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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Kain spoke over his shoulder" there is no point fighting with a child." He said before walking into the men's dorms heading to his room.
(( @Neal Satou @Lord Anubis You guys, take a break or something because you two have already nearly taken up an entire page. I understand this might not be under the rules, and I cannot force you to stop posting, however it will be hassle for others when they come back if they see three or more pages of just you guys ._.))
((oh how thanksgiving prep takes over my life this time of year...))

Lillith knew there would be no good in attacking anyone. She was acting out of pathetic emotions. Even she was strong enough to admit that. She needed to leave before anyone tried anything else with her. Lillith's arm quickly transformed back. She flexed her go gets as she stalked out of the library, leaving behind anyone she had been talking to. I see this world is more quick to provoke than I would have thought. I thought my judgement was most important. But without my army, I'm just as weak as everyone here... She shook her head. Her emotions were playing too much into her. At that moment she decided to detach herself completely of any emotion other than hate.
his eyes fade back to blue and he sighs, he walks back to the library to get his bag and he sat in a seat to pass the time until next class.
After five minutes of looking for a main office, Blake decides he might as well go and ask for directions. He started off towards the library. He had passed it awhile ago and thought that someone would be wasting their time in their. "Hello. I'm new to this shit hole. What am I supposed to be doing?"
Once Kain was in his room he set hus stuff away before gathering his things for class once done he took the path back to the central Hub where he proceeded down the corridor.
Blake laughed and shrugged. "I don't know pal. I mean, I am looking straight at you but....." He rubbed his chin and acted like he was thinking hard. "I don't know... Who am I talking to?"
"don't get smart, basically you get settle into your dorm and go to class, go talk to the headmaster" Neal stood and got a book and sat back down and started reading.
Blake smiled and tapped his foot on the ground. "Where can I find the head master?" He started to pace around for awhile.
"i don't know where she is right now try asking someone else" he said not lifting his head from the book "by the way the name is Neal"
Blake ignored Neal and walked out of the room, hoping to run into someone. He scanned the area to try and get used to his new surroundings.
As lilith walked through the halls, a demonic laughter was heard. Phoenix was running toward lilith, but looked more concerned than playful. "Madam lilith, You need to move, Now." phoenix said as the laughing sounded closer and louder. @Kat Attack
Lillith didn't even turn her head. "Phoenix. I suggest you back away. I have business to attend to." She heard the laughter but ignored it.
"What busssiness....?" he was about to finish, until he was pounced by a demon from the underworld. Phoenix growls and tries to fight back.
Blake eventually finds some people walking down the hall. He walks up to the one that was fighting off a demon and smiles. "Hey, where's the headmaster?"
Neal heard a commotion in the hall he walks out to see phoenix fighting a demon lillith, and the kid "uh Phoenix you okay" Neal asked and held his sword handle in hand.
Kain was walking down the corridor when he heard commotion. He decided to just take a look, and headed in that direction. He opened a door that lead into another hall way, that's when he noticed a demon fighting with another boy. Another boy was present along with the girl from before as well as they one who had wished to duel him. He stood their by the door just watching.
Alex felt hungry again, so he walked out of the library, ignored the fight between the vampire-boy and some demon, along with passing Lillith, trying to act casual. His phone fell out of his pocket, and Alex picked it back up, then turned along with taking a picture of the vampire-boy while the boy fought. 'Might as well take a picture to remember him in case he dies..' Alex thought to himself, staying silent and faced away from the vampire-boy.
Kain held out his finger as a bolt of celestial energy launched at the demon flinging it off of the boy. He then stood there still watching.
Blake turns to see the where the bolt came from. He then immediately forgot all about the kid on the floor, seeing that he wasn't gonna talk. "Hi. Where's the head master."
Neal immediately created his one edged earth blade with his handle, he stabs the ground and earth began to cover the demon and seal it into the ground only the demon's head was visible. "we should get the headmaster" he said and pointed behind him at the demon.

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