J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Alissa stood up, she placed the purple ring box on the glass coffee table, and then walked to his kitchen. She took out a few items that she needed to make her infamous Mac and cheese; first, she got a box of pasta noodles from the pantry. She then got milk, cream, butter, a pot of water, and a strainer. She placed the pot on the stove top and turned the stove on. After the water was boiling, she dumped a good portion of noodles into the water. She got the other items ready, and also ook out some chocolate. Alissa then took out the supplied she needed to make a chocolate cake. About half way throught making the batter, the noddles were done, she poured the water out, and then put the noodles back in the lot. She mixed all of the cheese, cream, milk, and butter together. Then she poured the nodes into a baking pan, and sprinkled breadcrumbs ontop of the Mac and cheese. Then she placed the pan in the oven, and resumed with the cake. As she finished up the cake, she took to noodles out, and placed the cake in. She folded some tinfoil over the top of the noodles, and set the pan on the counter. Now all she needed to do was wait for Adrian, and then the cake.wu
When the three hour period finally ended, Adrian headed off back to his dorm. They had sung I Don't Believe You numerous times, perfecting the harmony and allowing Mr. Aldvara drill the lyrics into their brains. At least it was the last of classes for the day. Twisting the doorknob, he was greeted with a delicious smell. Sniffing the air, he smelt cheese, chocolate and macaroni. But both the lounge room and kitchen were empty. "Hello?" He called out into the eerie silence. Stepping precariously into the kitchen, he found a tall, delicious brown cake sitting atop the stove and a pot full of macaroni of cheese, hidden beneath a tinfoil lid. Glancing around, he quietly opened the drawer and pulled out a large spoon. Gently digging it into the cheesy pasta, he raised it to his lips, blew on it and took it into his mouth, savouring the extroadinary flavour.

Alissa had walked to the bathroom to wash her hands just as Adrian came. She heard his voice ringing throughout the dorm room. She walked out into the kitchen to see Adrian eating out of the Mac and cheese dish. Alissa walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist "Is it good?" She asked. Alissa let go of his waist, and stood by his side. She took another spoon and scooped out some of the cheesy goodness. Alissa slid the spoon into her mouth, and chewed the noodles. This was probably the best batch that she'd ever made. She looked over at Adrian and giggled, she dipped her finger in the cheesy goodness, and gently tapped her finger on his nose. Now there was a little dollop of cheese was on the tip of his nose; she smirked and leaned her face close to his. Alissa gently kissed his nose, taking the cheese off his nose. She gently placed her hand on the side of his head; she rubbed her fingers over his soft ear. She smiled softly, and looked into his eyes "I love you a lot, I really hope you know that." She told him softly.
Adrian was startled by Alissa's sudden appearance, but he didn't mind. "It's gorgeous. You really are such an amazing person. Everyday, I feel more lucky to be with you, and to eventually marry you." Her kiss tickled his nose when she dotted it with cheese and he let out a little giggle. "And I love you a lot too. I could never express how much I care for you." He said, giving her a light peck on her forehead. Then, with a playful smirk, he swiped his finger through the thick chocolate icing on top of the cake, and dotted it on the tip of her nose. Kissing her nose, he smiled cheekily. "So, when can we dig into your cake? I can't wait to taste how could you can bake chocolate." He swiped some more icing off the cake and licked it off his finger. "Judging by the taste of the icing alone, it seems that the cake is going to be pretty spectacular."


Adrian was startled by Alissa's sudden appearance, but he didn't mind. "It's gorgeous. You really are such an amazing person. Everyday, I feel more lucky to be with you, and to eventually marry you." Her kiss tickled his nose when she dotted it with cheese and he let out a little giggle. "And I love you a lot too. I could never express how much I care for you." He said, giving her a light peck on her forehead. Then, with a playful smirk, he swiped his finger through the thick chocolate icing on top of the cake, and dotted it on the tip of her nose. Kissing her nose, he smiled cheekily. "So, when can we dig into your cake? I can't wait to taste how could you can bake chocolate." He swiped some more icing off the cake and licked it off his finger. "Judging by the taste of the icing alone, it seems that the cake is going to be pretty spectacular."

