tears fall from his face, he was crying out of pain as he bled out. "So cold...... so wet.... so hurt..." he said before closing his eyes, breathing lightly. alicia then comes out from alice's hat. "Holy turantulas! what the hell happened to my baby boy?!" she shouted as she saw phoenix.. @kira blackthorn
"Blood. Blood I can do." Alice muttered. Shoving his hand in his pocket he withdrew a switch blade which he used to slice a cut into his neck. Tilting his head he bared his bleeding neck. "Drink."
The blood drips into his mouth, and the wounds heal with scars remaining. phoenix remained asleep as he drank, but his breathing returns to normal. alicia patched up the cut on alice's neck. "There ya go honey, that boo boo will be betta in a jiffy." she said as she looked at phoenix. "Either he was really brave to take on that pack, or just really stupid." she said as she went back under alice's hat.
"Well y'all betta stay with him then, just to make sure he actually gets betta, and plus, you two are adorable when sleepin' in the same bed." alicia said with a giggle as phoenix goes limp, since he had no strength at the moment.
Phoenix makes a light snoring sound, but stops as they make it to his room. his pet mouse, Algernon, layed on Phoenix's pillow, waiting for his owner to wake up.
Kayla took a moment to think, debating what her next move should be. She then took a breath, loweri g her voice as the strength in her lessened. She had no time for any type of petty argument with Res, nor did she have any time to owe a debt to this stranger. "Neither. I won't be drinking either of your blood." She took a deep breath, having used a lot of her energy just for that single sentence.
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Phoenix then remained dead asleep, being extremely tired form the fight. "Thaank you..... alice.... for being... friend..." he said sleepily.
Algenon then rummages through a pile of books, then gets out Flowers For Algernon, his favorite book. Phoenix then started to drool on his pillow.
Algernon the started to cry as he got to the point where the mouse in the book died from complication. Phoenix then wakes up seconds after to calm his pet mouse down.

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