It's Time for a Payday [Inactive]

"Why am I always the last one?" Lola complained, walking into the safe house and, she had to admit that, the living room looked decent enough. Nothing too fancy, but nice looking enough. As the guy called the others she figured she'd just stay here and wait for them. She took a seat in one of the, obviously, fake leather chairs and crossed her legs. "Please don't tell me that the guys are complete nutshells." She mumbled to no one in particular.
"Sounds like we've got roll call." said Robert as he put down his now mostly blood-free armor and headed for the door. He made his way to the living area and took a seat across from Marcus.

"Didn't know we'd have ladies joining us. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, there were women in the military so I suppose crime isn't all too far of a stretch."

"Name's Sgt. Robert West, pleased to meet you." He said, extending a hand to Lola.
Lola smiled and shook the other's hand. "Lola Evans, nice to meet you sergeant." Leaning back into her chair she looked the soldier op and down as well. You could never be too careful around others. Especially not in this corner of the 'business industry'. "So sergeant, what are you doing here? Got disband from the army or something like that?"
"Got bored, actually. Surprisingly enough, army detail involves a lot of boring patrols where nothing happens. I saw a bank robbery which looked exponentially more entertaining so I started working some protection details of questionable legality. I found a letter in my escape vehicle after the most recent of those jobs which had this address and the promise of more action." he said.

This girl looked fairly ordinary, good looking even, but there was obviously something special about her, or she wouldn't have been sent here like the rest of us.

"So, what's your part in this little operation we've all got ourselves into?"
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"I'm just here to make grown men cry." Lola smirked and winked at the guy. "I'm just here to get you guys into the buildings and safely out, flirt with a couple of guys and done… Nothing special, really." She shrugged and had a quick look at the clock on the wall. "God, I'd wish the other would hurry up, this is my second night without sleep, I'm going to get early wrinkles."
Scott walked also to the main room. He sat down onto one of the sofas and leaned back, relaxing into it. He didn't mind them being fake leather. But now he was curious what big job they were gonna do. For him, it was all about getting the job done as smoothly as possible. A smooth job means a sweet payday.
Tyler walked out of his housing quarters upon hearing voices in the living room. Looks like the others have arrived. Once he entered the living room he saw three new faces. Maybe one of them knows what is going on. He walked up to them and introduced himself. "Hello my name is Tyler, I don't suppose any of you know why we were brought here do you?"
"For a job if my assumption is correct. After all, its to do jobs of a...delicate nature that our expertise is required."

He noticed he was the man who had the MP7.

"Ah, you carry the Heckler and Koch MP7, the PDW designed to satisfy the NATO 1989 rules to make a weapon that pierces through body armour which pistol ammo wasn't sufficiently capable of. Good choice if I say, being personally an advocate of it." His British accent was quite thick and clearly recognisable as one.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Lola lifted her hands in confusion as the english guy spoke. "Wow, ho, stop." She interrupted. "Please say that again and repeat it in American. I'm just a simple hacker, I didn't understand a single thing you just said. I'm not a walking dictionary and I find have much sleep these last night so please use words that we can all understand." She took a deep breath and relaxed. "God, I'm getting a headache..."
Robert chuckled and spoke up.

"Long story short, Scott likes Tyler's gun."

Robert looked at Scott apologetically.

"Sounds like she's had a rough couple of nights man. Give her a chance to work out the accent after she's rested up."
"Thanks," Lola smiled. "But I'm sure I can stay up a little longer, it's just the words combined with the words that's confusing me. Why do guys always have to be so difficult? Why can't you just say; 'Hey, I like your guns.'? It's a lot less confusing and everybody knows what he meant, no offense…" She said quickly. "I'm Lola, by the way, for those who didn't know that yet."
Scott chuckled.

"I'm Scott. Sorry for the word smithing, I research a lot to make improve my efficiency. My choice of guns, which are coincidentally partially shared, are from years of trying and testing.

As for me speaking proper English, I'm sure you will get used to it." He smiled slightly teasingly.

"Back to the topic at hand though, I want to hear what we have in store for us with this job."