Alissa blushed, she looked up at Adrian and smiled. "That is one of the sweetest things anyone's ever said to me" she told him softly; Alissa hugged him, and then looked at the near empty Mac and cheese dish. She giggled when he placed icing at the tip of her nose. His kissing little tingles throughout her body, but she didn't mind, she liked the feeling of the tingles. Alissa could feel a slight blush creep upon her cheeks. "Well, if you really like the cake," she paused "Then we can have a slice or two of it now." She agreed with a smile. Alissa set two plates out, and grabbed a nice cutting knife. She cut two almost perfectly equal slices of cake; then set a piece on each plate. Before allowing him to eat, she drizzled a little of melted white chocolate on the top of each slice. Alissa then set a fork on each plate and slid a plate to Adrian "Dig in!" She said gigglng then giving him a peck on his lips.
Aire walked in to the school hiding her face in a hoody, she bumped into somebody and mummbled a sorry. Aire is a very shy girl, suicidal but very tatlented at the piano, drums, gitaur and singing. She never bragged about it she just did it. Aire found the grand piano and sat down play motzart closing her eyes smiling. She was just having fun waiting for her parents to get here with her bags.

(Message me or quote me and I will answer but I have to do house work so ttyl)
After ten minutes, Adrian scooped up the last of the warm, moist chocolatey cake and licked the spoon clean. "That was absolutely amazing. You are a rival chef, Honeyqueen. It looks like we'll have to battle it out in kitchen wars." He gave a wide smiled and kissed Alissa full on the lips, making the taste of the cake even better. Another flash of lightning and a roar of thunder sent the power out. The rain outside poured harder, the clouds looking like they would never leave. He glanced at the clock and saw that it 2:12. "I'll go and find the candles and set them up." He got off the stool and felt around the kitchen. Once he found the draw, he pulled out some sandalwood scented candles and lit them up with a match. The dim glow created a romantic ambience. "I'm sure the power will be back on soon, but seeing as how we're stuck in the dark, what would you like to do?"


After ten minutes, Adrian scooped up the last of the warm, moist chocolatey cake and licked the spoon clean. "That was absolutely amazing. You are a rival chef, Honeyqueen. It looks like we'll have to battle it out in kitchen wars." He gave a wide smiled and kissed Alissa full on the lips, making the taste of the cake even better. Another flash of lightning and a roar of thunder sent the power out. The rain outside poured harder, the clouds looking like they would never leave. He glanced at the clock and saw that it 2:12. "I'll go and find the candles and set them up." He got off the stool and felt around the kitchen. Once he found the draw, he pulled out some sandalwood scented candles and lit them up with a match. The dim glow created a romantic ambience. "I'm sure the power will be back on soon, but seeing as how we're stuck in the dark, what would you like to do?"

Alissa couldn't help but laugh "So it seems." She agreed. As he kissed her, she just felt their connecting growing. She looked at him just as the power went out; when he lit the candles, the instant smell waivered through the room. Alissa looked around the room; the romantic dim really set the mode for snuggling. "I think," she paused "we should snuggle." She said stepping closer to him. Alissa took one of his hands and wrapped an arm around his back. She looked up at him wih a little smile in her face; she leaned her closer to his, and rubbed her nose against his. "So, what do you think about snuggle time?" She asked with a slight smirk.

When Alissa had been dazing into Adrian's eyes, she felt her phone ring, she let go of Adrian's hands and quickly kissed his lips. "I'll be right back, I've got to take this call." She told him. Alissa pressed the green answering buttons and put the phone up to her ear. She walked to the kitchen table, sat down in one of the chairs, and listened to the person on the other line. It was her mother; and her voice was frantic, yet joyous. This is what her mother said to her on that dark and dreary day; "Liss!! This is ma. I have some very 'xciting news." Her mother paused as Alissa said "What?!? What happened!" She asked frantically. "Alissa; you're an aunt!! Keegan just gave birth to a baby boy!!" Alissa shrieked with happiness "Oh my!!" She paused "What's his name?" She asked "Cory Andrew Cortez." Her mother replied. Alissa smiled "That is such a cute name!" She replied. "You can see him during Christmas time!" Her mother informed her; this made Alissa smile brightly "That sounds like a great idea Ma!" She agreed. "We'll honeybun, I'll talk with you later!" "Yeah, bye mom." Alissa said before hanging up. She began to walk over to Adrian with a big smile on her face.
When Alissa had gone to take the phone call, Adrian whipped out his own phone and texted his foster mother: "Hi, I just wanted to tell you that everything here is going fine, and that I am engaged! I proposed to Alissa, but we're not getting married for a few years now. And I'm going with her to visit her family at Christmas, but we are coming down to visit you in about a week-and-a-half. Love you :) xoxo." Just as he sent the text, Alissa walked over, a smiled so wide it looked like her face was going to split in two. "What? Did something happen?" He asked. When she told him, he felt excitement rush through his torso. "That's fantastic! I bet Keegan is really happy with little Cory. Speaking of him, that means I am technically his uncle; we are engaged and you're his aunt, so that makes me Uncle Adrian." He gave a cheeky wink, then pulled her into a hug. "I'm so, so happy. And you must be thrilled." He whispered into her ear.


