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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Blake walks away and found the stairs. He walked up to the second floor and began to look for the head master once again.
Aysha had begun to reply, to the others statement, when Phoenix left the library. She followed after, curious as to what was going on, but had stayed back, watching. The event was more interesting than previous activities, and she was highly amused. The whole event was highly confusing, as to what had really gone on, and curious, she moved closer, and stood just behind Neal, but offset enough to see what was currently happening, around the taller student. It looked to be the aftermath of the event, sort of.
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"wonder what to do with this thing" Neal puts his hand on the rocks and began to heat the rocks so it starts to cook the beast inside out
Alice jumped up hearing Phoenix scream and ran to were he heard it coming from. Excitement thrummed through him at the thought of trouble. Maybe he will be able to kill something. He honestly had noticed everyone leaving. Damn those medical books! He arrived at the scene of the crime to find a panicked Phoenix and confused Neal next to a demon. Blinking he asked confused. "Where is the trouble? I thought there was trouble. I thought I would be able to kill something! Are you telling me that it was a false alarm?!"

By the end he was screaming and the air was cackling. He was also being surrounded by a light blue aura. He was pissed!
"oh.... i knew that." he said as he was pounced by a large black widow. The spider, However, was a friendly and screeches at him, as if she were greeting him.
"Not all Buggers are bad.... thissssss one issssss jusssssst your friendly neighborhood black widow." he said as the spider crawls to alice and screeches, having a happy expression on her face. @kira blackthorn
"alright see ya" Neal turns around to walk back to the library when he turned around he saw Aysha he simply waved as he passed her and walked back into the library and continued read the book he left.

((Im not going to lie I reread everything that has happened the last few pages and I'm confused. Lillith is no longer in the library, she's walking down the halls. and what about a demon and spider? Sorry I just need to be brought up to speed.))
Alice calmed down when the spider crawls over to him. Bending down he allowed it to crawl onto his shoulder before following Phoenix back to the library. "Your adorable so I won't kill you."
Damian was deathly bored....all he could find to drink from was a little pouch full of nasty old blood... The bag itself was destroyed. So he made his way around the school trying to find something interesting... So when he stumbled into a prideful little demon with black hair and sapphire eyes he wasn't amused... "Yeah....I found something...uninteresting" He sayed in a bored tone.
Kain seeing everything was alright proceeded back to roaming the halls heading to whatever class was next. The door closed behind him as he was no longer holding it open.
"Sure tell yourself that." Alice smirked petting the spider. He highly doubted that. He may have acted ignorant but he knew full well who Lilith was. She was also prideful and powerful. The likely hood of her calling for help was low.
"Aw cheer up birdy." Alice chirped patting him on his back comfortingly. It was better if birdy got over this obsession sooner rather than later.
Neal lowers his book and closes it he stood up and walks over to phoenix and Alice and puts his hand on Phoenix "unless you try you'll never know why don't you go talk to her and try to hang out with her"
Lillith looked up startled as someone bumped into her. She scowled as she realized it was once again Damian. "I do not have time for your worthless chatter creature. You may step aside so I can continue." She was not in the mood to be dealing with him again.
"I have tried.... but she just treats me and everyone else like dirt on her dress." he said. "Maybe i will never find the one...." he said as he gets up and sadly walks away to somewhere isolated and quiet. and walks past lilith without noticing her, and then locks himself in the custodian's closet with a slam on the door. @kira blackthorn @Neal Satou @Kat Attack
"Are you alright....because someone sounds angry" he spoke to the demon in a soft manner before he ruffled her hair and added. "Hope you feel better young one" Then he began to walk slowly past the girl.

(@Kat Attack

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