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"So, what I've picked up on so far, is that we have an insomniac, two gun nuts, the token black man, and a guy who has a wrench or something." Marcus said, laughing a little. "Gonna be a fun bunch, I think."
Laurence took his time getting to the back room. When he got there it looked like they were all waiting on him and he awkwardly found a spot on the wall to lean up against. Maybe I should introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Laurence"
Jesus Christ. Lola jumped in her chair and turned towards the new guy. "Knock on the door or cough next time you enter will ya?" She breathed and placed a hand on her heart. "You'll give a person a heart attack. Rob me of my money while you're at it, why don't you? Just joking," She said after a couple of seconds, before giving the guy one of her quick glares. "I'm serious about the knocking though… Now can we get back to the point? Why are we here?" She asked Marcus, since he seemed like the smartest of the bunch.
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Tyler threw his head back and laughed "Hahaha! You didn't hear that man walk in? He might as well have been wearing cinder blocks as shoes for how loud he was. Given our apparent skill sets of two shoot first and never ask questions gentlemen, a man who is clever and loves to show it off, you having little to no gun knowledge but could probably frame me for credit fraud using a calculator with wifi, and then there is this guy" Tyler said while pointing to Laurence "who is as subtle as an elephant in a china shop. Then there is me, just think of me as the opposite of Laurence. Whomever put us all here wanted a well balanced crew and I would say he got exactly what he wanted."
Vudukudu updated It's Time for a Payday with a new update entry:

Done Waiting

We're just gonna go ahead from here. Someone can always join later if they want.
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Marcus cleared his throat loudly, garnering the attention of the others in the room. "Gentlemen and lady, may I have your attention." He declared, giving a comically dramatic arm gesture towards the suitcase lying on the table next to him.

"Hear, hear. We have all been brought together by our shared interests, and.. good fortune." He began, all too fond of hearing the sound of his own voice. "Our contact, Bain, has provided us with our first operation together." Marcus said, opening the suitcase and spinning it so that the open side faced the others. The suitcase itself was well organized, full of blueprints and papers. He set each of them out on the table, as well as a small box.

"We will, beginning at approximately 9:45 AM tomorrow morning, be emptying not one, but two bank vaults." Marcus said, pausing for dramatic effect. "Our target is the Sherpfield and Beckett Bank in Lincoln Park. Rich side of town, lots of corporate boss-men make it their home. They keep a good chunk of their cash locked up in S&B's main vault. It's a ten second double card time lock, and takes four minutes to open. That's our main target. It should be full of cash, and some valuables in the lock boxes if we're lucky." He explained, looking at each team member to make sure they were still paying attention.

"Then there's the secondary target. In the basement of S&B, there's another vault, according to rumor. Bain got some hands on the blueprints, and they seem to be true. Anyone who knows about Beckett, the co-founder of S&B banking, knows that he's got a hobby of collecting ancient artifacts. Guy has loads of Roman-era art, weapons, and some armor pieces. According to some shipping logs and some guess work, Beckett has located Julius Caesar's sword. Our guess is that it's hidden in the basement vault. God knows how much a piece like that would sell for to the right buyer." He said, grinning widely. "If anyone has any comments, now's the time."
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Robert gave a low whistle.

"That's one helluva operation to pull off for our first job as a group. Sounds like there'll be plenty of cops to kill if this goes south though, so count me interested." He looked at the others before he continued.

"As far as my expertise goes, I can tell you how we can best defend this bank if the cops show up before we have everything we want to loot. Looks like the best option is going to be to have myself cover the main entrance. Scott, if this were my operation, I'd want you to have a sight line on as many of the back entrances as possible so nobody sneaks around me and goes after the wizards while the work their vault opening magic.

Robert turned to Laurence and Lola. "I trust between the two of you that the vault will open up for us."

He then looked to Marcus and Tyler. "I'd need the two of you too keep an eye on any secondary entrances, on the off chance that Scott misses someone, as well as whatever civilians are in the bank when we hit it. And Tyler," Robert added with a smirk, "if you ever feel bored of doing your job, please, feel free to let me do mine."