When Alissa had gone to take the phone call, Adrian whipped out his own phone and texted his foster mother: "Hi, I just wanted to tell you that everything here is going fine, and that I am engaged! I proposed to Alissa, but we're not getting married for a few years now. And I'm going with her to visit her family at Christmas, but we are coming down to visit you in about a week-and-a-half. Love you :) xoxo." Just as he sent the text, Alissa walked over, a smiled so wide it looked like her face was going to split in two. "What? Did something happen?" He asked. When she told him, he felt excitement rush through his torso. "That's fantastic! I bet Keegan is really happy with little Cory. Speaking of him, that means I am technically his uncle; we are engaged and you're his aunt, so that makes me Uncle Adrian." He gave a cheeky wink, then pulled her into a hug. "I'm so, so happy. And you must be thrilled." He whispered into her ear.

Alissa smirked; "Yes, you are techincally his uncle." She agreed with a slight head nod. When he pulled her into the hug, she wrapped one of her arms behind his neck, and the other hand around his waist. "I am very thrilled." She told Adrian with a slight head nod. She held into him tighter, this brought her face to his, and their bodies even closer than before. Alissa began to bring her lips to his when a thought came rushing through her mind. She leaned her forehead against his and smiled "So; how does snuggle time sound to you?" She asked curiously. Now she brought her lips down to Adrian's; the kiss filled with compassion and love. She held the kiss and then he fireworks burst all around the room. She could honestly feel their connection expanding. Alissa could not wait to get married.

"Snuggle time sounds great. Come." Adrian got up and held Alissa's hand. By candlelight, he led her into his bedroom, where he had lit some vanilla and raspberry candles, the dim glow only just enough to see in the stormy darkness. Slipping underneath the coves, he gestured for her to join him. When she did, he pulled her nice and close to him, snuggling deeply into the warm, plush covers. Periodical flashes of lightning briefly illuminated the room, but Adrian didn't mind. He was happy lying in bed with his fiance, listening to the heavy rain pound the windows and thunder crash across the black sky. "So, there's good news all round, isn't there? You're now an aunt, we're getting married and soon we'll be off to Australia to see my family. And then at Christmas we'll be visiting your family. Even if the Earth imploded, I don't think my happiness could be spoiled." He said absent-mindedly, kissing the top of Alissa's head.

Alissa slipped into the covers with Adrian. She let him draw her close; she loved the feeling of her body on his and his lips on hers. She nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck, and slid her hand down to his side. "Yes, today has been filled with happiness." She agreed in a soft voice. Alissa kissed his cheek, and laid her other arm across his chest. She moved her hand back and forth on his chest. She weaves her legs through his, and drew herself even closer to Adrian. Alissa looked up at him, and held a soft smile on her face "You're absolutely amazing." She said "I am so blessed to have met you." She told him. She looked outside and saw the heavy rains and crashes of lightning. They didn't scare her though; she was protected and surrounded by Adrian and his love. Alissa softly pecked his forehead, and brought her head back down to his chest. She closed her eyes and let a daydream take place. When a bolt of lightning jolted her daydream, she slowly pried her eyes open and looked up to Adrian with a soft face that the candle light illuminated
Adrian had dozed off, the gentle warmth of Alissa's body and the sound of rain and thunder easing him into sleep. A large flash of electricity followed by a loud roar of thunder snapped him out of his dream. Glancing down, he saw Alissa looking at him, her soft features delicately accentuated by the flickering candlelight. The power still hadn't come back on. "Hello Honeyqueen. Enjoying the view?" He asked cheekily. Sliding down the sheets, he layed so he was lying directly opposite Alissa, and gave her a kiss. This kiss was different to any other they had share; he felt as if there were invisible arms wrapping around their bodies, drawing them closer and closer until they couldn't be any closer without merging together. His lips felt as though they were welded on, and he was filled with a reluctance to let go. He cupped his hands around Alissa's face and hardened the kiss, feeling more and more passion surge through him as the kiss deepened.

