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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

"No wait!" Nami said when the other girl stood up to leave. "Um, I'll get the uniform for you." She said, especially since the other person started talking to someone else. "Well, where do they keep the uniforms?" She asked her since she looks like she knows the school well. @Kat Attack
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Giggling Alice hugged Phoenix back before hopping up. "Let's go for a walk and see what there is to do."

"All righty." he said as he got up and followed alice, looking around the school, and saw some interesting sights.
Res ran back over to Kayla. "Ok um we'll....srry for that....strange people" Res stopped just infront of the girl. "May I know your race" Asking the girl with energetic tune.


Damian was oh so bored. He had nothing to do but make an adventure. He moved with the grace of a panther as he dodged students. He burst through the doors that led to the pool. He jumped into it cannon ball style and started to swim around for no reason.
Kayla nodded, folding her hands together behind her back as she engulfed into conversation with Res. "My race." She thought for a moment, not wanting to reveal her entire title, so she simply gave one word."Vampire." @The Akolite
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[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]"Alright." Alice chirped. "I like to swim. We need our swimming trunks though."

"I packed two pairs before leaving, maybe i can let you borrow one of mine." phoenix suggested.
Phoenix went to his dorm and took out two pairs of swim shorts, as he took his shirt off, he had scars all over his chest and abdomen.
Alice followed Phoenix curiously wondering where his birdies nest was. He watched him take off his shirt curiously and was sad at all the scars. "Someone hurt my birdy. They are meanies."
Kain regained his composer as he floated back down to the ground. He reverted back to his normal self, and preceeded to head for the orchestra room. He walked the halls slowly till he arrived. Walking in the door slightly cracked open he found a chair, and sat as the violin from before appeared in his hand again. He got ready then began to play sorrow filled the notes.

[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Alice followed Phoenix curiously wondering where his birdies nest was. He watched him take off his shirt curiously and was sad at all the scars. "Someone hurt my birdy. They are meanies."

"Thissss was from a long time ago..... when i got into a fight with a pack of wolves." he said as he puts on his swim trunks, and handed alice a pair.
"Wolves can be so mean." Alice huffed taking the boxers. Putting them on he decided to wait to remove his shirt. He had a few of his own scars.
"No...... i've been conssstantly bullied by the otherssss.... because of my teeth and my speech isssuessss." he said as he scratched his back.
"So humans are mean?" Alice questioned slightly disappointed. He shrugged it off though. He wanted to find out why his father was fascinated by them. Nothing more nothing less.
"It was only the fat boys and the ones with problems of their own..... and then there are the snobby girlssss and divasss." he said as he sighed. "I bit one of them once, and got expelled."

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