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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

"Well that was depressing." Alice muttered the spider on his shoulder chirping in agreement. Turning he shot Neal an icy glare. "You just had to go and encourage birdies obsession didn't you. I mean I know its entertaining but dont you think it will be healthier if he turns his obsession to another girl. Maybe one that isn't a cold hearted demon bitch from hell who still needs to learn what its like to be kind."
Kain stood against the wall the wall leaning on it. He had watched the hole thing between the demon girl, and the boy ruffling her hair. He became amused by the behavior. He found all thus intriguing as he studied their behavior.
Again with the touching. "What do you not understand boy? What is not connecting in that thick skull you have there when I state," as he passed Lillith grabbed onto his wrist tightly, holding him in place. "I. Do not. Enjoy. Contact." She spit each word with venom before pulling him back to glare into his eyes. @The Akolite
As he Sat on a bucket and mumbles, he started to feel stupid, and angry with himself. Self loathing and hate began to settle in as he began to cry silently. @kira blackthorn
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Kain watched in amusement. For a demon even a dazzling one as her contact would be a weapon to exploit. However he still watched interested in how the male would react.
"If you don't enjoy it why are you touching me....really you make no sense young one" He said as he removed her hand from his wrist. "If you don't like touch don't grab me..." Then muttering as he walked away again " What's up with girls and the no touch policy....Dang" @Kat Attack
Her eyebrows pulled together in frustration. "You're the one who has placed your hands upon me." She turned, crossing her arms across her chest. "This will be your last warning. Touch me again and your hands will come off."
"I think he needs to get over her and move onto another nicer girl that will make birdy sing." Alice chirped before shooting him an offended look and petting the spider to comfort it after it let out a sad chirp."And don't insult her. She's sensitive."
The spider makes some clicking sounds, and then goes to weaving a web that read: "Let's help him find a nice one!" she then hops off and crawls back onto Alice's shoulder.
"i'm pretty sure this spider would try to kill me if it had the chance, I'm going to go talk to Phoenix" Neal stood up and walks out into the hall and saw lillith "lillith have you seen Phoenix"
Turning a giving the girl a smirk. Then opening his mouth to speak "Your hot when your angry" he then turned his head around and made his way to the end of the hallway. Then turning his around again he yelled "Cheer up princess....life just not about being pissed....". He continued his slow walk away from her. @Kat Attack
Zane sighed and read a note someone had passed him. A few people had been threatening to shoot him with a garden hose. "Just let me be, or something bad will happen to you all." The kids that passed him the note began to laugh and walked away. Zane looked up at the school and entered through a back door, hoping no one would see him.
Kain watched as the boy walked away. He notices the girl had friends who most often then not dis not like her superior attitude. Indeed she did have much to learn about leading a army let alone a group. He stated for a few minutes then turned. He headed away down the other end of the hall to the woods in the back.
Alice ignored Neal and sent a wide smile to the spider. "See now there's a good idea. Let's do that." He went to stand but paused glancing at the spider."Question what is your name?"
Unaware of everything that had happened, Artimes sighed, and headed back to the school She paused though, next to a, sadly, familiar face. 'Alysha Rikensten. What the hell is she doing here?' She said nothing, simply glaring at the other. After a few minutes of this, she made a 'tch' sound, then entered the library, which seemed to be full of activity. She pulled a book from a shelf and sat down at a table, opening the book and laying it n front of her. Instead of reading, she simply stared a wall instead, not really interested in the random book she had grabbed.
Phoenix bangs his head on a sink that happened to be in the room he was in, he just wanted to leave the dark place he was in and find a happy place. he then mumbles to himself, and he was heard all the way to where lilith and neal were. @Neal Satou @Kat Attack
"Nice to meet you Alicia." Alice chirped as he skipped out of the library and through the halls. He ignored the way students scrambled out of his way. "The names Alice. Now be on the look out for a nice for birdy."
Alysha stayed standing where she had been as others left. She returned Mr. Ice, Neal's, wave as he walked away. Not long after that, her former best friend, now not so much, walke dpast, stopping long enough to glare and 'tch'. She decided to put on a kind and cheery face, for the sake of a good time at Kaiju. She followed Artimes into the library, walking up behind the other girl.

"Artimes Dailoin, long time no see! What happened to you?" She said, throwing hug around the others back. She had a rather disgusted face on at this, but removed it, replacing it with a happy face.

((@RinDaVamp ))
Kain the forgot he needed a book from the library. Turning around he headed for it entering the librarie. Once inside he scanned the room in a corner at the back he spotted the shelf. Making his way there he looked through the books labeled dark magic.
Catching her last and finale words of the conversation. He turned on his heel and made his back to the girl in a sprint. As he stopped he was centimeters from her face. "You don't seem to be ruling anything but some boys....and I really don't care if your the ruler of hell.....you have no rule over me" he looked deep in to her eyes. @Kat Attack
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]"Nice to meet you Alicia." Alice chirped as he skipped out of the library and through the halls. He ignored the way students scrambled out of his way. "The names Alice. Now be on the look out for a nice for birdy."

She points to neal and screeched, indicating phoenix was nearby, mainly because of a banging sound coming from the custodian's closet, which he was in.

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