Alissa nodded "Yes, very much." She said softly; she looked out the window as he slid down, and then back to his as she felt his lips on hers. This kiss was way different than any other kiss that their lips had made. She felt as if she couldn't pull away, and as if she was becoming glued to Adrian. She didn't mind though, the mere thought of being connected with Adrian made her day. When Adrian's hands had cupped her face, she slid both of her hands to his neck; the kiss becoming more and more passionate with every second that their lips met together. Alissa felt as if she couldn't ever pull away; the connection between the both of them drew her near to him. Alissa gave his bottom lip a little tug, and let herself take a deep breath. She looked down at him with gentle features. She laid her head on his shoulder and looked up to Adrian with dreamy eyes.
Adrian inhaled deeply, the loss of their connected lips allowing him to regain oxygen. "Wow. I don't know just what happened. But whatever did happen, I liked it." He said quietly, looking back into Alissa's eyes. There was an instant connection with just the look that they exchanged, and Adrian found his lips rejoining hers again. There were so many sparks fizzing and explosions erupting all around them, and the unique sensation almost forced Adrian to keep the lip-lock going. Pausing to take a breath, there was a sudden shock that electrified his body, and he found himself rolling over so he was laying on top of Alissa. Separating his lips from hers, he gently placed kisses down her neck and along her collarbone.


Adrian inhaled deeply, the loss of their connected lips allowing him to regain oxygen. "Wow. I don't know just what happened. But whatever did happen, I liked it." He said quietly, looking back into Alissa's eyes. There was an instant connection with just the look that they exchanged, and Adrian found his lips rejoining hers again. There were so many sparks fizzing and explosions erupting all around them, and the unique sensation almost forced Adrian to keep the lip-lock going. Pausing to take a breath, there was a sudden shock that electrified his body, and he found himself rolling over so he was laying on top of Alissa. Separating his lips from hers, he gently placed kisses down her neck and along her collarbone.

"I liked it too" Alissa agreed before their lips joined together once again. She felt the same passion in their lips joining again, this was a feeling she could never get tired of or forget. When Adrian had placed himself over her, she looked up at him and smiled as she wrapped her arms over his shoulders; resting her hands on his shooter blades. When he had kissed her neck an collarbone, she pulled him down to her level. She began leaving little kisses around his ear and ear lobe, down his jaw line, and down to the base of his neck. Alissa laid her head on the soft pillow beneath her, and move her hands down to his back. She pulled him down next to her, and then took a deep breath. Alissa placed her lips on his, not kissing, but on his lip.
Adrian relaxed in his position, breathing through his nose so their lips didn't have to part. They were only connecting gently, but it was enough for the strong, passionate connection to hold them together. He felt the corners of his mouth twist upward, pulling away to let out a soft laugh. Sighing, he drew Alissa into an embrace. "Gosh, how much do I love you? And how much will I love our children?" His smiled broadened, and he laughed again, louder this time. "I'm feeling very euphoric right now. I guess your lips just fill me with so much happiness it makes me high. Not that I mind at all, of course." He gave a cheeky wink and pecked her on the cheek. Resting his head back on the pillow, he gently and slowly stroked down her temple and cheek with the back of his hand, her soft skin sending chills through his arm.
Alissa pulled her lips from his, she snuggled into Adrian's side. "I don't know; how much do you?" She asked with a smile. She giggled and rubbed his stomach "I love you" she whispered softly into his eat. So moved her head to his chest, and nuzzled her head into a comfortable spot. Alissa felt the tingles from Adrian's masculin touch ripple through her body. She became warm, and moved closer to Adrian. She took one of his hands, and rubbed her fingers over his knuckles. Alissa relaxd her body, and wrapped her legs around his. Alissa closed her eyes; she though about a few thing, but mostly Adrian. Alissa let the daydream put her into a light sleep.
Adrian had noticed that Alissa had fallen asleep. Smiling to himself, he reached into his bedside drawer and pulled out a book on psychology. The glow of the candles and the occasional flash of lightning helped illuminate the writing on the pages that he was reading. He found psychology interesting, mostly because he had been seeing a counsellor for five years and both of his foster parents specialised in psychology. The dim light in the room quickly weighed down Adrian's eyelids, and he felt himself come under a wave of sleepiness. He moved further down the bed so his head was resting on the pillow and not on the headboard, and glanced at the clock next to him. It was already 4:29. Shrugging off the lateness of the hour, he let sleep overcome him, and slipped into happy dreams of Alissa.