"If anyone sees a flaw in this plan, please, point it out. I'd rather live to fight another day than die because my plan fell through."
"Well, I don't really have a problem with the plan… But," Lola added. "what do we do when we have the money? How are we going to get away? It's not like we can just walk out the way we came. Of course we also have a problem if they trigger the silent alarm. It would only give us about, let's say two minutes, before the cops arrive. Then there's the camera's that we have to avoid. I could take care of those, but I would need to go home to get my equipment, not to mention some other clothes and shoes." She lifted her foot, pointing at her white high heels. "I don't want these babies to be you're death." She smiled at Robert. "But what about Laurence? What do you think? After all, you're going to be my partner in this."
"Don't worry about going home to get equipment. We're in no rush here, we should take the time to prepare our route using the blueprints and maps.

As for the equipment, I bet there is such equipment in here too in including your gear. After all, this base looks decked with equipment.

Our biggest enemy here is haste and our best friend patience. That applies not only to the robbery but planning.

As for the cameras, I think the security room should be our first target. If we can disable the mastermind behind the security, we shall have a far easier job solving this heist."

He took a pause to take a breath and think.

"Also we need to consider our limits. While we could escape under gunfire, though would prefer not to, if they detect us before we can get into the hidden vault I'd say we would have to abandon that vault, or we would be under too much danger."

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"So my take on this is that we will have to take care of the camera man quietly, then we will have to take control of the bank and keep civilians tied down and away from the panic buttons. Then we find the key cards and open vault one. If we do all that quietly we, meaning Lola and I, can look for vault two, my guess is that it will be hidden and hard to get into because of its secrecy, therefor calling for some drills and/or explosives. Meanwhile the rest of you can keep the bank secured and be ready for any unsuspected surprises" Laurence paused as if going over the plan one more time in his head, then shook his head again as if agreeing. "As for getting the loot out, we can recruit our driver, JJ Micheals, to come pick up the bags and get us out of there when we are done."

"If things don't go as planned, my vote is to loot vault one and get out. No sense in risking things on our first op." Laurence continued, "But I do like money and would like to get it all. So my suggestion is to case the place before the op and find the best positions for ourselves to minimize the risk of civilians alerting the police."
"To put this in simpler words, then.." Marcus began, nodding at each person. "Someone needs to deal with the guy manning the security cameras. Either at the same time, or right before, we get the people under control. I recommend moving them all to an isolated room and confiscating their phones. Anyone who doesn't comply, I'll take care of. Knife in the leg does wonders for convincing people." He continued, giving a wicked grin.

"As soon as the civilians are under control, assuming we haven't blown our cover at this point, we get to work on the vault. That means finding the keycards, all that. Lola, I suggest you get yourself into the security room and watch the camera feeds while we work, make sure nothing's happening. You'll also have to handle any phone calls the bank gets, if any." Marcus explained, patting the woman's shoulder.

"If you've got any personal equipment you need to get, I suggest you retrieve it now. We can begin the planning phase without you, and explain it when you return."
"Thanks." Lola smiled and got up. "Mind one of you guys driving me? It's like an hour walk on my heels and I have quite some stuff to get. Oh and another thing Marcus." She said. "We need to get those keycards. We can't get into the vault without them. There's a big chance that they use dye packs if the vault is opened in another way and our money, together with everything else, would be cover in paint, useless and become a waste of our time. We really need them if this has to go right."
"I can give you a ride Lola." Robert said, standing.

"I'm not going to be much of a use planning for the first half of this op and I need to pick up as much ammo as I can carry for if this goes south." Robert quickly took stock of the weapons everyone was carrying.

"Alright, I think I can provide ammunition for everyone except Scott. I don't have any sniper rounds, but you've probably got that covered."

He looked to Marcus and added.

"I won't be too much use to you in the stealth phase, just stick me where you need another man, guarding civilians or such. Remember, if anyone sees me completely kitted out, they're likely to call the cops right off the bat."

Robert headed for the stairs and beckoned to Lola.

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