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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

"Your an idiot if you think I'm a pure blood.....secondly....This chap hasn't gave me an answer...." Damian stared at the aggressive male....his lips moved up and down realeseing words. "You wouldn't find me tasty at all....the last person I loved tasted my blood and they said it tasted like shit...don't ask me how they knew what shit tastes like but they did"

"Kayla those people are dumbies arn't they....just give the boy some blood...no harm done..." Res said to the girl with a sweet tone and then sat down on the grass. "We'll I'm bored with life help me"

(Chibi Damian: Can I stab something....)
"I don't dissssscriminate when it comes to blood, i happen to love every type there isss.... even a rat's blood." he said, boasting and embelishing a little bit.
Alice blinked looking at everyone wide eyed. Everything happened so fast. Shaking his head he moved away from the unknown vampire. "Sorry but I only let Phoenix drink my blood because he's my friend."
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Kayla turned her now pale gaze to Res."I will....be back...in a minute..or two." She no longer felt well. Curse her stupid father for not allowing her to pack what she wanted. Kayla made her way away from Res, settling to a position resting against a tree at the edge of the woods.She rolled her almost color-exalted irises before letting out a bloody cough. She quickly covered her mouth with her hand, allowing the blood to fall into her hand. She stood there without moving, refusing to allow herself be seen in such a manner.
After speaking with the teacher about joining orchestra he left the room. He walked down the halls minding hus buisness. When he walked past the cafateria he saw the door stuck open slightly cracked on the hinges. Kain sighed as he walked over to see what happened. When he walked in the cafateria he shouted" Ok who broke the door." He said before noticing another student really close to another. From the look in his eyes it was a vampire that was starving. He walked over" Hey is there a problem here?" He asked.

@steelzenigrei, @kirablackthorn, @ the akolite
John smiled and followed Kayla, hiding in the shadows. She... seemed weak. He closed his eyes, and looked into her mind. A vampire... huh. "I see you need some blood." John steps forward a little, smiling.
"Not really...except that I'm thirsty...is there a problem with that.." Damian said to the male that he was annoyed with. "Alrighty then I'll be on my way...just wanted to ask..." He said as he turn. "Don't get attached to him...he might just suck the living day lights out of you..." His body moved onward to a patch of girls. Were he could easily get blood from.
Kain looked at the two boys after the other one left. He gave a slight smile" are y'all ok?" He asked with a kind tone.
Kayla mumbled, gritting her teeth heavily as she spoke. "I advise you to leave, while you can." She slowly lifted her gaze to stare at the male, recovering her pale eyelids from over her eyes. Once she did so, she revealed bloodshot crimson red irises staring straight at him. As he lips parted to speak, continuous glimpses of her ridiculously sharp fangs were given off, a twinkle shining in their reflection as the moonlight reflected upon them.
Res moved behind Kayla, his mind was bored so the body moved behind Kayla curios of were she was going when the girl sat. She hid in till the man showed up. He found it creepy how he smiled. "Um stay away from her or I'll crush your neck with my jaws..." The feminine voice crawled out with a serious tone.
"I want to make a deal. So... you are a vampire huh..." John takes a knife, and turns his wrist, facing upwards. "Relax, I'm not human too." He mutters under his breath, not really audible. "Not even my body..."
Res yelled at Kayla. "If you drink his blood I won't be friends with you" the scroll was in the body's hands and was already drawing a knight on a horse to attack the strange creature. That his mind found absolutely creepy..."If you want blood take it from me..." The voice came out scared at the thought of fangs.
She turned her attention to Res, a sharp glare shading throughout her irises. "I told you...I would be back in a minute or two." With those words she snapped, gritting her teeth even harder against each other.Kayla then stared at the male, examining his actions. She was curious as to what exactly this so-called deal he wanted to make could be. She disregarded each and every other thing he said, more so focused on this deal he mention. "What do you want?" She then averted her gaze back over to Res, a bloodthirsty stare clearly filling her once calm crimson optics. Her voice became a tad different, lowering as she spoke. "Are you sure about that Res?"
"Just say no to the creepy man...." The head shook up and down a little as the voice came out. "You better be freaking gentle though....I don't like touch...but I don't like that man either...." Slightly explaining the reason.

(Chibi Res: Awaken you dead people)
(Chibi Tine: *Drags Loke in* Post!

Chibi Loke: Okay! *vigorously types on phone*)

"Hey you ready for lunch?" He asked Warren. "Because we need to talk... And no... It's not another love confession." Tine said. He waited for Warren's response.
Warren chuckled. "Heh, yeah, I'm ready." As if on cue, his stomach began growling. He hadn't eaten all day. "Uh, let's get moving, yeah? I don't really want to starve to death," he said with a smile.
Phoenix then felt uncomfortable, as his tattoo on his chest started to glow blue. the screaming of girls and the howling of wolves were heard. he immediately sprints off to the courtyard, where a pack of rabid wolves were circling around a group of girls. Phoenix threw a rock at the biggest one to get their attention, it succeeded, but the pack then converged onto him, and phoenix fought back, but screamed and grunted as he was bitten, with each bite, more rage is built up inside of him.
Alice worried ran after Phoenix. He stopped at the scene that greeted him. Rage began building within him. Phoenix was being hurt! Snarling he threw out his hands. Immediately six dolls formed around the fight ready to attack.

They were pale with no clothes and gender. They bore no eyes and their faces were mostly covered by their mouth which bore Razer sharp teeth. Their fingers ended in claws and they had tails that ended in points.

They were called the Ezimos.

Snarling the Ezimos attacked at once slashing at any that got in their way to Phoenix.
The pack was destroyed minutes later, thanks to alice and his doll. phoenix gets up, scratched, bitten, and injured, his wounds were so deep, that his bones were visible.

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