Adrian had noticed that Alissa had fallen asleep. Smiling to himself, he reached into his bedside drawer and pulled out a book on psychology. The glow of the candles and the occasional flash of lightning helped illuminate the writing on the pages that he was reading. He found psychology interesting, mostly because he had been seeing a counsellor for five years and both of his foster parents specialised in psychology. The dim light in the room quickly weighed down Adrian's eyelids, and he felt himself come under a wave of sleepiness. He moved further down the bed so his head was resting on the pillow and not on the headboard, and glanced at the clock next to him. It was already 4:29. Shrugging off the lateness of the hour, he let sleep overcome him, and slipped into happy dreams of Alissa.
(Time Skip)

Alissa woke up around 5 o'clock. She looked over at Adrian and smiled. He looked very cute when he was sleeping. She laid a soft kiss on his cheek, and laid in bed. She laid next to him, and rested her head on the pillow next to him. She looked up at the ceiling as she played with the edges of the pillow that her head was on. She hand her fingers softly through Adrian's hair the feel of his short brown hair against her fingers made her smile. Alissa couldn't help herself; she moved herself ontop of Adrian and began to kiss all over his face. She was about to get off of him when she felt his grasp tighten. Her kiss moved tithe corner of his mouth, and bit his upper lip.
The pinch of Alissa's bite on Adrian's lip sent a wave of adrenaline through him. He pulled her close to him, so she was lying directly on top of him, and deepened the kiss. His hands roamed around her back and neck, gently pinching specific spots. Running his fingers through her soft, silky hair, he pulled her head away partially, enough so he could speak. "I love you so much Honeyqueen. Never forget that." He said huskily, panting a little. Placing his lips back on hers sent another quiver of excitement coursing through him, making him shiver. His hands fiddled with the hem of her shirt, and slowly he slid his hands up her back, the tips of his fingers gently stroking her equally soft skin. Still kissing, he found the clasp of her bra and undid it, gently tugging it off her shoulders. He moved his hands to her sides, and slid them up and down her delicate body, feeling every crevasse and crease of her skin.

Alissa pulled her head away from him just to say; "I love you too." Then he lips were crashed back to his, and her heart sped up. This kiss was something way different, a kiss way more physical, a kiss that was extremely passionate, and a kiss that she absolutely loved. When he remove her bra, she deepened the kiss a little more. She ran her hands of the top of his shirt, and sipped her hands up the front of his shirt, she ran her hands up and down his chest and stomach. Her hands then slid to the sides and she let her hands move up and down his sides. Alissa loved the feeling of his skin on hers, and his from hers all over her body. She was madly in love.

Adrian tore off his shirt and Alissa's, leaving them both bare-chested. He pulled her down fiercely, his passion beginning to take control. Unbuttoning his jeans, he slipped them off and did the same with hers. He continued peeling off layers until they were both naked, kissing like the world was at its end. Adrian knew what was about to happen, but he was a little nervous; he was still a virgin, and he wanted to make sure that Alissa was okay with the sudden progression. The feel of their bare skin rubbing against each other as the kissing grew stronger sent electric, fiery sparks all over and through his body. He almost couldn't control his body, his movements totally controlled by his mind. He managed to briefly separate their lips and squeezed a question out of his lips. "Are you okay with this?"

Alissa was kissing like that was no tomorrow, her lips doing everything, and her hands sliding all over him. She knew what was going to happen, she was also a Virgin, but she was ready for doing it. She was ready to become one with Adrian; as he pulled away, she pulled away also and looked at him. "Yes, I am." She told him with a head nod. She ran her hand up and down his stomach, and then moved her other hand to his neck. She looked at him, with a reassuring look in her eyes. In a swift movement, she slid her hands to his hips. She leaned her forehead against his and gently set the tip of her nose on the tip of his. She was slightly panting.

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